Table of Contents
Data handling is of crucial importance in all modeling applications. The quality of the numbers and the intelligence with which they are used is likely to be at least as important as the logic of the model in determining if an application is successful or not. GAMS has been designed to have a complete set of facilities for entering information, manipulating it and reporting on the results. In this chapter we will concentrate on data entry. Chapter Data Manipulations with Parameters introduces and discusses data manipulations. For details on reporting, see chapters GAMS Output, The Display Statement, The Put Writing Facility, and GAMS Data eXchange (GDX).
One very important principle will motivate all our discussions on data:
- Note
- Data should be entered in its most basic form and each data item should be entered only once.
There are two reasons for adopting this principle. Numbers are almost certain to change, and when they do we want to be able to make the process of changing them as easy and safe as possible. We also want to make our model easy for others to read and understand. Keeping the amount of data as small as possible will certainly help. All the data transformations are shown explicitly in the GAMS representation, which makes it possible to reproduce the results of a study and shows the reader all the assumptions made during data manipulation. Another advantage is that everything needed to run or change the model is included in one program that can easily be moved from place to place or from one machine to another.
This chapter deals with the data type parameter. For other data types, see section Data Types and Definitions. Data for parameters can be entered in three basic formats: scalar, list oriented, or tables of two or more dimensions. For each of these formats, GAMS offers a separate keyword:
Keyword | Description |
Scalar | Single (scalar) data entry. |
Parameter | List oriented data, defined over one or more sets. |
Table | Table oriented data, must involve two or more dimensions. |
Table 1: Parameters, Scalars and Tables
Note that the term parameter is used in two ways: as data type and as keyword, so one could also see scalars
and tables
as special formats of parameters. Each of the data input formats will be introduced and discussed in the following sections. At the end of the chapter the special data type acronym is introduced.
- Note
- By default, parameters in all input formats may only be initialized once, thereafter data must be modified with assignment statements. This can be changed using the dollar control option $onMulti.
- This chapters explains the complete syntax to declare parameters which includes the optional initialization. So, while it is possible to initialize the data at declaration, often the data is read from other sources like databases or spreadsheets. More information about this can be found in the chapter Data Exchange with Other Applications.
The scalar
statement is used to declare and (optionally) initialize a GAMS parameter of dimensionality zero. This means that there are no associated sets, so there is exactly one number associated with the parameter.
The Syntax
In general, the syntax for a scalar
declaration in GAMS is as follows:
scalar[s] scalar_name [text] [/numerical_value/]
{ scalar_name [text] [/numerical_value/]} ;
The keyword scalar[s]
indicates that this is a scalar
statement and scalar_name
is the internal name of the scalar in GAMS, it is an identifier. The optional explanatory text is used to describe the scalar and the optional numerical_value
is assigned to be the value of scalar_name
. Numerical_value
can be given as fixed number or as constant evaluation. Alternatively, the special data type acronym
may be used as value. For details on acronyms, see section Acronyms.
Note that more than one scalar may be declared in one scalar statement. The entries have to be separated by commas or by end of line. For advice on explanatory text and how to choose a scalar_name
, see the tutorial Good Coding Practices.
Note that scalars may be declared but not initialized in the scalar statement. A value can also be assigned later as illustrated in the example that follows.
An Illustrative Example
An example of a scalar
definition in GAMS is shown below.
rho "discount rate" / .15 /
irr "internal rate of return"
life "financial lifetime of productive units" / 20 /;
The statement above initializes rho
and life
, but not irr
. Later on another scalar statement can be used to initialize irr
or an assignment statement could be used to provide the value:
irr = 0.07;
For more on scalar assignments and parameter assignments in general, see section Data Entry by Assignment.
The parameter format is used to enter list oriented data which can be indexed over one or several sets.
The Syntax
In general, the syntax for a parameter
declaration in GAMS is as follows:
parameter[s] param_name[(index_list)] [text] [/ element [=] numerical_value
{,element [=] numerical_value} /]
{,param_name[(index_list)] [text] [/ element [=] numerical_value
{,element [=] numerical_value} /]} ;
The keyword parameter[s]
indicates that this is a parameter statement and param_name
is the internal name of the parameter in GAMS, it is an identifier. A parameter may be defined over one or more sets that may be specified in the index_list
. Note that the specification of the index list in the declaration is optional. However, mostly it is advisable to specify it for reasons of clarity and to enable domain checking. For more on domain checking, see section Domain Checking. The optional explanatory text is used to describe the parameter.
