No Matches


enum  EAction
 GAMS processing request. More...
enum  EAppendExpand
 Expand file append option. More...
enum  EAppendOut
 Output file append option. More...
enum  EAsyncSolLst
 Print solution listing when asynchronous solve (Grid or Threads) is used. More...
enum  ECaptureModelInstance
 Switch to capture all model instances within a run. More...
enum  ECase
 Output case option for LST file. More...
enum  ECharSet
 Character set flag. More...
enum  ECheckErrorLevel
 Check errorLevel automatically after executing external program. More...
enum  EDFormat
 Date format. More...
enum  EDigit
 Switch default for "$on/offDigit". More...
enum  EDumpOpt
 Writes preprocessed input to the file input.dmp. More...
enum  EDumpParms
 GAMS parameter logging. More...
enum  EECImplicitLoad
 Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not. More...
enum  EEmpty
 Switch default for "$on/offEmpty". More...
enum  EErrMsg
 Placing of compilation error messages. More...
enum  EExecMode
 Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed. More...
enum  EFDOpt
 Options for finite differences. More...
enum  EFileCase
 Casing of file names and paths (put, gdx, ref, $include, etc.) More...
enum  EFiltered
 Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX. More...
enum  EForceWork
 Force GAMS to process a save file created with a newer GAMS version or with execution errors. More...
enum  EFreeEmbeddedPython
 Free external resources at the end of each embedded Python code blocks. More...
enum  EgdxCompress
 Compression of generated GDX file. More...
enum  EgdxConvert
 Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility) More...
enum  EgdxUels
 Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full. More...
enum  EHoldFixed
 Treat fixed variables as constants. More...
enum  EHoldFixedAsync
 Allow HoldFixed for models solved asynchronously as well. More...
enum  EImplicitAssign
 Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign". More...
enum  EInteractiveSolver
 Allow solver to interact via command line input. More...
enum  EIntVarUp
 Set mode for default upper bounds on integer variables. More...
enum  EKeep
 Controls keeping or deletion of process directory and scratch files. More...
enum  EListing
 Switch default for "$on/offListing". More...
enum  ELogLine
 Amount of line tracing to the log file. More...
enum  ELstTitleLeftAligned
 Write title of LST file all left aligned. More...
enum  EMIIMode
 Model Instance Mode. More...
enum  ENoNewVarEqu
 Triggers a compilation error when new equations or variable symbols are introduced. More...
enum  EOn115
 Generate errors for unknown unique element in an equation. More...
enum  EPageContr
 Output file page control option. More...
enum  EPrefixLoadPath
 Prepend GAMS system directory to library load path. More...
enum  EPreviousWork
 Indicator for writing workfile with previous workfile version. More...
enum  EProcTreeMemMonitor
 Monitor the memory used by the GAMS process tree. More...
enum  EPutNR
 Numeric round format for put files. More...
enum  EReferenceLineNo
 Controls the line numbers written to a reference file. More...
enum  EReplace
 Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol. More...
enum  ESavePoint
 Save solver point in GDX file. More...
enum  EShowOSMemory
 Show the memory usage reported by the Operating System instead of the internal counting. More...
enum  ESolPrint
 Solution report print option. More...
enum  ESolveLink
 Solver link option. More...
enum  ESolveOpt
 Multiple solve management. More...
enum  EStepSum
 Summary of computing resources used by job steps. More...
enum  EstrictSingleton
 Error if assignment to singleton set has multiple elements. More...
enum  EStringChk
 String substitution options. More...
enum  ESuffixAlgebraVars
 Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars". More...
enum  ESuffixDLVars
 Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars". More...
enum  ESuppress
 Compiler listing option. More...
enum  ESys10
 Changes rpower to ipower when the exponent is constant and within 1e-12 of an integer. More...
enum  ESys11
 Dynamic resorting if indices in assignment/data statements are not in natural order. More...
enum  ESysOut
 Solver Status file reporting option. More...
enum  ETFormat
 Time format. More...
enum  ETraceOpt
 Trace file format option. More...
enum  EZeroResRep
 Report underflow as a warning when abs(results) LE ZeroRes and result set to zero. More...

