badpt1.gms : Test rejection of models with generation errors


In this model we attempt to solve a number of models that have
generation errors of various types.  By default, CMEX should
reject these models - i.e. the solver is not called.

Contributor: Steve Dirkse, Nov 2004

  get the model definitions

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : badpt1.gms   includes : [html]

$title 'Test rejection of models with generation errors' (BADPT1,SEQ=178)

In this model we attempt to solve a number of models that have
generation errors of various types.  By default, CMEX should
reject these models - i.e. the solver is not called.

Contributor: Steve Dirkse, Nov 2004

* get the model definitions

maxexecerror = 10;
* assume sys12 switch for accepting bad models is at its default of 0
* option sys12 = 0;

solve logzero using nlp min z;
abort$(execerror=0) 'previous solve should have given exec errors';
abort$(logzero.solvestat <> %solvestat.SolveProcessingSkipped% or logzero.modelstat <> %modelstat.NoSolutionReturned%)  'bad return codes';
execerror = 0;

solve divzero using nlp min z;
abort$(execerror=0) 'previous solve should have given exec errors';
abort$(logzero.solvestat <> %solvestat.SolveProcessingSkipped% or logzero.modelstat <> %modelstat.NoSolutionReturned%)  'bad return codes';
execerror = 0;