target.gms : State Variable Targetting in EMPs ECS Framework


This model is a variant of T. Rutherford's model 'State Variable Targetting in
an NLP Framework'.

         This program illustrates how to use recursive NLP methods
         for solving an infinite-horizon optimization model with minimal
         terminal effects.

         Thomas F. Rutherford
         December 1, 2005

It makes use of EMP's embedded complementarity system framework.

Contributors: Jan-H. Jagla, January 2009
              Michael Ferris, April 2010

Small Model of Type : ECS

Category : GAMS EMP library

Main file : target.gms

$title State Variable Targetting in EMPs ECS Framework (TARGET,SEQ=13)


This model is a variant of T. Rutherford's model 'State Variable Targetting in
an NLP Framework'.

*        This program illustrates how to use recursive NLP methods
*        for solving an infinite-horizon optimization model with minimal
*        terminal effects.

*        Thomas F. Rutherford
*        December 1, 2005

It makes use of EMP's embedded complementarity system framework.

Contributors: Jan-H. Jagla, January 2009
              Michael Ferris, April 2010

$if not set horizon $set horizon 2020

set     t                Time periods /2005*%horizon%/,
        tlast(t)         Last time period /%horizon%/
        tfirst(t)        First time period /2005/;

        kvs              Capital value share /0.3/
        delta            Capital depreciation rate /0.07/
        r                Baseline interest rate / 0.05/
        g                Growth rate /0.02/,
        phi              Production scale faster
        L(t)             Labor supply
        kinit            Initial capital stock
        kterm            Terminal capital stock
        dfactor          Discount factor;

L(t) = power(1+g, ord(t)-1);
kinit = 0.5 * kvs / (r + delta);
dfactor(t) = power(1/(1+r), ord(t)-1);
phi = 1 / kinit**kvs;

        C(t)            Consumption trillion US dollars,
        K(t)            Capital stock trillion US dollars,
        I(t)            Investment trillion US dollars,
        Y(t)            Output net abatement and damage costs,
        UTILITY         Maximand;


        UTIL            Objective function
        CC(t)           Consumption
        YY(t)           Output
        KK(t)           Capital balance
        TERMCAP         Terminal capital stock constraint with terminal capital stock parameter;

UTIL..              UTILITY =E= SUM(t, 10 * dfactor(t) * L(t) * LOG(C(t)/L(t)));
CC(t)..                C(t) =E= Y(t) - I(t);
YY(t)..                Y(t) =E= phi * L(t)**(1-kvs) * K(t)**kvs;
KK(t)..                K(t) =L= (1-delta)**10 * K(t-1) + 10 * I(t-1) + kinit$tfirst(t);
TERMCAP..             kterm =E= sum(tlast, (1-delta)**10 * K(tlast) + 10 * I(tlast));

model ramsey NLP Model using parameter kterm /all/;

C.L(t) = 1;        C.LO(t) = 0.01;
K.L(t) = 1;        K.LO(t) = 0.01;
I.L(t) = 1;
Y.L(t) = 1;

*Run iterative loop of ramsey NLP model
set iter /iter1*iter20/;

kterm = kinit * power(1+g,card(t));

parameter        invest(t,iter)  Investment in successive iterations
                 kt(iter)        Terminal capital stock in successive iterations;

option solprint=off, limrow=0, limcol=0;
        kt(iter) = kterm;
        solve ramsey maximizing UTILITY using NLP;
        invest(t,iter) = I.L(t);

        kterm = sum(tlast(t), K.L(tlast) * Y.L(t)/Y.L(t-1));
option solprint=on;

Parameter rep(*,*);
rep('NLP','KTERM') = kterm;
rep('NLP','iter')  = na;

*Now we write this as an MCP
         KTERMV          Terminal capital stock,
         uCC(t)          Shadow value of market supply,
         uKK(t)          Shadow value of capital,
         uYY(t)          Shadow value of output,
         uTERMCAPV       ;

Negative Variables
         uKK(t)          Shadow value of capital;

         dLdC(t)         First-order-conditions from the NLP for variable C
         dLdK(t)         First-order-conditions from the NLP for variable K
         dLdI(t)         First-order-conditions from the NLP for variable I
         dLdY(t)         First-order-conditions from the NLP for variable Y
         TERMCAPV        Terminal capital stock constraint with terminal capital stock variable
         SSTERM          First-order-condition for terminal capital stock variable;