Public Member Functions

void export (String filePath) throws IOException
 Write GAMSOptions into a parameter file.
List< String > getInputDirectories ()
 get input file directories
String getSelectedSolvers (int index)
 get selected solvers
List< String > getAllSelectedSolvers ()
 get all selected solvers
void setAllSelectedSolvers (List< String > solvers)
 set all selected solvers
List< String > getAllSolversOptions ()
 get all selected solvers
void setSolversOptions (List< String > solvers)
 set all selected solvers
List< String > getIDir ()
 get input file directories
boolean isIDirEmpty ()
 check if the list of input file directories is empty
String getIDir (int index)
 get an input file directory of specified index
Map< String, String > getDefinitions ()
 get all definitions of GAMS Dash options
boolean isDefinitionEmpty ()
 check if the list of GAMS Dash options dictionaries is empty
String getDefinitionOf (String str)
 get the definition of GAMS Dash options
void defines (String defStr, String asStr)
 set the definition of GAMS Dash options
void readFromStr (String str)
 read from string
int writeParameterFile (String fileName)
 write parameter file
String getGDX ()
 get Gams data exchange file name
void setGDX (String gdxFileName)
 set Gams data exchange file name
GAMSOptions.EAction getAction ()
 get GAMS processing request
void setAction (GAMSOptions.EAction x)
 set GAMS processing request
GAMSOptions.EAppendExpand getAppendExpand ()
 get Expand file append option
void setAppendExpand (GAMSOptions.EAppendExpand x)
 set Expand file append option
GAMSOptions.EAppendOut getAppendOut ()
 get Output file append option
void setAppendOut (GAMSOptions.EAppendOut x)
 set Output file append option
GAMSOptions.EAsyncSolLst getAsyncSolLst ()
 get Print solution listing when asynchronous solve (Grid or Threads) is used
void setAsyncSolLst (GAMSOptions.EAsyncSolLst x)
 set Print solution listing when asynchronous solve (Grid or Threads) is used
double getBratio ()
 get Basis detection threshold
void setBratio (double x)
 set Basis detection threshold
GAMSOptions.ECaptureModelInstance getCaptureModelInstance ()
 get Switch to capture all model instances within a run
void setCaptureModelInstance (GAMSOptions.ECaptureModelInstance x)
 set Switch to capture all model instances within a run
GAMSOptions.ECase getCase ()
 get Output case option for LST file
void setCase (GAMSOptions.ECase x)
 set Output case option for LST file
int getCErr ()
 get Compile time error limit
void setCErr (int x)
 set Compile time error limit
GAMSOptions.ECharSet getCharSet ()
 get Character set flag
void setCharSet (GAMSOptions.ECharSet x)
 set Character set flag
GAMSOptions.ECheckErrorLevel getCheckErrorLevel ()
 get Check errorLevel automatically after executing external program
void setCheckErrorLevel (GAMSOptions.ECheckErrorLevel x)
 set Check errorLevel automatically after executing external program
String getDecryptKey ()
 get Key to decrypt a text file that was encrypted via $encrypt
void setDecryptKey (String x)
 set Key to decrypt a text file that was encrypted via $encrypt
GAMSOptions.EDFormat getDFormat ()
 get Date format
void setDFormat (GAMSOptions.EDFormat x)
 set Date format
GAMSOptions.EDigit getDigit ()
 get Switch default for "$on/offDigit"
void setDigit (GAMSOptions.EDigit x)
 set Switch default for "$on/offDigit"
int getDomLim ()
 get Domain violation limit solver default
void setDomLim (int x)
 set Domain violation limit solver default
GAMSOptions.EDumpOpt getDumpOpt ()
 get Writes preprocessed input to the file input.dmp
void setDumpOpt (GAMSOptions.EDumpOpt x)
 set Writes preprocessed input to the file input.dmp
String getDumpOptGDX ()
 get Defines a GDX file name stem created when using DumpOpt
void setDumpOptGDX (String x)
 set Defines a GDX file name stem created when using DumpOpt
GAMSOptions.EDumpParms getDumpParms ()
 get GAMS parameter logging
void setDumpParms (GAMSOptions.EDumpParms x)
 set GAMS parameter logging
String getDumpParmsLogPrefix ()
 get Prefix of lines triggered by DumpParms>1
void setDumpParmsLogPrefix (String x)
 set Prefix of lines triggered by DumpParms>1
GAMSOptions.EECImplicitLoad getECImplicitLoad ()
 get Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not
void setECImplicitLoad (GAMSOptions.EECImplicitLoad x)
 set Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not
GAMSOptions.EEmpty getEmpty ()
 get Switch default for "$on/offEmpty"
void setEmpty (GAMSOptions.EEmpty x)
 set Switch default for "$on/offEmpty"
String getEncryptKey ()
 get Key to encrypt a text file using $encrypt
void setEncryptKey (String x)
 set Key to encrypt a text file using $encrypt
String getEolCom ()
 get Switch default for "$on/offEolCom" and "$eolCom"
void setEolCom (String x)
 set Switch default for "$on/offEolCom" and "$eolCom"
GAMSOptions.EErrMsg getErrMsg ()
 get Placing of compilation error messages
void setErrMsg (GAMSOptions.EErrMsg x)
 set Placing of compilation error messages
int getErrorLog ()
 get Max error message lines written to the log for each error
void setErrorLog (int x)
 set Max error message lines written to the log for each error
double getETLim ()
 get Elapsed time limit in seconds
void setETLim (double x)
 set Elapsed time limit in seconds
GAMSOptions.EExecMode getExecMode ()
 get Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed
void setExecMode (GAMSOptions.EExecMode x)
 set Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed
String getExpand ()
 get Expanded (include) input file name
void setExpand (String x)
 set Expanded (include) input file name
double getFDDelta ()
 get Step size for finite differences
void setFDDelta (double x)
 set Step size for finite differences
GAMSOptions.EFDOpt getFDOpt ()
 get Options for finite differences
void setFDOpt (GAMSOptions.EFDOpt x)
 set Options for finite differences
String getFErr ()
 get Alternative error message file
void setFErr (String x)
 set Alternative error message file
GAMSOptions.EFileCase getFileCase ()
 get Casing of file names and paths (put, gdx, ref, $include, etc.)
void setFileCase (GAMSOptions.EFileCase x)
 set Casing of file names and paths (put, gdx, ref, $include, etc.)
String getFileStem ()
 get Sets the file stem for output files which use the input file name as stem by default
void setFileStem (String x)
 set Sets the file stem for output files which use the input file name as stem by default
String getFileStemApFromEnv ()
 get Append a string read from an environment variable to the "FileStem"
void setFileStemApFromEnv (String x)
 set Append a string read from an environment variable to the "FileStem"
GAMSOptions.EFiltered getFiltered ()
 get Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX
void setFiltered (GAMSOptions.EFiltered x)
 set Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX
int getForceOptFile ()
 get Overwrites other option file section mechanism
void setForceOptFile (int x)
 set Overwrites other option file section mechanism
GAMSOptions.EForceWork getForceWork ()
 get Force GAMS to process a save file created with a newer GAMS version or with execution errors
void setForceWork (GAMSOptions.EForceWork x)
 set Force GAMS to process a save file created with a newer GAMS version or with execution errors
int getForLim ()
 get GAMS looping limit
void setForLim (int x)
 set GAMS looping limit
GAMSOptions.EFreeEmbeddedPython getFreeEmbeddedPython ()
 get Free external resources at the end of each embedded Python code blocks
void setFreeEmbeddedPython (GAMSOptions.EFreeEmbeddedPython x)
 set Free external resources at the end of each embedded Python code blocks
GAMSOptions.EgdxCompress getgdxCompress ()
 get Compression of generated GDX file
void setgdxCompress (GAMSOptions.EgdxCompress x)
 set Compression of generated GDX file
GAMSOptions.EgdxConvert getgdxConvert ()
 get Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility)
void setgdxConvert (GAMSOptions.EgdxConvert x)
 set Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility)
GAMSOptions.EgdxUels getgdxUels ()
 get Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full
void setgdxUels (GAMSOptions.EgdxUels x)
 set Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full
String getGridDir ()
 get Grid file directory
void setGridDir (String x)
 set Grid file directory
String getGridScript ()
 get Grid submission script
void setGridScript (String x)
 set Grid submission script
double getHeapLimit ()
 get Maximum Heap size allowed in MB
void setHeapLimit (double x)
 set Maximum Heap size allowed in MB
GAMSOptions.EHoldFixed getHoldFixed ()
 get Treat fixed variables as constants
void setHoldFixed (GAMSOptions.EHoldFixed x)
 set Treat fixed variables as constants
GAMSOptions.EHoldFixedAsync getHoldFixedAsync ()
 get Allow HoldFixed for models solved asynchronously as well
void setHoldFixedAsync (GAMSOptions.EHoldFixedAsync x)
 set Allow HoldFixed for models solved asynchronously as well
String getIDCGDXInput ()
 get GDX file name with data for implicit input
void setIDCGDXInput (String x)
 set GDX file name with data for implicit input
String getIDCGDXOutput ()
 get GDX file name for data for implicit output
void setIDCGDXOutput (String x)
 set GDX file name for data for implicit output
GAMSOptions.EImplicitAssign getImplicitAssign ()
 get Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign"
void setImplicitAssign (GAMSOptions.EImplicitAssign x)
 set Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign"
String getInlineCom ()
 get Switch default for "$on/offInline" and "$inlineCom"
void setInlineCom (String x)
 set Switch default for "$on/offInline" and "$inlineCom"
int getInteger1 ()
 get Integer communication cell N
void setInteger1 (int x)
 set Integer communication cell N
int getInteger2 ()
 get Integer communication cell N
void setInteger2 (int x)
 set Integer communication cell N
int getInteger3 ()
 get Integer communication cell N
void setInteger3 (int x)
 set Integer communication cell N
int getInteger4 ()
 get Integer communication cell N
void setInteger4 (int x)
 set Integer communication cell N
int getInteger5 ()
 get Integer communication cell N
void setInteger5 (int x)
 set Integer communication cell N
GAMSOptions.EInteractiveSolver getInteractiveSolver ()
 get Allow solver to interact via command line input
void setInteractiveSolver (GAMSOptions.EInteractiveSolver x)
 set Allow solver to interact via command line input
GAMSOptions.EIntVarUp getIntVarUp ()
 get Set mode for default upper bounds on integer variables
void setIntVarUp (GAMSOptions.EIntVarUp x)
 set Set mode for default upper bounds on integer variables
int getIterLim ()
 get Iteration limit of solver
void setIterLim (int x)
 set Iteration limit of solver
String getJobTrace ()
 get Job trace string to be written to the trace file at the end of a GAMS job
void setJobTrace (String x)
 set Job trace string to be written to the trace file at the end of a GAMS job
GAMSOptions.EKeep getKeep ()
 get Controls keeping or deletion of process directory and scratch files
void setKeep (GAMSOptions.EKeep x)
 set Controls keeping or deletion of process directory and scratch files
String getLibIncDir ()
 get LibInclude directory
void setLibIncDir (String x)
 set LibInclude directory
String getLicense ()
 get Use alternative license file
void setLicense (String x)
 set Use alternative license file
int getLimCol ()
 get Maximum number of columns listed in one variable block
void setLimCol (int x)
 set Maximum number of columns listed in one variable block
int getLimRow ()
 get Maximum number of rows listed in one equation block
void setLimRow (int x)
 set Maximum number of rows listed in one equation block
GAMSOptions.EListing getListing ()
 get Switch default for "$on/offListing"
void setListing (GAMSOptions.EListing x)
 set Switch default for "$on/offListing"
GAMSOptions.ELogLine getLogLine ()
 get Amount of line tracing to the log file
void setLogLine (GAMSOptions.ELogLine x)
 set Amount of line tracing to the log file
GAMSOptions.ELstTitleLeftAligned getLstTitleLeftAligned ()
 get Write title of LST file all left aligned
void setLstTitleLeftAligned (GAMSOptions.ELstTitleLeftAligned x)
 set Write title of LST file all left aligned
int getMaxExecError ()
 get Execution time error limit
