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com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage Enum Reference

The possible return codes of the GAMS compiler and execution system (cmexRC). More...

Public Member Functions

String message ()
 Get the exit code message this enumerated ExitCodeMessage.
int value ()
 Get the int value of this enumerated ExitCodeMessage.

Static Public Member Functions

static ExitCodeMessage lookup (int val)
 Lookup all GAMS exit codes.

Public Attributes

 RETURN =(0, "normal return")
 = 0, normal return

 SOLVER_TO_BE_CALLED =(1, "solver is to be called")
 = 1, solver is to be called.
 COMPILATION_ERROR =(2, "there was a compilation error")
 = 2, there was a compilation error
 EXECUTION_ERROR =(3, "there was an execution error")
 = 3, there was an execution error

 SYSTEM_LIMIT_REACHED =(4, "system limits were reached")
 = 4, system limits were reached

 FILE_ERROR =(5, "there was a file error")
 = 5, there was a file error

 PARAMETER_ERROR =(6, "there was a parameter error")
 = 6, there was a parameter error

 LICENSING_ERROR =(7, "there was a licensing error")
 = 7, there was a licensing error

 GAMS_SYSTEM_ERROR =(8, "there was a GAMS system error")
 = 8, there was a GAMS system error
 GAMS_NOT_STARTED =(9, "GAMS cold not be started")
 = 9, GAMS cold not be started

 OUT_OF_MEMORY =(10, "out of memory")
 = 10, out of memory

 OUT_OF_DISK =(11, "out of disk")
 = 11, out of disk

 COULD_NOT_CREATE_SCRATCH_DIR =(109, "could not create process/scratch directory")
 = 109, Could not create process/scratch directory

 TOO_MANY_SCRATCH_DIRS =(110, "too many process/scratch directories ")
 = 110, too many process/scratch directories

 COULD_NOT_DELETEL_SCRATCH_DIR =(112, "could not delete process/scratch directory")
 = 112, could not delete process/scratch directory

 COULD_NOT_WRITE_GAMSNEXT_SCRIPT =(113, "could not write the \"gamsnext\" script")
 = 113, could not write the "gamsnext" script

 COULD_NOT_WRITE_PARAMETER_FILE =(114, "could not write the \"parameter\" file")
 = 114, could not write the "parameter" file

 COULD_NOT_READ_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE =(115, "could not read environment variable")
 = 115, could not read environment variable

 COULD_NOT_SPAWN_GAMS_CMEX =(400, "could not spawn the GAMS language compiler (gamscmex)")
 = 400, could not spawn the GAMS language compiler (gamscmex)
 CURRENT_DIR_NOT_FOUND =(401, "current directory (curdir) does not exist")
 = 401, current directory (curdir) does not exist

 CURRENT_DIR_NOT_SET =(402, "could not set current directory (curdir)")
 = 402, could not set current directory (curdir)

 BLANK_IN_SYSTEM_DIR =(404, "blank in system directory (UNIX only)")
 = 404, blank in system directory (UNIX only)

 BLANK_IN_CURRENT_DIR =(405,"blank in current directory (UNIX only)")
 = 405, blank in current directory (UNIX only)

 BLANK_IN_SCRATCH_EXTENSION =(406,"blank in scratch extension (scrext)")
 = 406, blank in scratch extension (scrext)

 UNEXPECTED_CMEXRC =(407,"unexpected cmexRC")
 = 407, unexpected cmexRC

 PROCESS_DIR_NOT_FOUND =(408, "could not find the process directory (procdir)")
 = 408, could not find the process directory (procdir)

 CMEX_LIB_NOT_FOUND =(409,"CMEX library not found (experimental)")
 = 409, CMEX library not found (experimental)

 CMEX_LIB_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND =(410,"entry point in CMEX library not found (experimental)")
 = 410, entry point in CMEX library not found (experimental)

 BLANK_IN_PROCESS_DIR =(411, "blank in process directory (UNIX only)")
 = 411, blank in process directory (UNIX only)

 BLANK_IN_SCRATCH_DIR =(412,"blank in scratch directory (UNIX only)")
 = 412, blank in scratch directory (UNIX only)

 COULD_NOT_ADD_PATH =(909, "could not add path/unknown UNIX environment/cannot set environment variable")
 = 909, cannot add path, unknown UNIX environment, cannot set environment variable
 INCORRECT_COMMAND_LINE_PARAMETER =(1000, "driver error: incorrect command line parameter for gams.exe")
 = 1000, driver error: incorrect command line parameter for gams.exe

 COULD_NOT_INSTALL_INTERRUPT_HANDLER =(2000, "internal error: could not install interrupt handler")
 =2000, driver error: internal error: could not install interrupt handler

 COULD_NOT_GET_CURRENT_DIR =(3000, "driver error: problems getting current directory")
 = 3000, driver error: problems getting current directory (sometimes caused by specifying the current directory in Microsoft UNC format)

 CMEX_NOT_FOUND =(4000, "driver error: internal error: GAMS compile and execute module not found")
 = 4000, driver error: internal error: GAMS compile and execute module not found

 OPTION_NOT_FOUND =(5000, "driver error: internal error: Cannot load option handling library")
 = 5000, driver error: internal error: Cannot load option handling library

 UNDEFINED_EXIT_CODE =(Integer.MAX_VALUE, "undefined GAMS exit code")
 = Integer.MAX_VALUE, Undefined GAMS exit code


Detailed Description

The possible return codes of the GAMS compiler and execution system (cmexRC).

