put6.gms : Test put utility rename feature


It should not matter if we have the file open or closed when
using rename, title, exec ... we only need to open if we
have inc gdl or htm

Contributor: Alex

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : put6.gms

$title 'Test put utility rename feature'  (PUT6,SEQ=313)


It should not matter if we have the file open or closed when
using rename, title, exec ... we only need to open if we
have inc gdl or htm

Contributor: Alex

file fx /'zero.txt'/; put fx;

                               putclose 'zero';
put_utility 'ren' / 'one.txt'; put 'one';
* Make sure that this still works when put is instructed to quote all string arguments
put_utility 'ren' / 'two.txt'; putclose 'two';

execute '=grep -q zero zero.txt'; abort$errorlevel 'zero not in zero.txt';
execute '=grep -q one   one.txt'; abort$errorlevel 'one not in one.txt';
execute '=grep -q two   two.txt'; abort$errorlevel 'two not in two.txt';