void setMaxExecError (int x)
 set Execution time error limit
int getMaxProcDir ()
 get Maximum number of 225* process directories
void setMaxProcDir (int x)
 set Maximum number of 225* process directories
GAMSOptions.EMIIMode getMIIMode ()
 get Model Instance Mode
void setMIIMode (GAMSOptions.EMIIMode x)
 set Model Instance Mode
String getMulti ()
 get Switch default for "$on/offMulti[R]"
void setMulti (String x)
 set Switch default for "$on/offMulti[R]"
int getNodLim ()
 get Node limit in branch and bound tree
void setNodLim (int x)
 set Node limit in branch and bound tree
GAMSOptions.ENoNewVarEqu getNoNewVarEqu ()
 get Triggers a compilation error when new equations or variable symbols are introduced
void setNoNewVarEqu (GAMSOptions.ENoNewVarEqu x)
 set Triggers a compilation error when new equations or variable symbols are introduced
GAMSOptions.EOn115 getOn115 ()
 get Generate errors for unknown unique element in an equation
void setOn115 (GAMSOptions.EOn115 x)
 set Generate errors for unknown unique element in an equation
double getOptCA ()
 get Absolute Optimality criterion solver default
void setOptCA (double x)
 set Absolute Optimality criterion solver default
double getOptCR ()
 get Relative Optimality criterion solver default
void setOptCR (double x)
 set Relative Optimality criterion solver default
String getOptDir ()
 get Option file directory
void setOptDir (String x)
 set Option file directory
int getOptFile ()
 get Default option file
void setOptFile (int x)
 set Default option file
String getOutput ()
 get Listing file name
void setOutput (String x)
 set Listing file name
GAMSOptions.EPageContr getPageContr ()
 get Output file page control option
void setPageContr (GAMSOptions.EPageContr x)
 set Output file page control option
int getPageSize ()
 get Output file page size (=0 no paging)
void setPageSize (int x)
 set Output file page size (=0 no paging)
int getPageWidth ()
 get Output file page width
void setPageWidth (int x)
 set Output file page width
String getPLicense ()
 get Privacy license file name
void setPLicense (String x)
 set Privacy license file name
GAMSOptions.EPrefixLoadPath getPrefixLoadPath ()
 get Prepend GAMS system directory to library load path
void setPrefixLoadPath (GAMSOptions.EPrefixLoadPath x)
 set Prepend GAMS system directory to library load path
GAMSOptions.EPreviousWork getPreviousWork ()
 get Indicator for writing workfile with previous workfile version
void setPreviousWork (GAMSOptions.EPreviousWork x)
 set Indicator for writing workfile with previous workfile version
GAMSOptions.EProcTreeMemMonitor getProcTreeMemMonitor ()
 get Monitor the memory used by the GAMS process tree
void setProcTreeMemMonitor (GAMSOptions.EProcTreeMemMonitor x)
 set Monitor the memory used by the GAMS process tree
int getProcTreeMemTicks ()
 get Set wait interval between memory monitor checks: ticks = milliseconds
void setProcTreeMemTicks (int x)
 set Set wait interval between memory monitor checks: ticks = milliseconds
int getProfile ()
 get Execution profiling
void setProfile (int x)
 set Execution profiling
String getProfileFile ()
 get Write profile information to this file
void setProfileFile (String x)
 set Write profile information to this file
double getProfileTol ()
 get Minimum time a statement must use to appear in profile generated output
void setProfileTol (double x)
 set Minimum time a statement must use to appear in profile generated output
String getPutDir ()
 get Put file directory
void setPutDir (String x)
 set Put file directory
int getPutND ()
 get Number of decimals for put files
void setPutND (int x)
 set Number of decimals for put files
GAMSOptions.EPutNR getPutNR ()
 get Numeric round format for put files
void setPutNR (GAMSOptions.EPutNR x)
 set Numeric round format for put files
int getPutPS ()
 get Page size for put files
void setPutPS (int x)
 set Page size for put files
int getPutPW ()
 get Page width for put files
void setPutPW (int x)
 set Page width for put files
String getReference ()
 get Symbol reference file
void setReference (String x)
 set Symbol reference file
GAMSOptions.EReferenceLineNo getReferenceLineNo ()
 get Controls the line numbers written to a reference file
void setReferenceLineNo (GAMSOptions.EReferenceLineNo x)
 set Controls the line numbers written to a reference file
GAMSOptions.EReplace getReplace ()
 get Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol
void setReplace (GAMSOptions.EReplace x)
 set Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol
double getResLim ()
 get Wall-clock time limit for solver
void setResLim (double x)
 set Wall-clock time limit for solver
GAMSOptions.ESavePoint getSavePoint ()
 get Save solver point in GDX file
void setSavePoint (GAMSOptions.ESavePoint x)
 set Save solver point in GDX file
String getScriptExit ()
 get Program or script to be executed at the end of a GAMS run
void setScriptExit (String x)
 set Program or script to be executed at the end of a GAMS run
int getSeed ()
 get Random number seed
void setSeed (int x)
 set Random number seed
GAMSOptions.EShowOSMemory getShowOSMemory ()
 get Show the memory usage reported by the Operating System instead of the internal counting
void setShowOSMemory (GAMSOptions.EShowOSMemory x)
 set Show the memory usage reported by the Operating System instead of the internal counting
GAMSOptions.ESolPrint getSolPrint ()
 get Solution report print option
void setSolPrint (GAMSOptions.ESolPrint x)
 set Solution report print option
GAMSOptions.ESolveLink getSolveLink ()
 get Solver link option
void setSolveLink (GAMSOptions.ESolveLink x)
 set Solver link option
GAMSOptions.ESolveOpt getSolveOpt ()
 get Multiple solve management
void setSolveOpt (GAMSOptions.ESolveOpt x)
 set Multiple solve management
GAMSOptions.EStepSum getStepSum ()
 get Summary of computing resources used by job steps
void setStepSum (GAMSOptions.EStepSum x)
 set Summary of computing resources used by job steps
GAMSOptions.EstrictSingleton getstrictSingleton ()
 get Error if assignment to singleton set has multiple elements
void setstrictSingleton (GAMSOptions.EstrictSingleton x)
 set Error if assignment to singleton set has multiple elements
GAMSOptions.EStringChk getStringChk ()
 get String substitution options
void setStringChk (GAMSOptions.EStringChk x)
 set String substitution options
GAMSOptions.ESuffixDLVars getSuffixDLVars ()
 get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars"
void setSuffixDLVars (GAMSOptions.ESuffixDLVars x)
 set Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars"
GAMSOptions.ESuffixAlgebraVars getSuffixAlgebraVars ()
 get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars"
void setSuffixAlgebraVars (GAMSOptions.ESuffixAlgebraVars x)
 set Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars"
GAMSOptions.ESuppress getSuppress ()
 get Compiler listing option
void setSuppress (GAMSOptions.ESuppress x)
 set Compiler listing option
String getSymbol ()
 get Symbol table file
void setSymbol (String x)
 set Symbol table file
String getSymPrefix ()
 get Prefix all symbols encountered during compilation by the specified string in work file
void setSymPrefix (String x)
 set Prefix all symbols encountered during compilation by the specified string in work file
GAMSOptions.ESys10 getSys10 ()
 get Changes rpower to ipower when the exponent is constant and within 1e-12 of an integer
void setSys10 (GAMSOptions.ESys10 x)
 set Changes rpower to ipower when the exponent is constant and within 1e-12 of an integer
GAMSOptions.ESys11 getSys11 ()
 get Dynamic resorting if indices in assignment/data statements are not in natural order
void setSys11 (GAMSOptions.ESys11 x)
 set Dynamic resorting if indices in assignment/data statements are not in natural order
int getSys12 ()
 get Pass model with generation errors to solver
void setSys12 (int x)
 set Pass model with generation errors to solver
String getSysIncDir ()
 get SysInclude directory
void setSysIncDir (String x)
 set SysInclude directory
GAMSOptions.ESysOut getSysOut ()
 get Solver Status file reporting option
void setSysOut (GAMSOptions.ESysOut x)
 set Solver Status file reporting option
int getTabIn ()
 get Tab spacing
void setTabIn (int x)
 set Tab spacing
GAMSOptions.ETFormat getTFormat ()
 get Time format
void setTFormat (GAMSOptions.ETFormat x)
 set Time format
int getThreads ()
 get Number of processors to be used by a solver
void setThreads (int x)
 set Number of processors to be used by a solver
int getThreadsAsync ()
 get Limit on number of threads to be used for asynchronous solves (solveLink=6)
void setThreadsAsync (int x)
 set Limit on number of threads to be used for asynchronous solves (solveLink=6)
int getTimer ()
 get Instruction timer threshold in milli seconds
void setTimer (int x)
 set Instruction timer threshold in milli seconds
String getTrace ()
 get Trace file name
void setTrace (String x)
 set Trace file name
int getTraceLevel ()
 get Modelstat/Solvestat threshold used in conjunction with action=GT
void setTraceLevel (int x)
 set Modelstat/Solvestat threshold used in conjunction with action=GT
GAMSOptions.ETraceOpt getTraceOpt ()
 get Trace file format option
void setTraceOpt (GAMSOptions.ETraceOpt x)
 set Trace file format option
String getUser1 ()
 get User string N
void setUser1 (String x)
 set User string N
String getUser2 ()
 get User string N
void setUser2 (String x)
 set User string N
String getUser3 ()
 get User string N
void setUser3 (String x)
 set User string N
String getUser4 ()
 get User string N
void setUser4 (String x)
 set User string N
String getUser5 ()
 get User string N
void setUser5 (String x)
 set User string N
int getWarnings ()
 get Number of warnings permitted before a run terminates
void setWarnings (int x)
 set Number of warnings permitted before a run terminates
double getWorkFactor ()
 get Memory Estimate multiplier for some solvers
void setWorkFactor (double x)
 set Memory Estimate multiplier for some solvers
double getWorkSpace ()
 get Work space for some solvers in MB
void setWorkSpace (double x)
 set Work space for some solvers in MB
double getZeroRes ()
 get The results of certain operations will be set to zero if abs(result) LE ZeroRes
void setZeroRes (double x)
 set The results of certain operations will be set to zero if abs(result) LE ZeroRes
GAMSOptions.EZeroResRep getZeroResRep ()
 get Report underflow as a warning when abs(results) LE ZeroRes and result set to zero
void setZeroResRep (GAMSOptions.EZeroResRep x)
 set Report underflow as a warning when abs(results) LE ZeroRes and result set to zero
String getLP ()
 get default LP solver
void setLP (String x)
 set default LP solver
String getMIP ()
 get default MIP solver
void setMIP (String x)
 set default MIP solver
String getRMIP ()
 get default RMIP solver
void setRMIP (String x)
 set default RMIP solver
String getNLP ()
 get default NLP solver
void setNLP (String x)
 set default NLP solver
String getMCP ()
 get default MCP solver
void setMCP (String x)
 set default MCP solver
String getMPEC ()
 get default MPEC solver
void setMPEC (String x)
 set default MPEC solver
String getRMPEC ()
 get default RMPEC solver
void setRMPEC (String x)
 set default RMPEC solver
String getCNS ()
 get default CNS solver
void setCNS (String x)
 set default CNS solver
String getDNLP ()
 get default DNLP solver
void setDNLP (String x)
 set default DNLP solver
String getRMINLP ()
 get default RMINLP solver
void setRMINLP (String x)
 set default RMINLP solver
String getMINLP ()
 get default MINLP solver
void setMINLP (String x)
 set default MINLP solver
String getQCP ()
 get default QCP solver
void setQCP (String x)
 set default QCP solver
String getMIQCP ()
 get default MIQCP solver
void setMIQCP (String x)
 set default MIQCP solver
String getRMIQCP ()
 get default RMIQCP solver
void setRMIQCP (String x)
 set default RMIQCP solver
String getEMP ()
 get default EMP solver
void setEMP (String x)
 set default EMP solver
void setAllModelTypes (String value)
 Set default solver for all model types which the solver can handle.
void setModelTypesForSolvers ()
 Set default solver for all model types which the solver can handle.
void ResetToDefault ()
 Reset all GAMS options to default.
void dispose ()
 Release external resources hold by non-java library.

