This model uses GAMS Connect to read and write Excel workbooks. It also performs some label manipulation using Connect agend PythonCode and compares different ways to read Excel tables (RawExcelReader vs ExcelReader). Contributor: Michael Bussieck, March 2022
Category : GAMS Data Utilities library
Main file : connect01.gms includes : connect01.gms labdata.xlsx
$title Complex Connect Example with Spreadsheets (CONNECT01,SEQ=144)
This model uses GAMS Connect to read and write Excel workbooks. It also
performs some label manipulation using Connect agend PythonCode and
compares different ways to read Excel tables (RawExcelReader vs ExcelReader).
Contributor: Michael Bussieck, March 2022
Set code, labId, cut, rr(code<,labId);
parameter labdata(code,labid,cut);
$onEcho > getdata.gms
* Symbols for RawExcelReader
alias (u,*); Set s,w,r,c,ws(s,w),vs(s,r,c),vu(s,r,c,u); Parameter vf(s,r,c);
$onEmbeddedCode Connect:
- RawExcelReader:
file: labdata.xlsx
- GAMSWriter:
symbols: all
* Symbols to be filled
alias (*,code,labId,cut); Parameter raw(code,labId,cut); Set cutId, rr(code,labId)
Set cX(c,cut) 'column index', rX(r,code,labId) 'row index';
Singleton set cLast(c); Scalar lastPos;
lastPos = smax(vu(s,r,c,u), c.pos); cLast(c) = c.pos=lastPos;
rX(r,code,labId) $= vu(s,r,'C1',code) and vu(s,r,cLast,labId));
loop(c$(ord(c)>1 and not cLast(c)),
cX(c,cut) $= vu(s,'R4',c,cut));
raw(code,labId,cut) = vf(s,r,c))
cutId(cut) = yes)
option rr<rX;
$call.checkErrorLevel gams getdata.gms lo=%gams.lo% gdx=getdata.gdx
$onEmbeddedCode Connect:
- GDXReader:
file: getdata.gdx
symbols: [ {name: rr}, {name: raw}, {name: cutId, newName: cut} ]
- Projection:
name: rr(code,labid)
newName: labid(labid)
- PythonCode:
code: |
labid_records = sorted([ 'L'+t[0] for t in connect.container['labid'].records.values ], key=lambda t: int(t[1:]))
rr_records = sorted([ (t[0],
'L'+t[1]) for t in connect.container['rr'].records.values ], key=lambda t: int(t[0]))
# Trim elements of set cut to two decimal places
cut_records = sorted([ '{:.2f}'.format(float(t[0])) for t in connect.container['cut'].records.values ], key=float)
labdata_records = [ (t[0],
t[-1]) for t in connect.container['raw'].records.values ]
connect.container.addSet('labid_mod', ['*'], records=labid_records)
connect.container.addSet('rr_mod', ['*']*2, records=rr_records)
connect.container.addSet('cut_mod', ['*'], records=cut_records)
connect.container.addParameter('labdata', ['*']*3, records=labdata_records)
- GAMSWriter:
symbols: [ {name: labid_mod, newName: labid}, {name: rr_mod, newName: rr}, {name: cut_mod, newName: cut}, {name: labdata} ]
duplicateRecords: first
execute_unload 'labdata.gdx', labdata, cut, rr;
* Reintroduce 0 (zeros)
labdata(rr,cut) = labdata(rr,cut) + eps;
execute 'rm -f labdatanew.xlsx';
* Write new workbook with good table
embeddedCode Connect:
- GAMSReader:
symbols: [ {name: labdata} ]
- ExcelWriter:
file: labdatanew.xlsx
valueSubstitutions: {EPS: 0}
- name: labdata
range: ZAg!A4
option clear=rr, clear=labdata;
embeddedCode Connect:
- ExcelReader:
file: labdatanew.xlsx
- name: labdata
rowDimension: 2
range: ZAg!A4
- Projection:
name: labdata(code,labid,cut)
newName: rr(code,labid)
asSet: True
- GAMSWriter:
symbols: all
duplicateRecords: first
execute_unload 'labdatanew.gdx', labdata, cut, rr;
execute.checkErrorLevel 'gdxdiff labdata.gdx labdatanew.gdx > %system.NullFile%';