This model is a variant of T. Rutherford's model 'State Variable Targetting in an NLP Framework'. This program illustrates how to use recursive NLP methods for solving an infinite-horizon optimization model with minimal terminal effects. Thomas F. Rutherford December 1, 2005 It makes use of EMP's embedded complementarity system framework. Contributors: Jan-H. Jagla, January 2009 Michael Ferris, April 2010
Small Model of Type : ECS
Category : GAMS EMP library
Main file : target.gms
$title State Variable Targetting in EMPs ECS Framework (TARGET,SEQ=13)
This model is a variant of T. Rutherford's model 'State Variable Targetting in
an NLP Framework'.
* This program illustrates how to use recursive NLP methods
* for solving an infinite-horizon optimization model with minimal
* terminal effects.
* Thomas F. Rutherford
* December 1, 2005
It makes use of EMP's embedded complementarity system framework.
Contributors: Jan-H. Jagla, January 2009
Michael Ferris, April 2010
$if not set horizon $set horizon 2020
set t Time periods /2005*%horizon%/,
tlast(t) Last time period /%horizon%/
tfirst(t) First time period /2005/;
kvs Capital value share /0.3/
delta Capital depreciation rate /0.07/
r Baseline interest rate / 0.05/
g Growth rate /0.02/,
phi Production scale faster
L(t) Labor supply
kinit Initial capital stock
kterm Terminal capital stock
dfactor Discount factor;
L(t) = power(1+g, ord(t)-1);
kinit = 0.5 * kvs / (r + delta);
dfactor(t) = power(1/(1+r), ord(t)-1);
phi = 1 / kinit**kvs;
C(t) Consumption trillion US dollars,
K(t) Capital stock trillion US dollars,
I(t) Investment trillion US dollars,
Y(t) Output net abatement and damage costs,
UTILITY Maximand;
UTIL Objective function
CC(t) Consumption
YY(t) Output
KK(t) Capital balance
TERMCAP Terminal capital stock constraint with terminal capital stock parameter;
UTIL.. UTILITY =E= SUM(t, 10 * dfactor(t) * L(t) * LOG(C(t)/L(t)));
CC(t).. C(t) =E= Y(t) - I(t);
YY(t).. Y(t) =E= phi * L(t)**(1-kvs) * K(t)**kvs;
KK(t).. K(t) =L= (1-delta)**10 * K(t-1) + 10 * I(t-1) + kinit$tfirst(t);
TERMCAP.. kterm =E= sum(tlast, (1-delta)**10 * K(tlast) + 10 * I(tlast));
model ramsey NLP Model using parameter kterm /all/;
C.L(t) = 1; C.LO(t) = 0.01;
K.L(t) = 1; K.LO(t) = 0.01;
I.L(t) = 1;
Y.L(t) = 1;
*Run iterative loop of ramsey NLP model
set iter /iter1*iter20/;
kterm = kinit * power(1+g,card(t));
parameter invest(t,iter) Investment in successive iterations
kt(iter) Terminal capital stock in successive iterations;
option solprint=off, limrow=0, limcol=0;
kt(iter) = kterm;
solve ramsey maximizing UTILITY using NLP;
invest(t,iter) = I.L(t);
kterm = sum(tlast(t), K.L(tlast) * Y.L(t)/Y.L(t-1));
option solprint=on;
Parameter rep(*,*);
rep('NLP','KTERM') = kterm;
rep('NLP','iter') = na;
*Now we write this as an MCP
KTERMV Terminal capital stock,
uCC(t) Shadow value of market supply,
uKK(t) Shadow value of capital,
uYY(t) Shadow value of output,
Negative Variables
uKK(t) Shadow value of capital;
dLdC(t) First-order-conditions from the NLP for variable C
dLdK(t) First-order-conditions from the NLP for variable K
dLdI(t) First-order-conditions from the NLP for variable I
dLdY(t) First-order-conditions from the NLP for variable Y
TERMCAPV Terminal capital stock constraint with terminal capital stock variable
SSTERM First-order-condition for terminal capital stock variable;
* Dual constraints (first-order-conditions from the NLP):