Public Attributes

Map< String, String > definitions = null
 Dictionaries for GAMS Dash options.
List< String > IDir = null
 Input file directories (up to 40 are allowed)

Protected Member Functions

void finalize () throws Throwable
 Release resources used by non-java library, called by Garbage collector.

Detailed Description

The GAMSOptions class manages GAMS options (sometimes also called GAMSParameter, since they correspond to the command line parameters of the GAMS executable) for a GAMSJob and GAMSModelInstance. There are integer (e.g. NodLim), double (e.g. ResLim), and string (e.g. PutDir) valued options. There are also a few list options (Defines to set string macros inside GAMS and IDir provide multiple search paths for include files) and a power option to set a solver for all suitable model types (AllModelTypes).

Some options known from other interfaces to GAMS that are of limited use or could even create problematic situations in the Java environment are not settable through the GAMSOptions class.

For some options (e.g. Case) other GAMS interfaces use numeric values (e.g. 0,1) while the GAMSOptions class has enumerated types with proper names (e.g. MixedCase, UpperCase).

See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ defines()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.defines ( String defStr,
String asStr )

set the definition of GAMS Dash options

asStrdefinition string

◆ dispose()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.dispose ( )

Release external resources hold by non-java library.

A subsequent call on the object after disposed potentially causes an unexpected error or exception.

Call this method either when the object is no longer needed and/or when resource management is a critical issue in the application.

◆ export()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.export ( String filePath) throws IOException

Write GAMSOptions into a parameter file.

filePathThe file path used to write the parameter file. A relative path is relative to the GAMS working directory.
IOExceptionIf the file could not be read successfully

◆ finalize()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.finalize ( ) throws Throwable

Release resources used by non-java library, called by Garbage collector.

exceptionor error raised by calling finalize().

