onmulti8.gms : Test for $onMultiR


With GAMS 25.2 we introduced the new dollar control option "$onMultiR" which
works similar to "$onMulti" but replaces existing data instead of merging into
it. Here we test for the expected behavior.

Contributor: Lutz Westermann, October 2018

  $onMultiR does not extend existing data but replaces it

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : onmulti8.gms

$title 'Test for $onMultiR' (ONMULTI8,SEQ=787)

With GAMS 25.2 we introduced the new dollar control option "$onMultiR" which
works similar to "$onMulti" but replaces existing data instead of merging into
it. Here we test for the expected behavior.

Contributor: Lutz Westermann, October 2018

* $onMultiR does not extend existing data but replaces it
$onEcho > test.gms
set i    / a, b /;
set i    / c    /;

Set iWant / c /

iTest(u) = iWant(u) xor i(u);
abort$card(iTest) iTest;

$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%

* $onMultiR does also change dependent sets, if a domain set gets reduced
$onEcho > test.gms
set i          / a, b, c /;
Parameter p(i) / #i 2    /;
Variable  v(i) / #i.l 3  /;
Set i          / c, d    /;

Parameter pWant(u)  / c   2  /;
Variable  vWant(u)  / c.l 3  /;
Set       pTest(u),

pTest(i) = pWant(i) <> p(i);
abort$card(pTest) 'Problem in line %system.line%', pTest;

vTest(i) = vWant.l(i) <> v.l(i);
abort$card(vTest) 'Problem in line %system.line%', vTest;

$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo% gdx iCD
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%

* $onMultiR should also work with a table
$onEcho > test.gms
set i          / i1*i3 /
    ii(i,i)    / #i.#i /;
Table t(i,i)
   i1 i2 i3
i1  1  2  3
i2  4  5  6
i3  7  8  9 ;
Table t(i,i)
   i1 i3
i2  4  6
i3     9 ;

Set Table ti(i,i)
   i1 i3
i2  4  6
i3     9 ;

Table tWant(i,i)
   i1 i3
i2  4  6
i3     9 ;

Set Table tiWant(i,i)
   i1 i3
i2  4  6
i3     9 ;

Set tTest (i,i)

Alias (i,j);

tTest(i,j) = tWant(i,j) <> t(i,j);
abort$card(tTest) 'Problem in line %system.line%', tTest;

tiTest(i,j) = tiWant(i,j) xor ti(i,j);
abort$card(tTest) 'Problem in line %system.line%', tTest;

$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%

* $onMultiR should also work with $loadR; also with domain sets
$onEcho > test.gms
set i          / a, b, c /;
Parameter p(i) / #i 2    /;

$gdxIn iCD.gdx
$loadR i

Parameter pWant(u)  / c 2  /;
Set       pTest(u);

pTest(i) = pWant(i) <> p(i);
abort$card(pTest) 'Problem in line %system.line%', pTest;

$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%

* $onMultiR should also work with $load (should behave the same as $loadR); also with domain sets
$onEcho > test.gms
set i          / a, b, c /;
Parameter p(i) / #i 2    /;

$gdxIn iCD.gdx
$load i

Parameter pWant(u)  / c 2  /;
Set       pTest(u);

pTest(i) = pWant(i) <> p(i);
abort$card(pTest) 'Problem in line %system.line%', pTest;

$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%

* $onMultiR should also work with $loadM; also with domain sets
$onEcho > test.gms
set i          / a, b, c /;
Parameter p(i) / #i 2    /;

$gdxIn iCD.gdx
$loadM i


Set       iWant    / a, b, c, d   /;
Parameter pWant(u) / (a, b, c) 2  /;
Set       iTest(u)

iTest(u) = iWant(u) xor i(u);
abort$card(iTest) iTest;

pTest(i) = pWant(i) <> p(i);
abort$card(pTest) 'Problem in line %system.line%', pTest;

$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%

* $onMultiR should also work with empty data statements ($onEmpty); also with domain sets
$onEcho > test.gms
set i          / a, b, c /;
Parameter p(i) / #i 2    /;
Set i          /  /;

abort$card(p) 'Problem in line %system.line%', p;

$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%

* $onMultiR should also work with var/equ data statements
$onEcho > test.gms
set i          / a, b, c /;
Variable  v(i) / #i.l 3  /;
Variable Table w(i)
a  1
b  2
c  3
Variable  v(i) / c.l 3   /;
Variable Table w(i)
b  2

Variable  vWant(u)  / c.l 3  /
          wWant(u)  / b.l 2  /;
Set       vTest(u)

vTest(i) = vWant.l(i) <> v.l(i);
abort$card(vTest) 'Problem in line %system.line%', vTest;

wTest(i) = wWant.l(i) <> w.l(i);
abort$card(wTest) 'Problem in line %system.line%', wTest;

$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%

* $onMultiR should allow to redefine equations
$onEcho > test.gms
Variable  v, z;
Equation e;

v.fx = 1;
e.. z =e= v;
e.. z =e= 2*v;

model m /e/;
solve m use lp min z;

abort$(z.l <> 2) 'Problem in line %system.line%', z.l;

$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%

* $onMultiR should also work with $load while redefining a domain set
$onEchoV > data.gms
Set       i    / %uels% /
Parameter p(i) / #i 1 /;
$onEchoV > test.gms
Set       i /1*5/;
Parameter p(i);
$gdxIn data.gdx
$load p i p
display p,i;
Parameter pWant(u)  / (%uels%) 1 /;
Set       pTest(u);
pTest(i) = pWant(i) <> p(i);
abort$card(pTest) 'Problem in line %system.line%', pTest;

$call.checkErrorLevel gams data.gms gdx=data.gdx lo=%GAMS.lo% --uels="1*10"
$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo% --uels="1*10"
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%

$call.checkErrorLevel gams data.gms gdx=data.gdx lo=%GAMS.lo% --uels="A*E"
$call gams test.gms lo=%GAMS.lo% --uels="A*E"
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problem in line %system.line%