No Matches
1package com.gams.examples.warehouse;
3import java.io.File;
4import java.util.HashMap;
5import java.util.Map;
11import com.gams.api.GAMSJob;
12import com.gams.api.GAMSOptions;
24public class Warehouse {
26 static int numberOfThreads = 16;
27 static int status = 0;
29 public static void main(String[] args) {
30 // check workspace info from command line arguments
32 if (args.length > 0)
33 wsInfo.setSystemDirectory( args[0] );
34 // create a directory
35 File workingDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "Warehouse");
36 workingDirectory.mkdir();
37 wsInfo.setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
38 // create a workspace
39 GAMSWorkspace ws = new GAMSWorkspace( wsInfo );
41 // create a GAMSDatabase for the results
42 GAMSDatabase resultDB = ws.addDatabase();
43 resultDB.addParameter("objrep",1,"Objective value");
44 resultDB.addSet("supplyMap",3,"Supply connection with level");
46 try {
47 // run multiple parallel jobs
48 Object dbLock = new Object();
49 Map<String, WarehouseThread> warehousesMap = new HashMap<String, WarehouseThread>();
50 for (int i=10; i<=numberOfThreads; i++) {
51 WarehouseThread wh = new WarehouseThread(ws, i, resultDB, dbLock);
52 warehousesMap.put(Integer.toString(i), wh);
53 wh.start();
54 }
56 // join all threads
57 for (WarehouseThread wh : warehousesMap.values()) {
58 try {
59 wh.join();
60 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
61 e.printStackTrace();
62 }
63 }
65 // export the result database to a GDX file
66 resultDB.export(ws.workingDirectory() + GAMSGlobals.FILE_SEPARATOR + "result.gdx");
67 } catch (Exception e) {
68 e.printStackTrace();
69 } finally {
70 resultDB.dispose();
71 }
73 System.exit(status);
74 }
76 public static void notifyException(GAMSException e) {
77 if (e instanceof GAMSExecutionException)
78 status = ((GAMSExecutionException)e).getExitCode();
79 else
80 status = -1;
81 }
83 static class WarehouseThread extends Thread {
84 GAMSWorkspace workspace;
85 GAMSDatabase result;
86 Object lockObject;
87 int numberOfWarehouses;
89 public WarehouseThread(GAMSWorkspace ws, int number, GAMSDatabase db, Object lockObj) {
90 workspace = ws;
91 numberOfWarehouses = number;
92 result = db;
93 lockObject = lockObj;
94 }
96 public void run() {
97 try {
98 // instantiate GAMSOptions and define some scalars
99 GAMSOptions opt = workspace.addOptions();
100 opt.setAllModelTypes( "cplex" );
101 opt.defines("Warehouse", Integer.toString(numberOfWarehouses));
102 opt.defines("Store", "65");
103 opt.defines("fixed", "22");
104 opt.defines("disaggregate", "0");
105 opt.setOptCR( 0.0 ); // Solve to optimality
107 // create a GAMSJob from string and write results to the result database
108 GAMSJob job = workspace.addJobFromString(model);
109 job.run(opt, System.out); // job.run(opt);
111 // need to lock database write operations
112 synchronized (lockObject) {
113 result.getParameter("objrep").addRecord(Integer.toString(numberOfWarehouses)).setValue( job.OutDB().getVariable("obj").findRecord().getLevel() );
114 }
116 for (GAMSVariableRecord supplyRec : job.OutDB().getVariable("supply")) {
117 if (supplyRec.getLevel() > 0.5)
118 synchronized (lockObject) {
119 String[] keys = new String[] { Integer.toString(numberOfWarehouses), supplyRec.getKey(0), supplyRec.getKey(1) };
120 result.getSet("supplyMap").addRecord( keys );
121 }
122 }
123 } catch (GAMSException e) {
124 e.printStackTrace();
125 Warehouse.notifyException(e) ;
126 }
127 }
128 }
130 static String model =
131 "$title Warehouse.gms \n" +
132 " \n" +
133 "$eolcom // \n" +
134 "$SetDDList warehouse store fixed disaggregate // acceptable defines \n" +
135 "$if not set warehouse $set warehouse 10 \n" +
136 "$if not set store $set store 50 \n" +
137 "$if not set fixed $set fixed 20 \n" +
138 "$if not set disaggregate $set disaggregate 1 // indicator for tighter bigM constraint \n" +
139 "$ife %store%<=%warehouse% $abort Increase number of stores (>%warehouse) \n" +
140 " \n" +
141 "Sets Warehouse /w1*w%warehouse% / \n" +
142 " Store /s1*s%store% / \n" +
143 "Alias (Warehouse,w), (Store,s); \n" +
144 "Scalar \n" +
145 " fixed fixed cost for opening a warehouse / %fixed% / \n" +
146 "Parameter \n" +
147 " capacity(WareHouse) \n" +
148 " supplyCost(Store,Warehouse); \n" +
149 " \n" +
150 "$eval storeDIVwarehouse trunc(card(store)/card(warehouse)) \n" +
151 "capacity(w) = %storeDIVwarehouse% + mod(ord(w),%storeDIVwarehouse%);\n" +
152 "supplyCost(s,w) = 1+mod(ord(s)+10*ord(w), 100); \n" +
153 " \n" +
154 "Variables \n" +
155 " open(Warehouse) \n" +
156 " supply(Store,Warehouse) \n" +
157 " obj; \n" +
158 "Binary variables open, supply; \n" +
159 " \n" +
160 "Equations \n" +
161 " defobj \n" +
162 " oneWarehouse(s) \n" +
163 " defopen(w); \n" +
164 " \n" +
165 "defobj.. obj =e= sum(w, fixed*open(w)) + sum((w,s), supplyCost(s,w)*supply(s,w)); \n" +
166 " \n" +
167 "oneWarehouse(s).. sum(w, supply(s,w)) =e= 1; \n" +
168 " \n" +
169 "defopen(w).. sum(s, supply(s,w)) =l= open(w)*capacity(w); \n" +
170 " \n" +
171 "$ifthen %disaggregate%==1 \n" +
172 "Equations \n" +
173 " defopen2(s,w); \n" +
174 "defopen2(s,w).. supply(s,w) =l= open(w); \n" +
175 "$endif \n" +
176 " \n" +
177 "model distrib /all/; \n" +
178 "solve distrib min obj using mip; \n" +
179 "abort$(distrib.solvestat<>%SolveStat.NormalCompletion% or \n" +
180 " distrib.modelstat<>%ModelStat.Optimal% and \n" +
181 " distrib.modelstat<>%ModelStat.IntegerSolution%) 'No solution!'; \n" +
182 " \n";
GAMSParameter getParameter(String identifier)
GAMSSet addSet(String identifier, int dimension)
GAMSParameter addParameter(String identifier, int dimension)
GAMSVariable getVariable(String identifier)
GAMSSet getSet(String identifier)
GAMSDatabase OutDB()
void setAllModelTypes(String value)
void setSystemDirectory(String directory)
void setWorkingDirectory(String directory)
GAMSJob addJobFromString(String source)
This example demonstrates how to solve a simple GAMS model to assign stores to warehouses for differe...
Provides package namespace for Java interface and examples to General Algebraic Model System (GAMS).