◆ getAction()

GAMSOptions.EAction com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getAction ( )

get GAMS processing request

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getAllSelectedSolvers()

List< String > com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getAllSelectedSolvers ( )

get all selected solvers

◆ getAllSolversOptions()

List< String > com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getAllSolversOptions ( )

get all selected solvers

◆ getAppendExpand()

GAMSOptions.EAppendExpand com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getAppendExpand ( )

get Expand file append option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getAppendOut()

GAMSOptions.EAppendOut com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getAppendOut ( )

get Output file append option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getAsyncSolLst()

GAMSOptions.EAsyncSolLst com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getAsyncSolLst ( )

get Print solution listing when asynchronous solve (Grid or Threads) is used

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getBratio()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getBratio ( )

get Basis detection threshold

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getCaptureModelInstance()

GAMSOptions.ECaptureModelInstance com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getCaptureModelInstance ( )

get Switch to capture all model instances within a run

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getCase()

GAMSOptions.ECase com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getCase ( )

get Output case option for LST file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getCErr()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getCErr ( )

get Compile time error limit

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getCharSet()

GAMSOptions.ECharSet com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getCharSet ( )

get Character set flag

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getCheckErrorLevel()

GAMSOptions.ECheckErrorLevel com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getCheckErrorLevel ( )

get Check errorLevel automatically after executing external program

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getCNS()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getCNS ( )

get default CNS solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getDecryptKey()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDecryptKey ( )

get Key to decrypt a text file that was encrypted via $encrypt

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getDefinitionOf()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDefinitionOf ( String str)

get the definition of GAMS Dash options

the definition that matches string

◆ getDefinitions()

Map< String, String > com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDefinitions ( )

get all definitions of GAMS Dash options

◆ getDFormat()

GAMSOptions.EDFormat com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDFormat ( )

get Date format

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getDigit()

GAMSOptions.EDigit com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDigit ( )

get Switch default for "$on/offDigit"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getDNLP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDNLP ( )

get default DNLP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getDomLim()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDomLim ( )

get Domain violation limit solver default

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getDumpOpt()

GAMSOptions.EDumpOpt com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDumpOpt ( )

get Writes preprocessed input to the file input.dmp

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getDumpOptGDX()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDumpOptGDX ( )

get Defines a GDX file name stem created when using DumpOpt

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getDumpParms()

GAMSOptions.EDumpParms com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDumpParms ( )

get GAMS parameter logging

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getDumpParmsLogPrefix()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getDumpParmsLogPrefix ( )

get Prefix of lines triggered by DumpParms>1

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getECImplicitLoad()

GAMSOptions.EECImplicitLoad com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getECImplicitLoad ( )

get Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getEMP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getEMP ( )

get default EMP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getEmpty()

GAMSOptions.EEmpty com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getEmpty ( )

get Switch default for "$on/offEmpty"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getEncryptKey()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getEncryptKey ( )

get Key to encrypt a text file using $encrypt

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getEolCom()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getEolCom ( )

get Switch default for "$on/offEolCom" and "$eolCom"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getErrMsg()

GAMSOptions.EErrMsg com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getErrMsg ( )

get Placing of compilation error messages

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getErrorLog()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getErrorLog ( )

get Max error message lines written to the log for each error

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getETLim()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getETLim ( )

get Elapsed time limit in seconds

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getExecMode()

GAMSOptions.EExecMode com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getExecMode ( )

get Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getExpand()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getExpand ( )

get Expanded (include) input file name

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getFDDelta()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getFDDelta ( )

get Step size for finite differences

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getFDOpt()

GAMSOptions.EFDOpt com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getFDOpt ( )

get Options for finite differences

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getFErr()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getFErr ( )

get Alternative error message file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getFileCase()

GAMSOptions.EFileCase com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getFileCase ( )

get Casing of file names and paths (put, gdx, ref, $include, etc.)

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getFileStem()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getFileStem ( )

get Sets the file stem for output files which use the input file name as stem by default

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getFileStemApFromEnv()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getFileStemApFromEnv ( )

get Append a string read from an environment variable to the "FileStem"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getFiltered()

GAMSOptions.EFiltered com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getFiltered ( )

get Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getForceOptFile()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getForceOptFile ( )

get Overwrites other option file section mechanism

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getForceWork()

GAMSOptions.EForceWork com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getForceWork ( )

get Force GAMS to process a save file created with a newer GAMS version or with execution errors

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getForLim()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getForLim ( )

get GAMS looping limit

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getFreeEmbeddedPython()

GAMSOptions.EFreeEmbeddedPython com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getFreeEmbeddedPython ( )

get Free external resources at the end of each embedded Python code blocks

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getGDX()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getGDX ( )

get Gams data exchange file name

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available..

◆ getgdxCompress()

GAMSOptions.EgdxCompress com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getgdxCompress ( )

get Compression of generated GDX file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getgdxConvert()

GAMSOptions.EgdxConvert com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getgdxConvert ( )

get Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility)

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getgdxUels()

GAMSOptions.EgdxUels com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getgdxUels ( )

get Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getGridDir()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getGridDir ( )

get Grid file directory

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getGridScript()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getGridScript ( )

get Grid submission script

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getHeapLimit()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getHeapLimit ( )

get Maximum Heap size allowed in MB

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getHoldFixed()

GAMSOptions.EHoldFixed com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getHoldFixed ( )

get Treat fixed variables as constants

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getHoldFixedAsync()

GAMSOptions.EHoldFixedAsync com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getHoldFixedAsync ( )

get Allow HoldFixed for models solved asynchronously as well

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getIDCGDXInput()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getIDCGDXInput ( )

get GDX file name with data for implicit input

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getIDCGDXOutput()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getIDCGDXOutput ( )

get GDX file name for data for implicit output

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getIDir() [1/2]

List< String > com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getIDir ( )

get input file directories

◆ getIDir() [2/2]

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getIDir ( int index)

get an input file directory of specified index

◆ getImplicitAssign()

GAMSOptions.EImplicitAssign com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getImplicitAssign ( )

get Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getInlineCom()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getInlineCom ( )

get Switch default for "$on/offInline" and "$inlineCom"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getInputDirectories()

List< String > com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getInputDirectories ( )

get input file directories

◆ getInteger1()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getInteger1 ( )

get Integer communication cell N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getInteger2()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getInteger2 ( )

get Integer communication cell N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getInteger3()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getInteger3 ( )

get Integer communication cell N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getInteger4()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getInteger4 ( )

get Integer communication cell N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getInteger5()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getInteger5 ( )

get Integer communication cell N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getInteractiveSolver()

GAMSOptions.EInteractiveSolver com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getInteractiveSolver ( )

get Allow solver to interact via command line input

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getIntVarUp()

GAMSOptions.EIntVarUp com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getIntVarUp ( )

get Set mode for default upper bounds on integer variables

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getIterLim()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getIterLim ( )

get Iteration limit of solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getJobTrace()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getJobTrace ( )

get Job trace string to be written to the trace file at the end of a GAMS job

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getKeep()

GAMSOptions.EKeep com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getKeep ( )

get Controls keeping or deletion of process directory and scratch files

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getLibIncDir()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getLibIncDir ( )

get LibInclude directory

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getLicense()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getLicense ( )

get Use alternative license file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getLimCol()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getLimCol ( )

get Maximum number of columns listed in one variable block

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getLimRow()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getLimRow ( )

get Maximum number of rows listed in one equation block

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getListing()

GAMSOptions.EListing com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getListing ( )

get Switch default for "$on/offListing"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getLogLine()

GAMSOptions.ELogLine com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getLogLine ( )

get Amount of line tracing to the log file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getLP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getLP ( )

get default LP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getLstTitleLeftAligned()

GAMSOptions.ELstTitleLeftAligned com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getLstTitleLeftAligned ( )

get Write title of LST file all left aligned

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getMaxExecError()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getMaxExecError ( )

get Execution time error limit

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getMaxProcDir()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getMaxProcDir ( )

get Maximum number of 225* process directories

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getMCP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getMCP ( )

get default MCP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getMIIMode()

