No Matches
com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EReplace Enum Reference

Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol. More...

Public Member Functions

String value ()
 Get the string value of this enumerated Replace.

Static Public Member Functions

static EReplace lookup (String val)
 Lookup all replaces.

Public Attributes

 Merge =("off")
 Merge into existing data when loading.
 Replace =("on")
 Replace existing data when loading.
 UndefinedReplace =(GAMSGlobals.EMPTY_STRING)
 Undefined Replace.

Detailed Description

Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol.

Member Function Documentation

◆ lookup()

static EReplace com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EReplace.lookup ( String val)

Lookup all replaces.

valan int value to lookup
the enumerated Replace that has the specified value, or UndefinedReplace if the specified value is not found.

◆ value()

String com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EReplace.value ( )

Get the string value of this enumerated Replace.

the replace value

Member Data Documentation

◆ Merge

com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EReplace.Merge =("off")

Merge into existing data when loading.

◆ Replace

com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EReplace.Replace =("on")

Replace existing data when loading.

◆ UndefinedReplace

com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EReplace.UndefinedReplace =(GAMSGlobals.EMPTY_STRING)

Undefined Replace.