set1.gms : test basic $set scopting


Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : set1.gms

$title test basic $set scopting (SET1,SEQ=38)
$setGlobal b 'this is global b'
$if Not '%b%' == 'this is global b' $error b should be global
$set a 'set a'
$set b 'set b'
$if NOT '%a%' == 'set a' $error a should be == set a
$if NOT '%b%' == 'set b' $error b should be == set b
$set a 'set c'
$if NOT '%a%' == 'set c' $error a should be == set c
$set a
$if NOT '%a%' == '' $error a should be == ''
$setLocal a 'local a'
$if Not '%a%' == 'local a' $error a should be local
$setLocal b 'this is local b'
$if Not '%b%' == 'this is local b' $error b should be local