GAMSOptions.EMIIMode com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getMIIMode ( )

get Model Instance Mode

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getMINLP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getMINLP ( )

get default MINLP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getMIP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getMIP ( )

get default MIP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getMIQCP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getMIQCP ( )

get default MIQCP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getMPEC()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getMPEC ( )

get default MPEC solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getMulti()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getMulti ( )

get Switch default for "$on/offMulti[R]"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getNLP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getNLP ( )

get default NLP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getNodLim()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getNodLim ( )

get Node limit in branch and bound tree

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getNoNewVarEqu()

GAMSOptions.ENoNewVarEqu com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getNoNewVarEqu ( )

get Triggers a compilation error when new equations or variable symbols are introduced

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getOn115()

GAMSOptions.EOn115 com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getOn115 ( )

get Generate errors for unknown unique element in an equation

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getOptCA()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getOptCA ( )

get Absolute Optimality criterion solver default

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getOptCR()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getOptCR ( )

get Relative Optimality criterion solver default

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getOptDir()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getOptDir ( )

get Option file directory

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getOptFile()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getOptFile ( )

get Default option file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getOutput()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getOutput ( )

get Listing file name

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPageContr()

GAMSOptions.EPageContr com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPageContr ( )

get Output file page control option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPageSize()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPageSize ( )

get Output file page size (=0 no paging)

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPageWidth()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPageWidth ( )

get Output file page width

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPLicense()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPLicense ( )

get Privacy license file name

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPrefixLoadPath()

GAMSOptions.EPrefixLoadPath com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPrefixLoadPath ( )

get Prepend GAMS system directory to library load path

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPreviousWork()

GAMSOptions.EPreviousWork com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPreviousWork ( )

get Indicator for writing workfile with previous workfile version

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getProcTreeMemMonitor()

GAMSOptions.EProcTreeMemMonitor com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getProcTreeMemMonitor ( )

get Monitor the memory used by the GAMS process tree

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getProcTreeMemTicks()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getProcTreeMemTicks ( )

get Set wait interval between memory monitor checks: ticks = milliseconds

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getProfile()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getProfile ( )

get Execution profiling

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getProfileFile()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getProfileFile ( )

get Write profile information to this file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getProfileTol()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getProfileTol ( )

get Minimum time a statement must use to appear in profile generated output

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPutDir()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPutDir ( )

get Put file directory

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPutND()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPutND ( )

get Number of decimals for put files

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPutNR()

GAMSOptions.EPutNR com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPutNR ( )

get Numeric round format for put files

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPutPS()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPutPS ( )

get Page size for put files

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getPutPW()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getPutPW ( )

get Page width for put files

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getQCP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getQCP ( )

get default QCP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getReference()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getReference ( )

get Symbol reference file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getReferenceLineNo()

GAMSOptions.EReferenceLineNo com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getReferenceLineNo ( )

get Controls the line numbers written to a reference file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getReplace()

GAMSOptions.EReplace com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getReplace ( )

get Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getResLim()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getResLim ( )

get Wall-clock time limit for solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getRMINLP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getRMINLP ( )

get default RMINLP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getRMIP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getRMIP ( )

get default RMIP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getRMIQCP()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getRMIQCP ( )

get default RMIQCP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getRMPEC()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getRMPEC ( )

get default RMPEC solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSavePoint()

GAMSOptions.ESavePoint com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSavePoint ( )

get Save solver point in GDX file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getScriptExit()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getScriptExit ( )

get Program or script to be executed at the end of a GAMS run

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSeed()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSeed ( )

get Random number seed

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSelectedSolvers()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSelectedSolvers ( int index)

get selected solvers

◆ getShowOSMemory()

GAMSOptions.EShowOSMemory com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getShowOSMemory ( )

get Show the memory usage reported by the Operating System instead of the internal counting

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSolPrint()

GAMSOptions.ESolPrint com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSolPrint ( )

get Solution report print option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSolveLink()

GAMSOptions.ESolveLink com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSolveLink ( )

get Solver link option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSolveOpt()

GAMSOptions.ESolveOpt com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSolveOpt ( )

get Multiple solve management

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getStepSum()

GAMSOptions.EStepSum com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getStepSum ( )

get Summary of computing resources used by job steps

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getstrictSingleton()

GAMSOptions.EstrictSingleton com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getstrictSingleton ( )

get Error if assignment to singleton set has multiple elements

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getStringChk()

GAMSOptions.EStringChk com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getStringChk ( )

get String substitution options

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSuffixAlgebraVars()

GAMSOptions.ESuffixAlgebraVars com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSuffixAlgebraVars ( )

get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSuffixDLVars()

GAMSOptions.ESuffixDLVars com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSuffixDLVars ( )

get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSuppress()

GAMSOptions.ESuppress com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSuppress ( )

get Compiler listing option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSymbol()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSymbol ( )

get Symbol table file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSymPrefix()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSymPrefix ( )

get Prefix all symbols encountered during compilation by the specified string in work file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSys10()

GAMSOptions.ESys10 com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSys10 ( )

get Changes rpower to ipower when the exponent is constant and within 1e-12 of an integer

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSys11()

GAMSOptions.ESys11 com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSys11 ( )

get Dynamic resorting if indices in assignment/data statements are not in natural order

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSys12()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSys12 ( )

get Pass model with generation errors to solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSysIncDir()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSysIncDir ( )

get SysInclude directory

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getSysOut()

GAMSOptions.ESysOut com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getSysOut ( )

get Solver Status file reporting option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getTabIn()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getTabIn ( )

get Tab spacing

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getTFormat()

GAMSOptions.ETFormat com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getTFormat ( )

get Time format

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getThreads()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getThreads ( )

get Number of processors to be used by a solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getThreadsAsync()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getThreadsAsync ( )

get Limit on number of threads to be used for asynchronous solves (solveLink=6)

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getTimer()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getTimer ( )

get Instruction timer threshold in milli seconds

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getTrace()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getTrace ( )

get Trace file name

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getTraceLevel()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getTraceLevel ( )

get Modelstat/Solvestat threshold used in conjunction with action=GT

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getTraceOpt()

GAMSOptions.ETraceOpt com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getTraceOpt ( )

get Trace file format option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getUser1()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getUser1 ( )

get User string N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getUser2()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getUser2 ( )

get User string N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getUser3()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getUser3 ( )

get User string N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getUser4()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getUser4 ( )

get User string N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getUser5()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getUser5 ( )

get User string N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getWarnings()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getWarnings ( )

get Number of warnings permitted before a run terminates

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getWorkFactor()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getWorkFactor ( )

get Memory Estimate multiplier for some solvers

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getWorkSpace()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getWorkSpace ( )

get Work space for some solvers in MB

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getZeroRes()

double com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getZeroRes ( )

get The results of certain operations will be set to zero if abs(result) LE ZeroRes

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ getZeroResRep()

GAMSOptions.EZeroResRep com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.getZeroResRep ( )

get Report underflow as a warning when abs(results) LE ZeroRes and result set to zero

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ isDefinitionEmpty()

boolean com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.isDefinitionEmpty ( )

check if the list of GAMS Dash options dictionaries is empty

◆ isIDirEmpty()

boolean com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.isIDirEmpty ( )

check if the list of input file directories is empty

◆ readFromStr()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.readFromStr ( String str)

read from string

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed,, therefore resources are no longer available..

◆ ResetToDefault()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.ResetToDefault ( )

Reset all GAMS options to default.

◆ setAction()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setAction ( GAMSOptions.EAction x)

set GAMS processing request

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setAllModelTypes()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setAllModelTypes ( String value)

Set default solver for all model types which the solver can handle.

