buildwarnings.gms : checks gams system build log for warnings


grep's the log of the GAMS build for warnings from compilers and other
tools (doxygen, make, zip, ...)

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : buildwarnings.gms

$title checks gams system build log for warnings (buildwarnings,SEQ=683)

grep's the log of the GAMS build for warnings from compilers and other
tools (doxygen, make, zip, ...)

The name and path of the log file need to be set in the GAMSBUILDLOG
environment variable.

Contributor: Stefan Vigerske, June 2015

$if not setenv GAMSBUILDLOG $abort.noError "environment variable GAMSBUILDLOG not set, don't know where to find build log"

$call awk -f buildwarnings.awk %sysenv.GAMSBUILDLOG%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'test failed, check stdout/stderr'