Parameter initialization requires a list of data elements, each consisting of a label or label-tuple and a value. Element
is an element of the defining set or - if there is more than one defining set - a combination of the elements of the defining sets. The referenced set elements must belong to the set that the parameter is indexed over. Finally, numerical_value
is the value assigned to the record defined by the set element or element tuple. It can be given as fixed number or as constant evaluation. Alternatively, the special data type acronym
may be entered as value. For details on acronyms, see section Acronyms.
- Note
- The default value of a
is 0.
Slashes must be used at the beginning and end of the list, and commas must be used if several data elements are listed in one line. An equals sign or a blank separates the label tuple from its associated value. A parameter can be defined in a similar syntax to that used for a set. For advice on explanatory text and how to choose a parameter name, see the tutorial Good Coding Practices.
- Note
- Several parameters may be declared in one parameter statement.
Illustrative Examples
The following example illustrates the parameter statement. It is adapted from [MEXSS]. We also show the set definitions because they make the example clearer. For more on sets definitions, see chapter Set Definition.
Set i "steel plants" / hylsa monterrey
hylsap puebla /
j "markets" / mexico-df, monterrey, guadalaja /;
dd(j) "distribution of demand"
/ mexico-df 55,
guadalaja 15 /;
The index specification for the parameter dd
means that there will be a vector of data associated with it, one number corresponding to every member of the set j
. The numbers are specified along with the declaration in a format very reminiscent of the way we specify sets: in this simple case a label followed by a blank separator and then a value. Any of the legal number entry formats are allowable for the value. For details on number formats in GAMS, see subsection Numbers. The default data value is zero. Since monterrey
has been left out of the data list, the value associated with dd('monterrey')
is zero. As with sets, commas are optional at end of line.
We may also list several data elements on a line, separated by commas as in the following example:
a(i) / seattle = 350, san-diego = 600 /
b(i) / seattle 2000, san-diego 4500 /;
If a parameter is defined over a set and all elements of the set are assigned the same value, then the following notation may be used as a shortcut:
parameter param_name[(set_name)] [text] /(#|set.)set_name numerical_value/;
Here set
is a reserved word and set_name
is the name of the set as it has been declared in a previous set declaration statement. Instead of set
. one could also use the #
sign. The following artificial example illustrates this notation:
Set j /j1, j2/;
Parameter hh(j) /set.j 10/
gg /#j 10/;
This resolves in hh('j1') = hh('j2') = gg('j1') = gg('j2') = 10
- Note
- By default it is not possible to define an empty parameter at declaration. This may be changed using the dollar control option $onEmpty, as shown in the following example:
Set i / seattle, san-diego /;
a(i) / /;
That initializes a('seattle')
and a('san-diego')
to 0. So it is not the same as this:
Set i / seattle, san-diego /;
Here, a
is declared, but not initialized (so, it is not defined yet) and one would get an error when trying to read it.
Parameter Data for Higher Dimensions
A parameter may have several dimensions. For the current maximum number of permitted dimensions, see Dimensions. The list oriented data initialization through the parameter statement can be easily extended to data of higher dimensionality. The label that appears on each line in the one-dimensional case is replaced by a label tuple for higher dimensions. The elements in the .
) just like in the case of multi-dimensional sets.
The following example illustrates the use of parameter data for higher dimensions:
/ anderson .murphy .toy = 6000
hendry .smith .toy = 9000
hoffman .morgan .cosmetics = 8000 /;
All the mechanisms using asterisks and parenthesized lists that we introduced in our discussion of sets are available here as well. For details see section Multi-Dimensional Sets. Below is an artificial example, in which a very small fraction of the total data points are initialized. GAMS will mark an error if the same label combination (or label-tuple) appears more than once in a data list.
Set row / row1*row10 /
col / col1*col10 /;
a(row, col)
/ (row1,row4) . col2*col7 12
row10 . col10 17
row1*row7 . col10 33 /;
In this example the twelve elements row1.col2
to row1.col7
and row4.col2
to row4.col7
are all initialized at 12, the single element row10.col10
at 17, and the seven elements rows1.col10
to row7.col10
at 33. The other 80 elements (out of a total of 100) remain at their default value, which is 0. This example shows the ability of GAMS to provide a concise initialization or definition for a sparse data structure.