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setAllSelectedSolvers()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setAllSelectedSolvers ( List< String > solvers)

set all selected solvers

◆ setAppendExpand()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setAppendExpand ( GAMSOptions.EAppendExpand x)

set Expand file append option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setAppendOut()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setAppendOut ( GAMSOptions.EAppendOut x)

set Output file append option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setAsyncSolLst()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setAsyncSolLst ( GAMSOptions.EAsyncSolLst x)

set Print solution listing when asynchronous solve (Grid or Threads) is used

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setBratio()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setBratio ( double x)

set Basis detection threshold

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setCaptureModelInstance()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setCaptureModelInstance ( GAMSOptions.ECaptureModelInstance x)

set Switch to capture all model instances within a run

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setCase()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setCase ( GAMSOptions.ECase x)

set Output case option for LST file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setCErr()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setCErr ( int x)

set Compile time error limit

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setCharSet()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setCharSet ( GAMSOptions.ECharSet x)

set Character set flag

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setCheckErrorLevel()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setCheckErrorLevel ( GAMSOptions.ECheckErrorLevel x)

set Check errorLevel automatically after executing external program

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setCNS()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setCNS ( String x)

set default CNS solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setDecryptKey()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setDecryptKey ( String x)

set Key to decrypt a text file that was encrypted via $encrypt

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setDFormat()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setDFormat ( GAMSOptions.EDFormat x)

set Date format

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setDigit()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setDigit ( GAMSOptions.EDigit x)

set Switch default for "$on/offDigit"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setDNLP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setDNLP ( String x)

set default DNLP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setDomLim()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setDomLim ( int x)

set Domain violation limit solver default

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setDumpOpt()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setDumpOpt ( GAMSOptions.EDumpOpt x)

set Writes preprocessed input to the file input.dmp

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setDumpOptGDX()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setDumpOptGDX ( String x)

set Defines a GDX file name stem created when using DumpOpt

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setDumpParms()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setDumpParms ( GAMSOptions.EDumpParms x)

set GAMS parameter logging

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setDumpParmsLogPrefix()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setDumpParmsLogPrefix ( String x)

set Prefix of lines triggered by DumpParms>1

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setECImplicitLoad()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setECImplicitLoad ( GAMSOptions.EECImplicitLoad x)

set Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setEMP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setEMP ( String x)

set default EMP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setEmpty()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setEmpty ( GAMSOptions.EEmpty x)

set Switch default for "$on/offEmpty"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setEncryptKey()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setEncryptKey ( String x)

set Key to encrypt a text file using $encrypt

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setEolCom()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setEolCom ( String x)

set Switch default for "$on/offEolCom" and "$eolCom"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setErrMsg()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setErrMsg ( GAMSOptions.EErrMsg x)

set Placing of compilation error messages

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setErrorLog()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setErrorLog ( int x)

set Max error message lines written to the log for each error

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setETLim()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setETLim ( double x)

set Elapsed time limit in seconds

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setExecMode()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setExecMode ( GAMSOptions.EExecMode x)

set Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setExpand()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setExpand ( String x)

set Expanded (include) input file name

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setFDDelta()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setFDDelta ( double x)

set Step size for finite differences

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setFDOpt()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setFDOpt ( GAMSOptions.EFDOpt x)

set Options for finite differences

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setFErr()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setFErr ( String x)

set Alternative error message file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setFileCase()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setFileCase ( GAMSOptions.EFileCase x)

set Casing of file names and paths (put, gdx, ref, $include, etc.)

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setFileStem()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setFileStem ( String x)

set Sets the file stem for output files which use the input file name as stem by default

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setFileStemApFromEnv()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setFileStemApFromEnv ( String x)

set Append a string read from an environment variable to the "FileStem"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setFiltered()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setFiltered ( GAMSOptions.EFiltered x)

set Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setForceOptFile()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setForceOptFile ( int x)

set Overwrites other option file section mechanism

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setForceWork()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setForceWork ( GAMSOptions.EForceWork x)

set Force GAMS to process a save file created with a newer GAMS version or with execution errors

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setForLim()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setForLim ( int x)

set GAMS looping limit

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setFreeEmbeddedPython()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setFreeEmbeddedPython ( GAMSOptions.EFreeEmbeddedPython x)

set Free external resources at the end of each embedded Python code blocks

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setGDX()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setGDX ( String gdxFileName)

set Gams data exchange file name

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setgdxCompress()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setgdxCompress ( GAMSOptions.EgdxCompress x)

set Compression of generated GDX file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setgdxConvert()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setgdxConvert ( GAMSOptions.EgdxConvert x)

set Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility)

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setgdxUels()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setgdxUels ( GAMSOptions.EgdxUels x)

set Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setGridDir()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setGridDir ( String x)

set Grid file directory

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setGridScript()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setGridScript ( String x)

set Grid submission script

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setHeapLimit()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setHeapLimit ( double x)

set Maximum Heap size allowed in MB

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setHoldFixed()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setHoldFixed ( GAMSOptions.EHoldFixed x)

set Treat fixed variables as constants

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setHoldFixedAsync()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setHoldFixedAsync ( GAMSOptions.EHoldFixedAsync x)

set Allow HoldFixed for models solved asynchronously as well

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setIDCGDXInput()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setIDCGDXInput ( String x)

set GDX file name with data for implicit input

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setIDCGDXOutput()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setIDCGDXOutput ( String x)

set GDX file name for data for implicit output

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setImplicitAssign()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setImplicitAssign ( GAMSOptions.EImplicitAssign x)

set Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setInlineCom()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setInlineCom ( String x)

set Switch default for "$on/offInline" and "$inlineCom"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setInteger1()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setInteger1 ( int x)

set Integer communication cell N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setInteger2()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setInteger2 ( int x)

set Integer communication cell N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setInteger3()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setInteger3 ( int x)

set Integer communication cell N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setInteger4()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setInteger4 ( int x)

set Integer communication cell N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setInteger5()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setInteger5 ( int x)

set Integer communication cell N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setInteractiveSolver()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setInteractiveSolver ( GAMSOptions.EInteractiveSolver x)

set Allow solver to interact via command line input

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setIntVarUp()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setIntVarUp ( GAMSOptions.EIntVarUp x)

set Set mode for default upper bounds on integer variables

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setIterLim()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setIterLim ( int x)

set Iteration limit of solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setJobTrace()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setJobTrace ( String x)

set Job trace string to be written to the trace file at the end of a GAMS job

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setKeep()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setKeep ( GAMSOptions.EKeep x)

set Controls keeping or deletion of process directory and scratch files

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setLibIncDir()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setLibIncDir ( String x)

set LibInclude directory

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setLicense()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setLicense ( String x)

set Use alternative license file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setLimCol()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setLimCol ( int x)

set Maximum number of columns listed in one variable block

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setLimRow()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setLimRow ( int x)

set Maximum number of rows listed in one equation block

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setListing()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setListing ( GAMSOptions.EListing x)

set Switch default for "$on/offListing"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setLogLine()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setLogLine ( GAMSOptions.ELogLine x)

set Amount of line tracing to the log file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setLP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setLP ( String x)

set default LP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setLstTitleLeftAligned()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setLstTitleLeftAligned ( GAMSOptions.ELstTitleLeftAligned x)

set Write title of LST file all left aligned

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setMaxExecError()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setMaxExecError ( int x)

set Execution time error limit

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setMaxProcDir()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setMaxProcDir ( int x)

set Maximum number of 225* process directories

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setMCP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setMCP ( String x)

set default MCP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setMIIMode()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setMIIMode ( GAMSOptions.EMIIMode x)

set Model Instance Mode

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setMINLP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setMINLP ( String x)

set default MINLP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setMIP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setMIP ( String x)

set default MIP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setMIQCP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setMIQCP ( String x)

set default MIQCP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setModelTypesForSolvers()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setModelTypesForSolvers ( )

Set default solver for all model types which the solver can handle.