dLdC(t).. - 10 * dfactor(t) * L(t) / C(t)
- uCC(t) =N= 0;
dLdK(t).. [phi * L(t)**(1-kvs) * kvs * K(t)**(kvs-1)] * uYY(t)
- uKK(t)
+ [(1-delta)**10]* uKK(t+1)
+ ([(1-delta)**10] * uTERMCAPV)$tlast(t) =N= 0;
dLdI(t).. - uCC(t)
+ 10 * uKK(t+1)
+ 10 * uTERMCAPV$tlast(t) =N= 0;
dLdY(t).. + uCC(t)
- uYY(t) =N= 0;
*Substitute TERMCAP of NLP by TERMCAPV (using variable KTERMV instead of parameter kterm)
TERMCAPV.. KTERMV =E= sum(tlast, (1-delta)**10 * K(tlast) + 10 * I(tlast));
*First-order-condition for terminal capital stock variable
SSTERM.. sum(tlast(t),I(t)/I(t-1) - Y(t)/Y(t-1)) =E= 0;
*Use duals of primal variables
uKK.L(t) = KK.m(t);
uYY.L(t) = - YY.m(t);
uCC.L(t) = - CC.m(t);
model ramseymcp / CC.uCC, YY.uYY, KK.uKK, TERMCAPV.uTERMCAPV, dLdY.Y, dLdC.C, dLdI.I, dLdK.K, SSTERM.KTERMV /;
*Solve the MCP and use NLP solution as starting point
solve ramseymcp using mcp;
rep('MCP','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('MCP','iter') = ramseymcp.iterusd;
*One may be able to decrease tolerance if running more iteration for the nlp
scalar tol /1e-3/;
*Compare terminal capital stock of iterative NLP Framework with the obtained
*solving the hand-written MCP
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>tol) 'MCP and iterative NLP solution differ';
*Solve the MCP again but now start from the same starting point as the
*NLP iterative process
C.L(t) = 1;
K.L(t) = 1;
I.L(t) = 1;
Y.L(t) = 1;
KK.m(t) = 0;
YY.m(t) = 0;
CC.m(t) = 0;
solve ramseymcp using mcp;
rep('MCP_2','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('MCP_2','iter') = ramseymcp.iterusd;
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>tol) '(Start Over) MCP and iterative NLP solution differ';
*Now we use EMP's Embedded Complementarity System (ECS)
model ramseyemp /UTIL,CC,YY,KK,TERMCAPV,SSTERM/;
$onEcho > ""
solve ramseyemp maximizing UTILITY using emp;
rep('ECS','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('ECS','iter') = ramseyemp.iterusd;
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>1e-3) 'ECS and iterative NLP solution not the same';
*Solve the EMP ECS model again but now start from the same starting point
*as the NLP iterative process
C.L(t) = 1;
K.L(t) = 1;
I.L(t) = 1;
Y.L(t) = 1;
KK.m(t) = 0;
YY.m(t) = 0;
CC.m(t) = 0;
solve ramseyemp maximizing UTILITY using emp;
rep('ECS_2','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('ECS_2','iter') = ramseyemp.iterusd;
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>1e-3) '(Start over) ECS and iterative NLP solution not the same';
*Now we use an EMP Equilibrium
file e / '' /;
put e 'equilibrium' /;
put 'max utility C K I Y util termcapv CC KK YY' /;
putclose 'vi SSTERM KTERMV' /;
solve ramseyemp using emp;
rep('Equil','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('Equil','iter') = ramseyemp.iterusd;
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>1e-3) 'Equilibrium and iterative NLP solution not the same';
*Solve the EMP Equilibrium model again but now start from the same starting
*point as the NLP iterative process
C.L(t) = 1;
K.L(t) = 1;
I.L(t) = 1;
Y.L(t) = 1;
KK.m(t) = 0;
YY.m(t) = 0;
CC.m(t) = 0;
solve ramseyemp using emp;
rep('Equil_2','KTERM') = KTERMV.l;
rep('Equil_2','iter') = ramseyemp.iterusd;
abort$(abs(kterm-KTERMV.l)>1e-3) '(Start over) Equilibrium and iterative NLP solution not the same';
display rep;