csv2gdx7.gms : CSV2GDX Example 7 - Reading special Values with CSV2GDX


This model demonstrates how various special values are intepreted when
reading a CSV file with CSV2GDX.

This model is referenced in "Additional examples for extended use Example 6 -
Reading special values" from the CSV2GDX Documentation.

Keywords: CSV2GDX, data exchange, GAMS language features

Category : GAMS Data Utilities library

Main file : csv2gdx7.gms   includes :  csv2gdx7.gms

$title CSV2GDX Example 7 - Reading special Values with CSV2GDX (CSV2GDXE7,SEQ=116)

This model demonstrates how various special values are intepreted when
reading a CSV file with CSV2GDX.

This model is referenced in "Additional examples for extended use Example 6 -
Reading special values" from the CSV2GDX Documentation.

Keywords: CSV2GDX, data exchange, GAMS language features

$onEcho > specialValues.csv

$call csv2gdx specialValues.csv id=A index=1,2,6 values=3..5 useHeader=y storeZero=y trace=0
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problems reading CSV file!

Set color, number;
$gdxIn specialValues.gdx
$load  color = dim1
$loadm color = dim2
$loadm color = dim3
$load number = dim4

Parameter A(color,color,color,number);
$load A
display A;