No Matches
1package com.gams.examples.tsp;
3import java.io.File;
4import java.util.ArrayList;
5import java.util.Collection;
6import java.util.HashMap;
7import java.util.List;
8import java.util.Map;
12import com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals;
13import com.gams.api.GAMSJob;
16import com.gams.api.GAMSOptions;
18import com.gams.api.GAMSSet;
32public class Tsp {
34 public static void main(String[] args) {
37 // check if system directory has been passed as an argument
38 if (args.length > 0)
39 wsInfo.setSystemDirectory(args[0]);
41 // create a directory
42 File workingDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "Tsp");
43 workingDirectory.mkdir();
45 wsInfo.setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
47 // create a workspace
48 GAMSWorkspace ws = new GAMSWorkspace(wsInfo);
50 // number of cuts that can be added to a model instance
51 int cutsPerRound = 10;
52 // current cut
53 int curCut = 0;
54 // cut limit for current model instance (cmax = curCut + cutsPerRound)
55 int cMax = 0;
57 // database used to collect all generated cuts
58 GAMSDatabase cutData = ws.addDatabase();
59 GAMSSet cc = cutData.addSet("cc", 1, "");
60 GAMSParameter acut = cutData.addParameter("acut", 3, "");
61 GAMSParameter rhscut = cutData.addParameter("rhscut", 1, "");
63 // list of cities (i1, i2, i3, ...)
64 List<String> n = new ArrayList<String>();
66 GAMSCheckpoint cp = null;
67 GAMSModelInstance mi = null;
68 GAMSParameter miAcut = null;
69 GAMSParameter miRhscut = null;
70 List<String> subTour = null;
73 do {
74 // create a new model instance when the cut limit is reached
75 if (curCut >= cMax) {
76 System.out.print(",");
77 cMax = curCut + cutsPerRound;
78 cutData.export();
80 // create the checkpoint
81 GAMSJob tspJob = ws.addJobFromString(model);
82 cp = ws.addCheckpoint();
83 GAMSOptions opt = ws.addOptions();
84 opt.defines("nrcities", "20");
85 opt.defines("cmax", Integer.toString(cMax - 1));
86 opt.defines("cutdata", cutData.getName());
89 // read input data from "tsp.gdx"
90 String gamsdir = ws.systemDirectory();
91 if (!gamsdir.endsWith(GAMSGlobals.FILE_SEPARATOR))
92 gamsdir += GAMSGlobals.FILE_SEPARATOR;
93 File datafile = new File(gamsdir + "apifiles" + GAMSGlobals.FILE_SEPARATOR
94 + "Data" + GAMSGlobals.FILE_SEPARATOR
95 + "tsp.gdx");
96 opt.defines("tspdata", "\"" + datafile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"");
97 tspJob.run(opt, cp);
99 // fill the n list only once
100 if (n.size() == 0)
101 for(GAMSSetRecord i : tspJob.OutDB().getSet("i"))
102 n.add(i.getKey(0));
104 // instantiate the model instance with modifiers miAcut and miRhscut
105 mi = cp.addModelInstance();
106 miAcut = mi.SyncDB().addParameter("acut", 3, "");
107 miRhscut = mi.SyncDB().addParameter("rhscut", 1, "");
108 GAMSModifier[] modifiers = { new GAMSModifier(miAcut), new GAMSModifier(miRhscut) };
109 mi.instantiate("assign use mip min z", modifiers);
110 }
111 else {
112 System.out.print(".");
113 }
114 // solve model instance using update type accumulate and clear acut and rhscut afterwards
116 mi.SyncDB().getParameter("acut").clear();
117 mi.SyncDB().getParameter("rhscut").clear();
119 // collect graph information from the solution
120 Map<String, String> graph = new HashMap<String, String>();
122 List <String> notVisited = new ArrayList<String>(n);
123 for(String i : n) {
124 for(String j : n) {
125 String[] keys = { i, j };
126 if (mi.SyncDB().getVariable("x").findRecord( keys ).getLevel() > 0.5)
127 graph.put(i, j);
128 }
129 }
132 // find all subtours and add the required cuts by modifying acut and rhscut
133 while (notVisited.size() != 0) {
134 String ii = notVisited.get(0);
135 subTour = new ArrayList<String>();
136 subTour.add(ii);
137 while (graph.get(ii) != notVisited.get(0))
138 {
139 ii = graph.get(ii);
140 subTour.add(ii);
141 }
143 final List<String> source = subTour;
144 IPredicate<String> doesNotContain = new IPredicate<String>() {
145 public boolean apply(String element) {
