Filesavebox.gms : Ask popup for saving a file


This program illustrates the use of filesavebox.

Category : GAMS Data Utilities library

Main file : Filesavebox.gms   includes :  Filesavebox.gms

   This program illustrates the use of filesavebox.


$if %system.filesys% == UNIX $abort.noError 'This model cannot run on a non-Windows platform';

* Set i is saved under the chosen name by the user in GDX format
* By default the project directory will open, in order to save files in other directories
* option "i" must be used to set directory path as in the following example:
*$call =ask T=filesavebox I="%system.fp%" R="$setGlobal gdxfile '%s'" C="Specify gdx file"
$call =ask T=filesavebox R="$setGlobal gdxfile '%s'" C="Specify gdx file"
set i /a,b,c/;
execute_unload '%gdxfile%',i;