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com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EExecMode Enum Reference

Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed. More...

Public Member Functions

int value ()
 Get the int value of this enumerated ExecMode.

Static Public Member Functions

static EExecMode lookup (int val)
 Lookup all execModes.

Public Attributes

 EverythingAllowed =(0)
 Everything allowed.
 InteractiveShellsProhibited =(1)
 Interactive shells in $call and execute commands are prohibited.
 CallAndExecuteProhibited =(2)
 Embedded Code and all $call and execute commands are prohibited.
 EchoAndPutOnlyToWorkdir =(3)
 $echo or put commands can only write to directories in or below the working or scratchdir
 EchoAndPutProhibited =(4)
 $echo and put commands are not allowed
 UndefinedExecMode =(5)
 Undefined ExecMode.

Detailed Description

Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed.

Member Function Documentation

◆ lookup()

static EExecMode com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EExecMode.lookup ( int val)

Lookup all execModes.

valan int value to lookup
the enumerated ExecMode that has the specified value, or UndefinedExecMode if the specified value is not found.

◆ value()

int com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EExecMode.value ( )

Get the int value of this enumerated ExecMode.

the execMode value

Member Data Documentation

◆ CallAndExecuteProhibited

com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EExecMode.CallAndExecuteProhibited =(2)

Embedded Code and all $call and execute commands are prohibited.

◆ EchoAndPutOnlyToWorkdir

com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EExecMode.EchoAndPutOnlyToWorkdir =(3)

$echo or put commands can only write to directories in or below the working or scratchdir

◆ EchoAndPutProhibited

com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EExecMode.EchoAndPutProhibited =(4)

$echo and put commands are not allowed

◆ EverythingAllowed

com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EExecMode.EverythingAllowed =(0)

Everything allowed.

◆ InteractiveShellsProhibited

com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EExecMode.InteractiveShellsProhibited =(1)

Interactive shells in $call and execute commands are prohibited.

◆ UndefinedExecMode

com.gams.api.GAMSOptions.EExecMode.UndefinedExecMode =(5)

Undefined ExecMode.