Tabular data can be declared and initialized in GAMS using a table statement. For two and higher-dimensional parameters this provides an easier and more concise method of data entry than the list based approach, since - at least in smaller tables - each label appears only once.
The Syntax
In general, the syntax for a table
declaration in GAMS is as follows:
table table_name[(index_list)] [text] [EOL
element { element } EOL
element numerical_value { numerical_value} EOL
{element numerical_value { numerical_value} EOL}] ;
The keyword table
indicates that this is a table
declaration and table_name
is the internal name of the table in GAMS, it is an identifier. The name of the parameter can be followed by the index_list
. In the index_list
the sets are specified over which the table is defined. Note that the specification of the index list in the declaration is optional. However, mostly it is advisable to specify it for reasons of clarity and to enable domain checking. For more on domain checking, see section Domain Checking. The optional explanatory text is used to describe the table, followed by EOL
which means "end of line", a line break. Element
is an element of one of the driving sets. More details follow below. Numerical_value
is the value of the entry associated with the corresponding element combination. It can be given as fixed number or as constant evaluation. Alternatively, the special data type acronym
may be used as value. For details on acronyms, see section Acronyms. For advice on explanatory text and how to choose a table_name
, see the tutorial Good Coding Practices.
- Attention
- By default, the table statement is the only statement in the GAMS language that is not free format. This may be changed using the dollar control option $onDelim.
- The relative positions of all entries in a table are significant. This is the only statement where end of line (EOL) has meaning. The character positions of the numeric table entries must overlap the character positions of the column headings.
- The column section has to fit on one line.
- The sequence of values forming a row must be on the same line.
- The element definition of a row can span more than one line.
- A specific column can appear only once in the entire table.
The rules for building simple tables are straightforward. The components of the header line are
keyword - identifier - index_list - text
Note that the index_list
and the text
are optional. Labels are used on the top and the left to map out a rectangular grid that contains the data values. The order of labels is unimportant, but if domain checking has been specified (i.e. the index_list
has been given in the first line of the table declaration) each label must match one in the associated set. Labels must not be repeated, but can be left out if the corresponding numbers are all zero or not needed. At least one blank must separate all labels and data entries. Blank entries imply that the default value (zero) will be associated with that label combination.
- Note
- Tables must have at least two dimensions. For the current maximum number of permitted dimensions, see Dimensions.
- The
statement can also be terminated with a;
in the first line, so without entering data. In this case the parametertable_name
would be declared but not initialized. - In contrast to the
, andparameter
statements, only one identifier may be initialized in atable
statement, though multiple ones could be declared.
An Illustrative Example
In the following example a simple table is presented. It is adapted from [KORPET], the relevant set definitions are also given.
Set i "plants"
/ inchon, ulsan, yosu /
m "productive units"
/ atmos-dist "atmospheric distillation unit"
steam-cr "steam cracker"
aromatics "aromatics unit"
hydrodeal "hydrodealkylator" /;
Table ka(m,i) "initial cap. of productive units (100 tons per yr)"
inchon ulsan yosu
atmos-dist 3702 12910 9875
steam-cr 517 1207
aromatics 181 148
hydrodeal 180
In this example the row labels are drawn from the set m
and those on the column from the set i
. Note that the data for each row is aligned under the corresponding column headings. Entries that are not specified are assigned the default value zero.
- Note
- If there is any uncertainty about which column a number belongs to, GAMS will protest with an error message and mark the ambiguous entry.
- Attention
- Special care has to be taken, if tabs are used. The GAMS command line option TabIn controls the tab spacing. Note that this spacing might be different form the spacing that the editor is showing, hence the visible alignment might be different from the alignment that GAMS is actually using.
Continued Tables
If a table has too many columns to fit nicely on a single line, then the columns that don't fit may be continued on additional lines. We use the same example to illustrate:
Table ka(m,i) "initial cap. of productive units (100 tons per yr)"
inchon ulsan
atmos-dist 3702 12910
steam-cr 517
aromatics 181
hydrodeal 180
+ yosu
atmos-dist 9875
steam-cr 1207
aromatics 148
The crucial item is the plus '+'
sign above the row labels and to the left of the column labels in the continued part of the table. The row labels have been duplicated, except that hydroreal
has been left out, since it does not have any associated data. Tables may be continued as many times as necessary.
