onmulti5.gms : Test set table and onmulti with deletes


Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : onmulti5.gms

$title Test set table and onmulti with deletes (ONMULTI5,SEQ=27)

$version 137
$if errorfree $goTo doit

$label doit

acronym abc;

set table m
   aaa  bbbb   ccc
1  0     1     -1
2  0.0  1.1    no
3  abc  na    yes
4  eps   na    yes

table o
   aaa  bbbb   ccc
1  0     1     -1
2  0.0  1.1    no
3  abc  na    yes
4  eps   na    yes


table m
   aaa  bbbb   ccc
1  1    0
3             no
4  no    na   0

table o
   aaa  bbbb   ccc
1  1    0
3             no
4  no    na   0

display  m,o;

set err elemenst different from par;

* because of NA we need to cast parameter o
err(u1,u2) = m(u1,u2) xor yes$o(u1,u2);
abort$card(err) 'something wrong', err;