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setMPEC()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setMPEC ( String x)

set default MPEC solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setMulti()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setMulti ( String x)

set Switch default for "$on/offMulti[R]"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setNLP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setNLP ( String x)

set default NLP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setNodLim()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setNodLim ( int x)

set Node limit in branch and bound tree

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setNoNewVarEqu()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setNoNewVarEqu ( GAMSOptions.ENoNewVarEqu x)

set Triggers a compilation error when new equations or variable symbols are introduced

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setOn115()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setOn115 ( GAMSOptions.EOn115 x)

set Generate errors for unknown unique element in an equation

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setOptCA()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setOptCA ( double x)

set Absolute Optimality criterion solver default

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setOptCR()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setOptCR ( double x)

set Relative Optimality criterion solver default

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setOptDir()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setOptDir ( String x)

set Option file directory

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setOptFile()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setOptFile ( int x)

set Default option file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setOutput()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setOutput ( String x)

set Listing file name

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPageContr()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPageContr ( GAMSOptions.EPageContr x)

set Output file page control option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPageSize()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPageSize ( int x)

set Output file page size (=0 no paging)

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPageWidth()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPageWidth ( int x)

set Output file page width

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPLicense()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPLicense ( String x)

set Privacy license file name

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPrefixLoadPath()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPrefixLoadPath ( GAMSOptions.EPrefixLoadPath x)

set Prepend GAMS system directory to library load path

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPreviousWork()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPreviousWork ( GAMSOptions.EPreviousWork x)

set Indicator for writing workfile with previous workfile version

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setProcTreeMemMonitor()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setProcTreeMemMonitor ( GAMSOptions.EProcTreeMemMonitor x)

set Monitor the memory used by the GAMS process tree

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setProcTreeMemTicks()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setProcTreeMemTicks ( int x)

set Set wait interval between memory monitor checks: ticks = milliseconds

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setProfile()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setProfile ( int x)

set Execution profiling

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setProfileFile()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setProfileFile ( String x)

set Write profile information to this file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setProfileTol()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setProfileTol ( double x)

set Minimum time a statement must use to appear in profile generated output

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPutDir()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPutDir ( String x)

set Put file directory

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPutND()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPutND ( int x)

set Number of decimals for put files

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPutNR()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPutNR ( GAMSOptions.EPutNR x)

set Numeric round format for put files

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPutPS()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPutPS ( int x)

set Page size for put files

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setPutPW()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setPutPW ( int x)

set Page width for put files

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setQCP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setQCP ( String x)

set default QCP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setReference()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setReference ( String x)

set Symbol reference file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setReferenceLineNo()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setReferenceLineNo ( GAMSOptions.EReferenceLineNo x)

set Controls the line numbers written to a reference file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setReplace()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setReplace ( GAMSOptions.EReplace x)

set Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setResLim()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setResLim ( double x)

set Wall-clock time limit for solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setRMINLP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setRMINLP ( String x)

set default RMINLP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setRMIP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setRMIP ( String x)

set default RMIP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setRMIQCP()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setRMIQCP ( String x)

set default RMIQCP solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setRMPEC()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setRMPEC ( String x)

set default RMPEC solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSavePoint()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSavePoint ( GAMSOptions.ESavePoint x)

set Save solver point in GDX file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setScriptExit()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setScriptExit ( String x)

set Program or script to be executed at the end of a GAMS run

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSeed()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSeed ( int x)

set Random number seed

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setShowOSMemory()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setShowOSMemory ( GAMSOptions.EShowOSMemory x)

set Show the memory usage reported by the Operating System instead of the internal counting

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSolPrint()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSolPrint ( GAMSOptions.ESolPrint x)

set Solution report print option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSolveLink()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSolveLink ( GAMSOptions.ESolveLink x)

set Solver link option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSolveOpt()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSolveOpt ( GAMSOptions.ESolveOpt x)

set Multiple solve management

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSolversOptions()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSolversOptions ( List< String > solvers)

set all selected solvers

◆ setStepSum()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setStepSum ( GAMSOptions.EStepSum x)

set Summary of computing resources used by job steps

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setstrictSingleton()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setstrictSingleton ( GAMSOptions.EstrictSingleton x)

set Error if assignment to singleton set has multiple elements

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setStringChk()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setStringChk ( GAMSOptions.EStringChk x)

set String substitution options

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSuffixAlgebraVars()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSuffixAlgebraVars ( GAMSOptions.ESuffixAlgebraVars x)

set Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSuffixDLVars()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSuffixDLVars ( GAMSOptions.ESuffixDLVars x)

set Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars"

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSuppress()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSuppress ( GAMSOptions.ESuppress x)

set Compiler listing option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSymbol()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSymbol ( String x)

set Symbol table file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSymPrefix()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSymPrefix ( String x)

set Prefix all symbols encountered during compilation by the specified string in work file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSys10()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSys10 ( GAMSOptions.ESys10 x)

set Changes rpower to ipower when the exponent is constant and within 1e-12 of an integer

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSys11()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSys11 ( GAMSOptions.ESys11 x)

set Dynamic resorting if indices in assignment/data statements are not in natural order

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSys12()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSys12 ( int x)

set Pass model with generation errors to solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSysIncDir()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSysIncDir ( String x)

set SysInclude directory

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setSysOut()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setSysOut ( GAMSOptions.ESysOut x)

set Solver Status file reporting option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setTabIn()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setTabIn ( int x)

set Tab spacing

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setTFormat()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setTFormat ( GAMSOptions.ETFormat x)

set Time format

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setThreads()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setThreads ( int x)

set Number of processors to be used by a solver

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setThreadsAsync()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setThreadsAsync ( int x)

set Limit on number of threads to be used for asynchronous solves (solveLink=6)

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setTimer()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setTimer ( int x)

set Instruction timer threshold in milli seconds

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setTrace()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setTrace ( String x)

set Trace file name

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setTraceLevel()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setTraceLevel ( int x)

set Modelstat/Solvestat threshold used in conjunction with action=GT

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setTraceOpt()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setTraceOpt ( GAMSOptions.ETraceOpt x)

set Trace file format option

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setUser1()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setUser1 ( String x)

set User string N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setUser2()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setUser2 ( String x)

set User string N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setUser3()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setUser3 ( String x)

set User string N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setUser4()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setUser4 ( String x)

set User string N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setUser5()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setUser5 ( String x)

set User string N

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setWarnings()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setWarnings ( int x)

set Number of warnings permitted before a run terminates

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setWorkFactor()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setWorkFactor ( double x)

set Memory Estimate multiplier for some solvers

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setWorkSpace()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setWorkSpace ( double x)

set Work space for some solvers in MB

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setZeroRes()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setZeroRes ( double x)

set The results of certain operations will be set to zero if abs(result) LE ZeroRes

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ setZeroResRep()

void com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.setZeroResRep ( GAMSOptions.EZeroResRep x)

set Report underflow as a warning when abs(results) LE ZeroRes and result set to zero

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available.

◆ writeParameterFile()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.writeParameterFile ( String fileName)

write parameter file

GAMSExceptionIf this GAMSOptions instance has already been disposed, therefore resources are no longer available..

Member Data Documentation

◆ definitions

Map<String, String> com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.definitions = null

Dictionaries for GAMS Dash options.

◆ IDir

List<String> com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.IDir = null

Input file directories (up to 40 are allowed)