See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ lookup()

static ExitCodeMessage com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.lookup ( int val)

Lookup all GAMS exit codes.

valan int value to lookup
the enumerated ExitCodeMessage that has the specified value, or UNDEFINED_CODE if the specified value is not found.

◆ message()

String com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.message ( )

Get the exit code message this enumerated ExitCodeMessage.

the exit code message

◆ value()

int com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.value ( )

Get the int value of this enumerated ExitCodeMessage.

the exit code value

Member Data Documentation


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.BLANK_IN_CURRENT_DIR =(405,"blank in current directory (UNIX only)")

= 405, blank in current directory (UNIX only)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.BLANK_IN_PROCESS_DIR =(411, "blank in process directory (UNIX only)")

= 411, blank in process directory (UNIX only)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.BLANK_IN_SCRATCH_DIR =(412,"blank in scratch directory (UNIX only)")

= 412, blank in scratch directory (UNIX only)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.BLANK_IN_SCRATCH_EXTENSION =(406,"blank in scratch extension (scrext)")

= 406, blank in scratch extension (scrext)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.BLANK_IN_SYSTEM_DIR =(404, "blank in system directory (UNIX only)")

= 404, blank in system directory (UNIX only)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.CMEX_LIB_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND =(410,"entry point in CMEX library not found (experimental)")

= 410, entry point in CMEX library not found (experimental)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.CMEX_LIB_NOT_FOUND =(409,"CMEX library not found (experimental)")

= 409, CMEX library not found (experimental)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.CMEX_NOT_FOUND =(4000, "driver error: internal error: GAMS compile and execute module not found")

= 4000, driver error: internal error: GAMS compile and execute module not found


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COMPILATION_ERROR =(2, "there was a compilation error")

= 2, there was a compilation error


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_ADD_PATH =(909, "could not add path/unknown UNIX environment/cannot set environment variable")

= 909, cannot add path, unknown UNIX environment, cannot set environment variable


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_CREATE_SCRATCH_DIR =(109, "could not create process/scratch directory")

= 109, Could not create process/scratch directory


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_DELETEL_SCRATCH_DIR =(112, "could not delete process/scratch directory")

= 112, could not delete process/scratch directory


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_GET_CURRENT_DIR =(3000, "driver error: problems getting current directory")

= 3000, driver error: problems getting current directory (sometimes caused by specifying the current directory in Microsoft UNC format)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_INSTALL_INTERRUPT_HANDLER =(2000, "internal error: could not install interrupt handler")

=2000, driver error: internal error: could not install interrupt handler


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_READ_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE =(115, "could not read environment variable")

= 115, could not read environment variable


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_SPAWN_GAMS_CMEX =(400, "could not spawn the GAMS language compiler (gamscmex)")

= 400, could not spawn the GAMS language compiler (gamscmex)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_WRITE_GAMSNEXT_SCRIPT =(113, "could not write the \"gamsnext\" script")

= 113, could not write the "gamsnext" script


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_WRITE_PARAMETER_FILE =(114, "could not write the \"parameter\" file")

= 114, could not write the "parameter" file


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.CURRENT_DIR_NOT_FOUND =(401, "current directory (curdir) does not exist")

= 401, current directory (curdir) does not exist


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.CURRENT_DIR_NOT_SET =(402, "could not set current directory (curdir)")

= 402, could not set current directory (curdir)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.EXECUTION_ERROR =(3, "there was an execution error")

= 3, there was an execution error


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.FILE_ERROR =(5, "there was a file error")

= 5, there was a file error


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.GAMS_NOT_STARTED =(9, "GAMS cold not be started")

= 9, GAMS cold not be started


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.GAMS_SYSTEM_ERROR =(8, "there was a GAMS system error")

= 8, there was a GAMS system error


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.INCORRECT_COMMAND_LINE_PARAMETER =(1000, "driver error: incorrect command line parameter for gams.exe")

= 1000, driver error: incorrect command line parameter for gams.exe


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.LICENSING_ERROR =(7, "there was a licensing error")

= 7, there was a licensing error


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.OPTION_NOT_FOUND =(5000, "driver error: internal error: Cannot load option handling library")

= 5000, driver error: internal error: Cannot load option handling library


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.OUT_OF_DISK =(11, "out of disk")

= 11, out of disk


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.OUT_OF_MEMORY =(10, "out of memory")

= 10, out of memory


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.PARAMETER_ERROR =(6, "there was a parameter error")

= 6, there was a parameter error


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.PROCESS_DIR_NOT_FOUND =(408, "could not find the process directory (procdir)")

= 408, could not find the process directory (procdir)


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.RETURN =(0, "normal return")

= 0, normal return


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.SOLVER_TO_BE_CALLED =(1, "solver is to be called")

= 1, solver is to be called.


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.SYSTEM_LIMIT_REACHED =(4, "system limits were reached")

= 4, system limits were reached


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.TOO_MANY_SCRATCH_DIRS =(110, "too many process/scratch directories ")

= 110, too many process/scratch directories


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.UNDEFINED_EXIT_CODE =(Integer.MAX_VALUE, "undefined GAMS exit code")

= Integer.MAX_VALUE, Undefined GAMS exit code


com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.UNEXPECTED_CMEXRC =(407,"unexpected cmexRC")

= 407, unexpected cmexRC