Tables with more than Two Dimensions
Tables may have more than two dimensions. For the current maximum number of permitted dimensions, see Dimensions. As usual, dots are used to separate adjacent labels and may be used in the row or column position. The label on the left of the row corresponds to the first set in the index list, and that on the right of each column header to the last. Obviously, there must be the same number of labels associated with each number in the table, as there are sets in the index list.
The best layout depends on the size of the defining sets and the amount of data. It should provide the most intuitively satisfactory way of organizing and inspecting the data. For most people it is easier to look down a column of numbers than across a row. However, putting extra labels on the row has the advantage of greater density of information.
The following example, adapted from [MARCO], illustrates the use of tables with more than two dimensions.
Set ci "commodities : intermediate"
/ naphtha "naphtha"
dist "distillate"
gas-oil "gas-oil" /
cr "commodities : crude oils"
/ mid-c "mid-continent"
w-tex "west-texas" /
q "attributes of intermediate products"
/ density, sulfur /;
Table attrib(ci, cr, q) "blending attributes"
density sulfur
naphtha. mid-c 272 .283
naphtha. w-tex 272 1.48
dist . mid-c 292 .526
dist . w-tex 297 2.83
gas-oil. mid-c 295 .98
gas-oil. w-tex 303 5.05
The table attrib
could also be laid out as shown below:
Table attrib (ci,cr,q) "blending attributes"
w-tex.density mid-c.density w-tex.sulfur mid-c.sulfur
naphtha 272 272 1.48 .283
dist 297 292 2.83 .526
gas-oil 303 295 5.05 .98
Condensing Tables
All the mechanisms using asterisks and parenthesized lists that were introduced in the discussion of sets are available here as well. For details on these mechanisms, see section Multi-Dimensional Sets. The following example shows how repeated columns or rows can be condensed with asterisks and lists in parentheses. The set membership is not shown, but can easily be inferred.
Table upgrade(strat,size,tech)
small.tech1 small.tech2 medium.tech1 medium.tech2
strategy-1 .05 .05 .05 .05
strategy-2 .2 .2 .2 .2
strategy-3 .2 .2 .2 .2
strategy-4 .2 .2
Table upgradex(strat,size,tech) "alternative way of writing table"
strategy-1.(small,medium) .05
strategy-2*strategy-3.(small,medium) .2
strategy-4.medium .2;
Handling Long Row Labels
It is possible to continue the row labels in a table on a second, or even third line in order to accommodate a reasonable number of columns. The break must come after a dot, and the rest of each line containing an incomplete row label-tuple must be blank.
The following example, adapted from [INDUS], is used to illustrate. This table actually has nine columns and many rows, here we have reproduced just a small part to show continued row label-tuples.
Table yield (c,t,s,w,z) "crop yield (metric tons per acre)"
nwfp pmw
wheat.(bullock, semi-mech).la-plant.
(heavy, january) .385 .338
wheat.(bullock, semi-mech).la-plant. light .506 .446
wheat.(bullock, semi-mech).la-plant. standard .592 .524
wheat.(bullock, semi-mech).(qk-harv, standard).
(heavy, january) .439 .387
Constant Evaluation
Instead of fixed numerical values, one can also use constant expressions to assign values to parameters in a data statement. The syntax of constant expressions used in data statements follows the GAMS syntax as described in Data Manipulations with Parameters, but is restricted to scalar values and a subset of the GAMS intrinsic functions, as summarized below:
- Real numbers only
- Evaluation left to right
- Operator precedence:
- ^ **
- * /
- + - binary and unary
- < <= = <> >= > LE LE EQ NE GE GT
- See Functions for list of supported functions
When used in a data statement, the constant expressions have to be enclosed in a pair of square brackets [ ] or curly brackets { }. Spaces can be used freely inside those brackets. Here is a little example:
Scalars x "PI half" / [pi/2] /
e "famous number" / [ exp( 1 ) ] /;
Parameter y "demo" / USA.(high,low) [1/3]
USA.medium {1/4} /;
Data Entry by Assignment
Data may also be entered using assignment statements. Assignments are introduced and discussed in detail in section The Assignment Statement. This section here is a short outlook and shows how parameters that have already been declared may be assigned values. The general assignment statement has the following form:
parameter_name[(index_list)] = expression;
Here parameter_name
is the name of a parameter that has been declared previously in a scalar, parameter or table statement, index_list
indicates the controlling indices and may either contain a set or sets, a label or label tuple or a combination of those, and expression
may be a number, a numerical expression or an acronym. For details on numerical expressions, see section Expressions.