* Dual constraints (first-order-conditions from the NLP):
dLdC(t)..  - 10 * dfactor(t) * L(t) / C(t)
           - uCC(t) =N= 0;
dLdK(t)..  [phi * L(t)**(1-kvs) * kvs * K(t)**(kvs-1)] * uYY(t)
           - uKK(t)
           + [(1-delta)**10]* uKK(t+1)
           + ([(1-delta)**10] * uTERMCAPV)$tlast(t) =N= 0;
dLdI(t)..  - uCC(t)
           + 10 * uKK(t+1)
           + 10 * uTERMCAPV$tlast(t) =N= 0;
dLdY(t)..  + uCC(t)
           - uYY(t) =N= 0;

*Substitute TERMCAP of NLP by TERMCAPV (using variable KTERMV instead of parameter kterm)
TERMCAPV..  KTERMV =E= sum(tlast, (1-delta)**10 * K(tlast) + 10 * I(tlast));

*First-order-condition for terminal capital stock variable
SSTERM.. sum(tlast(t),I(t)/I(t-1) - Y(t)/Y(t-1)) =E= 0;

*Use duals of primal variables
uKK.L(t)    = KK.m(t);
uYY.L(t)    = - YY.m(t);
uCC.L(t)    = - CC.m(t);

model ramseymcp / CC.uCC, YY.uYY, KK.uKK, TERMCAPV.uTERMCAPV, dLdY.Y, dLdC.C, dLdI.I, dLdK.K, SSTERM.KTERMV /;

*Solve the MCP and use NLP solution as starting point
solve ramseymcp using mcp;
rep('MCP','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('MCP','iter')  = ramseymcp.iterusd;

*One may be able to decrease tolerance if running more iteration for the nlp
scalar tol /1e-3/;

*Compare terminal capital stock of iterative NLP Framework with the obtained
*solving the hand-written MCP
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>tol) 'MCP and iterative NLP solution differ';

*Solve the MCP again but now start from the same starting point as the
*NLP iterative process
C.L(t)      = 1;
K.L(t)      = 1;
I.L(t)      = 1;
Y.L(t)      = 1;
KK.m(t)     = 0;
YY.m(t)     = 0;
CC.m(t)     = 0;
TERMCAPV.m  = 0;
solve ramseymcp using mcp;
rep('MCP_2','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('MCP_2','iter')  = ramseymcp.iterusd;

abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>tol) '(Start Over) MCP and iterative NLP solution differ';

*Now we use EMP's Embedded Complementarity System (ECS)
model ramseyemp /UTIL,CC,YY,KK,TERMCAPV,SSTERM/;

$onEcho > ""

solve ramseyemp maximizing UTILITY using emp;
rep('ECS','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('ECS','iter')  = ramseyemp.iterusd;
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>1e-3) 'ECS and iterative NLP solution not the same';

*Solve the EMP ECS model again but now start from the same starting point
*as the NLP iterative process
C.L(t)      = 1;
K.L(t)      = 1;
I.L(t)      = 1;
Y.L(t)      = 1;
KK.m(t)     = 0;
YY.m(t)     = 0;
CC.m(t)     = 0;
TERMCAPV.m  = 0;
solve ramseyemp maximizing UTILITY using emp;
rep('ECS_2','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('ECS_2','iter')  = ramseyemp.iterusd;
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>1e-3) '(Start over) ECS and iterative NLP solution not the same';

*Now we use an EMP Equilibrium

file e / '' /;
put e    'equilibrium' /;
put      'max utility C K I Y util termcapv CC KK YY' /;
putclose 'vi SSTERM KTERMV' /;

solve ramseyemp using emp;
rep('Equil','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('Equil','iter')  = ramseyemp.iterusd;
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>1e-3) 'Equilibrium and iterative NLP solution not the same';

*Solve the EMP Equilibrium model again but now start from the same starting
*point as the NLP iterative process
C.L(t)      = 1;
K.L(t)      = 1;
I.L(t)      = 1;
Y.L(t)      = 1;
KK.m(t)     = 0;
YY.m(t)     = 0;
CC.m(t)     = 0;
TERMCAPV.m  = 0;
solve ramseyemp using emp;
rep('Equil_2','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('Equil_2','iter')  = ramseyemp.iterusd;
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>1e-3) '(Start over) Equilibrium and iterative NLP solution not the same';

display rep;