badpt3.gms : Test rejection of models with generation errors


In this model we check how GAMS/Base treats models
with gradient eval errors at the initial point.  It should pass them on to
the solver without any special prompting.

Contributor: Steve Dirkse, Nov 2004

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : badpt3.gms

$title 'Test rejection of models with generation errors' (BADPT3,SEQ=180)

In this model we check how GAMS/Base treats models
with gradient eval errors at the initial point.  It should pass them on to
the solver without any special prompting.

Contributor: Steve Dirkse, Nov 2004

$if not set TESTTOL $set TESTTOL 1e-5
    tol     /    %TESTTOL% /;

variable y, z;
equation f, g;

f..     z =e= sqrt(y);
g..     sqr(y) =g= 1;

model rootzero / f,g /;
rootzero.optcr = 0;
y.l = 0;

scalar haveBaron / 0 /;
$if NOT SOLVER baron $goTo NO_BARON
haveBaron = 1;
y.lo = 0;
y.up = 100;
option nlp = baron, optcr = 0, optca = 0;

$label NO_BARON
$if NOT SOLVER pathnlp $exit
option nlp = pathnlp;
* bounds will cause PATHNLP to shift the initial iterate
* if the initial point it gets is bad
y.lo = -INF;
y.up = +INF;


solve rootzero using nlp min z;
if {haveBaron,
  abort$(rootzero.solvestat <> %solveStat.normalCompletion% or rootzero.modelstat <> %modelStat.optimal%) 'wrong status codes';
  abort$(rootzero.numnopt  <> 0) '    NONOPT flags set';
  abort$(rootzero.numinfes <> 0) 'INFEASIBLE flags set';
  abort$(abs(y.l-1) > tol)   'bad solution: y.l ', y.l;
  abort$(abs(y.m) > tol)     'bad solution: y.m ', y.m;
  abort$(abs(z.l-1) > tol)   'bad solution: z.l ', z.l;
  abort$(abs(z.m) > tol)     'bad solution: z.m ', z.m;
  abort$(abs(f.l) > tol)     'bad solution: f.l ', f.l;
  abort$(abs(f.m-1) > tol)   'bad solution: f.m ', f.m;
  abort$(abs(g.l-1) > tol)   'bad solution: g.l ', g.l;
  abort$(abs(g.m-.25) > tol) 'bad solution: g.m ', g.m;
  abort$(rootzero.solvestat <> %solveStat.setupFailure% or rootzero.modelstat <> %modelStat.noSolutionReturned%) 'wrong status codes';