The following examples illustrate how assignments may be used for data entry.
Set j /j1, j2, j3/;
Scalar a1;
Scalars a2 /11/;
Parameter cc(j),
bc(j) /j2 22/;
a1 = 10;
a2 = 5;
cc(j) = bc(j)+10;
cc("j1") = 1;
The scalar a1
is declared but not initialized in the first scalar statement. It is assigned the value of 10 in the first assignment. The scalar a2
is initialized in the second scalar statement and this value is changed to 5 in the second assignment. Note that the original data is not retained. In the parameter statement the parameter cc(j)
is declared but not initialized and the parameter bc(j)
is only initialized for j2
. This means that bc('j2') = 22
and bc('j1') = bc('j3') = 0
, the default value. Now, the third assignment sets the parameter cc(j)
and assigns to all elements of the set j
the value of the parameter bc(j)
plus 10. So we have cc('j2') = 32
and cc('j1') = cc('j2') = 10
. Note that in this example the set j
has only three elements so only 3 assignments are made simultaneously. However, suppose that the number of set elements is large, say 100,000, then to each element a value is assigned with just one assignment statement. Finally, the value of cc
('j1') is changed to 1.
Observe that in the examples above assignments either refer to one specific set element or to the whole set. It is also possible to make assignments to only a part of the set. The mechanisms for partial set references are discussed in section Restricting the Domain in Assignments. Set elements that are not assigned new values in an assignment with a partial set reference retain their previous values. Recall that these may be the default value, values from the parameter or table statement, or values resulting from previous calculations.
An acronym is a special data type that allows the use of strings as values. Note that acronyms have no numeric values and are treated as character strings only.
The Syntax
The declaration for an acronym is similar to a set or parameter declaration. The basic format is as follows:
Acronym[s] acronym_name [text] {, acronym_name [text]};
The keyword acronym[s]
indicates that this is an acronym
statement and acronym_name
is the internal name of the acronym in GAMS, it is an identifier. The optional explanatory text is used to describe the acronym. For advice on explanatory text and how to choose an acronym_name
, see the tutorial Good Coding Practices.
Note that more than one acronym may be declared in one acronym statement. The entries have to be separated by commas or by end of line. A simple example illustrates this:
Acronym Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday;
Acronym Usage
Acronyms may be used as data in scalar, parameter and table statements. An example for acronyms in a parameter statement follows.
Set machines / m-1*m-5 / ;
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday;
/ m-1 Tuesday
m-2 Wednesday
m-3 Friday
m-4 Monday
m-5 Thursday /;
Acronyms may also be used in assignments as in the example below. For more on assignments, see section The Assignment Statement.
Acronym Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday;
Scalar dayOfWeek;
dayOfWeek = Wednesday;
Note that numerical operations like addition or subtraction are not allowed with acronyms. Such operations would be meaningless since acronyms do not have numeric values.
Another context where acronyms may be used is in logical conditions. For more on logical conditions, see chapter Conditional Expressions, Assignments and Equations. This is shown in the following example:
Acronym Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday;
Scalar dayOfWeek
workHours /6/;
dayOfWeek = Wednesday;
workHours$(dayOfWeek <> Friday) = 8;
Note that only the equality and inequality operators may be used with acronyms. Other operations like addition and division are meaningless since acronyms do not have numeric values.
Acronyms are specific to GAMS and hence difficult to deal with when exchanging data with other systems. Users often replace parameters that contain acronyms with dynamic sets that have an additional index whose values correspond to the acronyms found in the original parameter. The machine shutdown data from above can be represented via a two-dimensional set as follows:
Set machines / m-1*m-5 /
weekdays / Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday /
/ m-1.Tuesday
m-5.Thursday /;
In this chapter, the declaration and initialization of parameters with the Scalar, Parameter, and Table statement have been discussed. Chapter Data Manipulations with Parameters will describe how this data can be changed with assignment statements.