Category : GAMS PSOPT library
Mainfile : DED-wind.gms
$title Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch considering Wind generation
For more details please refer to Chapter 4 (Gcode4.4), of the following book:
Soroudi, Alireza. Power System Optimization Modeling in GAMS. Springer, 2017.
Model type: QCP
Contributed by
Dr. Alireza Soroudi
IEEE Senior Member
We do request that publications derived from the use of the developed GAMS code
explicitly acknowledge that fact by citing
Soroudi, Alireza. Power System Optimization Modeling in GAMS. Springer, 2017.
t 'hours' / t1*t24 /
g 'thermal units' / p1*p4 /;
Table gendata(g,*) 'generator cost characteristics and limits'
a b c d e f Pmin Pmax RU0 RD0
p1 0.12 14.80 89 1.2 -5 3 28 200 40 40
p2 0.17 16.57 83 2.3 -4.24 6.09 20 290 30 30
p3 0.15 15.55 100 1.1 -2.15 5.69 30 190 30 30
p4 0.19 16.21 70 1.1 -3.99 6.2 20 260 50 50;
Table data(t,*)
lambda load wind
t1 32.71 510 44.1
t2 34.72 530 48.5
t3 32.71 516 65.7
t4 32.74 510 144.9
t5 32.96 515 202.3
t6 34.93 544 317.3
t7 44.9 646 364.4
t8 52 686 317.3
t9 53.03 741 271
t10 47.26 734 306.9
t11 44.07 748 424.1
t12 38.63 760 398
t13 39.91 754 487.6
t14 39.45 700 521.9
t15 41.14 686 541.3
t16 39.23 720 560
t17 52.12 714 486.8
t18 40.85 761 372.6
t19 41.2 727 367.4
t20 41.15 714 314.3
t21 45.76 618 316.6
t22 45.59 584 311.4
t23 45.56 578 405.4
t24 34.72 544 470.4;
* -----------------------------------------------------
OBJ 'objective (revenue)'
cost 'cost of thermal units'
p(g,t) 'power generated by thermal power plant'
Pw(t), PWC(t) 'winf power wind curtailmet';
Pw.up(t) = data(t,'wind');
Pw.lo(t) = 0;
Pwc.up(t) = data(t,'wind');
Pwc.lo(t) = 0;
p.up(g,t) = gendata(g,"Pmax");
p.lo(g,t) = gendata(g,"Pmin");
Scalar VWC / 50 /;
Equation Genconst3, Genconst4, costThermalcalc, balance, wind;
costThermalcalc.. cost =e= sum(t, VWC*pwc(t))
+ sum((t,g), gendata(g,'a')*power(p(g,t),2)
+ gendata(g,'b')*p(g,t) + gendata(g,'c'));
Genconst3(g,t).. p(g,t+1) - p(g,t) =l= gendata(g,'RU0');
Genconst4(g,t).. p(g,t-1) - p(g,t) =l= gendata(g,'RD0');
balance(t).. sum(g, p(g,t)) + Pw(t) =g= data(t,'load');
wind(t).. Pw(t) + PWC(t) =e= data(t,'wind');
Model DEDwindcostbased / all /;
solve DEDwindcostbased using qcp minimizing cost;
Parameter rep(t,*);
rep(t,'Pth') = sum(g, p.l(g,t));
rep(t,'PW') = PW.l(t);
rep(t,'Pwc') = PWc.l(t);
rep(t,'Load') = data(t,'load');