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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CGAMSCheckpointA GAMSCheckpoint class captures the state of a GAMSJob after the GAMSJob.Run method has been carried out. Another GAMSJob can continue (or restart) from a GAMSCheckpoint. A GAMSCheckpoint constructed with a file name will create a file (extension .g00) for permanent storage when supplied as parameter on the GAMSJob.Run method. Moreover, a GAMSModelInstance is also initialized from a checkpoint that contains the model definition of the model instance
 CGAMSDatabaseDomainViolationThis class describes a domain violation of a GAMSDatabase
 CGAMSEngineConfigurationConfiguration that allows the execution of jobs on a specific GAMS Engine instance
 CGAMSEngineJobGAMS Engine Job
 CGAMSEquationThis is the representation of an equation symbol in GAMS. It exists in a GAMSDatabase and contains GAMSEquationRecords which one can iterate through
 CGAMSEquationRecordThis is the representation of a single record of a GAMSEquation
 CGAMSExceptionException class thrown for GAMS exceptions
 CGAMSExceptionExecutionException class thrown for GAMS execution exceptions
 CGAMSModelInstanceOptThe GAMSModelInstanceOpt can be used to customize the GAMSModelInstance.Solve() routine
 CGAMSModifierInstances of this class are input to GAMSModelInstance.Instatiate. A GAMSModifier consists either of a GAMSParameter or a triple: A GAMSVariable or GAMSEquation to be modified, the modification action (e.g. . Upper, Lower or Fixed for updating bounds of a variable, or Primal/Dual for updating the level/marginal of a variable or equation mainly used for starting non-linear models from different starting points), and a GAMSParameter that holds the data for modification. In addition the UpdateType can be defined (if ommitted the type defined in the Solve call is used)
 CGAMSParameterThis is the representation of a parameter symbol in GAMS. It exists in a GAMSDatabase and contains GAMSParameterRecords which one can iterate through
 CGAMSParameterRecordThis is the representation of a single record of a GAMSParameter
 CGAMSSetThis is the representation of a set symbol in GAMS. It exists in a GAMSDatabase and contains GAMSSetRecords which one can iterate through
 CGAMSSetRecordThis is the representation of a single record of a GAMSSet
 CGAMSSymbolThis is the representation of a symbol in GAMS. It exists in a GAMSDatabase and contains GAMSSymbolRecords which one can iterate through. Derived classes are GAMSEquation, GAMSParameter, GAMSSet and GAMSVariable
 CGAMSSymbolDomainViolationThis class describes a domain violation of a GAMSSymbol
 CGAMSSymbolEnumeratorEnumerator for iterating through the records of a specific symbol. This class can be used with all GAMS symbol types
 CGAMSSymbolRecordThis is the representation of a single record of a GAMSSymbol. Derived classes are GAMSEquationRecord, GAMSParameterRecord, GAMSSetRecord and GAMSVariableRecord
 CGAMSVariableThis is the representation of a variable symbol in GAMS. It exists in a GAMSDatabase and contains GAMSVariableRecords which one can iterate through
 CGAMSVariableRecordThis is the representation of a single record of a GAMSVariable
 CGAMSWorkspaceInfoThe GAMSWorkspaceInfo can be used input parameter for the GAMSWorkspace constructor