146 return !source.contains(element);
147 }
148 };
149 notVisited = (List<String>) filter(subTour, doesNotContain);
151 // add the cuts to both databases (cutData, mi.SyncDB)
152 for(String i : subTour) {
153 for(String j : subTour) {
154 String[] keys = { "c"+curCut, i, j };
155 acut.addRecord(keys).setValue( 1 );
156 miAcut.addRecord( keys ).setValue( 1 );
157 }
158 }
160 String key = "c"+curCut;
161 rhscut.addRecord( key ).setValue( subTour.size()-0.5 );
162 miRhscut.addRecord( key ).setValue( subTour.size()-0.5 );
163 cc.addRecord( key );
164 curCut += 1;
165 }
167 }
168 while(subTour.size() < n.size());
170 System.out.println();
171 System.out.println("z=" + mi.SyncDB().getVariable("z").getFirstRecord().getLevel());
172 System.out.println("sub_tour: ");
173 for(String i : subTour)
174 System.out.print(i + " -> ");
175 System.out.println( subTour.get(0) );
177 }
179 interface IPredicate<T> { boolean apply(T type); }
180 static <T> Collection<T> filter(Collection<T> target, IPredicate<T> predicate) {
181 Collection<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
182 for (T element : target) {
183 if (predicate.apply(element)) {
184 result.add(element);
185 }
186 }
187 return result;
188 }
190 static String model =
191 "$Title Traveling Salesman Problem \n" +
192 "$Ontext \n" +
193 " \n" +
194 "The sub_tour elimination constraints are generated by a Python \n" +
195 "script. The MIP is solved over and over, but GAMS have to \n" +
196 "generate the model only after n cuts have been added. \n" +
197 " \n" +
198 "$Offtext \n" +
199 " \n" +
200 "$if not set tspdata $abort 'tspdata not set' \n" +
201 " \n" +
202 "set ii cities \n" +
203 " i(ii) subset of cities \n" +
204 "alias (ii,jj),(i,j,k); \n" +
205 " \n" +
206 "parameter c(ii,jj) distance matrix; \n" +
207 " \n" +
208 "$gdxin %tspdata% \n" +
209 "$load ii c \n" +
210 " \n" +
211 "$if not set nrCities $set nrCities 20 \n" +
212 "i(ii)$(ord(ii) < %nrCities%) = yes; \n" +
213 " \n" +
214 "variables x(ii,jj) decision variables - leg of trip \n" +
215 " z objective variable; \n" +
216 "binary variable x; x.fx(ii,ii) = 0; \n" +
217 " \n" +
218 "equations objective total cost \n" +
219 " rowsum(ii) leave each city only once \n" +
220 " colsum(jj) arrive at each city only once; \n" +
221 " \n" +
222 "* the assignment problem is a relaxation of the TSP \n" +
223 "objective.. z =e= sum((i,j), c(i,j)*x(i,j)); \n" +
224 "rowsum(i).. sum(j, x(i,j)) =e= 1; \n" +
225 "colsum(j).. sum(i, x(i,j)) =e= 1; \n" +
226 " \n" +
227 "$if not set cmax $set cmax 2 \n" +
228 "set cut /c0*c%cmax%/; \n" +
229 "parameter \n" +
230 " acut(cut,ii,jj) cut constraint matrix \n" +
231 " rhscut(cut) cut constraint rhs; \n" +
232 " \n" +
233 "equation sscut(cut) sub_tour elimination cut; \n" +
234 "sscut(cut).. sum((i,j), Acut(cut,i,j)*x(i,j)) =l= RHScut(cut); \n" +
235 " \n" +
236 "set cc(cut) previous cuts; cc(cut) = no; \n" +
237 "$if set cutdata execute_load '%cutdata%', cc, Acut, RHScut; \n" +
238 " \n" +
239 "Acut(cut,i,j)$(not cc(cut)) = eps; \n" +
240 "RHScut(cut)$(not cc(cut)) = card(ii); \n" +
241 " \n" +
242 "model assign /all/; \n" +
243 " \n" +
244 "option optcr=0; \n";
GAMSModelInstance addModelInstance()
GAMSParameter getParameter(String identifier)
GAMSSet addSet(String identifier, int dimension)
GAMSParameter addParameter(String identifier, int dimension)
GAMSVariable getVariable(String identifier)
GAMSSet getSet(String identifier)
GAMSDatabase OutDB()
void instantiate(String modelDefinition, GAMSModifier ... modifiers)
void defines(String defStr, String asStr)
void setSystemDirectory(String directory)
void setWorkingDirectory(String directory)
GAMSJob addJobFromString(String source)
GAMSCheckpoint addCheckpoint()
This example demonstrates how to use a GAMSModelInstance to implement the subtour elimination algorit...
Definition Tsp.java:32
Provides package namespace for Java interface and examples to General Algebraic Model System (GAMS).