convert16.gms : CONVERT test suite - Basic test of convert output for quadratic model


This tests the basic convert file formats using the
himmel11 model and the 'all' (most) files option.

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : convert16.gms

$title 'CONVERT test suite - Basic test of convert output' (CONVERT16,SEQ=865)

* This tests the basic convert file formats using the
* himmel11 model and the 'all' (most) files option.

$set ide ide=%gams.ide% lo=%gams.lo%

$call gamslib -q himmel11
$onEcho > convert.opt

$call gams himmel11.gms optfile=1 solver=convert %ide%

$onEcho > ampl_mod
# QCP written by GAMS Convert
# Equation counts
#     Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
#         4        3        1        0        0        0        0        0
# Variable counts
#                  x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
#     Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
#         9        9        0        0        0        0        0        0
# FX      0
# Nonzero counts
#     Total    const       NL
#        22        9       13
# Reformulation has removed 1 variable and 1 equation

var x1 >= 0, <= 92;
var x2 := 90, >= 90, <= 110;
var x3 := 20, >= 20, <= 25;
var x4 >= 0;
var x5 := 78.62, >= 78, <= 102;
var x6 := 33.44, >= 33, <= 45;
var x7 := 31.07, >= 27, <= 45;
var x8 := 44.18, >= 27, <= 45;
var x9 := 35.22, >= 27, <= 45;

minimize obj: 5.3578547 * x7^2 + 0.8356891 * x5 * x9 + 37.293239 * x5 + 5000 *
    x4 - 40792.141;

subject to

e1:  5 * x4 - x5 + 7 * x7 - x9 >= 0;
e2:  -0.0056858 * x6 * x9 - 0.0006262 * x5 * x8 + 0.0022053 * x7 * x9 + x1 + 2
     * x4 = 85.334407;
e3:  -0.0071317 * x6 * x9 - 0.0029955 * x5 * x6 - 0.0021813 * x7^2 + x2
     = 80.51249;
e4:  -0.0047026 * x7 * x9 - 0.0012547 * x5 * x7 - 0.0019085 * x7 * x8 + x3 + 4
     * x4 = 9.300961;
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" ampl_mod > ampl.mod.want
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" ampl.mod >
$call =diff -b ampl.mod.want
$if NOT errorlevel 0 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%
$if     errorlevel 1 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%

$onEcho > cplex_lp
\ QCP written by GAMS Convert
\ Equation counts
\     Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
\         5        4        1        0        0        0        0        0
\ Variable counts
\                  x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
\     Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
\        10       10        0        0        0        0        0        0
\ FX      0
\ Nonzero counts
\     Total    const       NL
\        27       11       16

 obj: x10

Subject To
 e1: 5 x4 - x5 + 7 x7 - x9 >= 0
 e2: x1 + 2 x4 + [-0.0006262 x5 * x8 - 0.0056858 x6 * x9 + 0.0022053 x7 * x9]
     = 85.334407
 e3: x2 + [-0.0029955 x5 * x6 - 0.0071317 x6 * x9 - 0.0021813 x7^2] = 80.51249
 e4: x3 + 4 x4 + [-0.0012547 x5 * x7 - 0.0019085 x7 * x8 - 0.0047026 x7 * x9]
     = 9.300961
 e5: -5000 x4 - 37.293239 x5 + x10 + [-0.8356891 x5 * x9 - 5.3578547 x7^2]
     = -40792.141

 0 <= x1 <= 92
 90 <= x2 <= 110
 20 <= x3 <= 25
 78 <= x5 <= 102
 33 <= x6 <= 45
 27 <= x7 <= 45
 27 <= x8 <= 45
 27 <= x9 <= 45
 x10 Free

$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" cplex_lp > cplex.lp.want
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" cplex.lp >
$call =diff -b cplex.lp.want
$if NOT errorlevel 0 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%
$if     errorlevel 1 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%

$onEcho > cplex_mps
* QCP written by GAMS Convert
* Equation counts
*     Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
*         5        4        1        0        0        0        0        0
* Variable counts
*                  x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
*     Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
*        10       10        0        0        0        0        0        0
* FX      0
* Nonzero counts
*     Total    const       NL
*        27       11       16

NAME Convert
 N obj
 G e1
 E e2
 E e3
 E e4
 E e5
 x1 e2 1
 x2 e3 1
 x3 e4 1
 x4 e1 5
 x4 e2 2
 x4 e4 4
 x4 e5 -5000
 x5 e1 -1
 x5 e5 -37.293239
 x7 e1 7
 x9 e1 -1
 x10 obj 1
 x10 e5 1
 rhs e2 85.334407
 rhs e3 80.51249
 rhs e4 9.300961
 rhs e5 -40792.141
 UP bnd x1 92
 LO bnd x2 90
 UP bnd x2 110
 LO bnd x3 20
 UP bnd x3 25
 LO bnd x5 78
 UP bnd x5 102
 LO bnd x6 33
 UP bnd x6 45
 LO bnd x7 27
 UP bnd x7 45
 LO bnd x8 27
 UP bnd x8 45
 LO bnd x9 27
 UP bnd x9 45
 FR bnd x10
 x5 x8 -0.0006262
 x8 x5 -0.0006262
 x6 x9 -0.0056858
 x9 x6 -0.0056858
 x7 x9 0.0022053
 x9 x7 0.0022053
 x5 x6 -0.0029955
 x6 x5 -0.0029955
 x6 x9 -0.0071317
 x9 x6 -0.0071317
 x7 x7 -0.0043626
 x5 x7 -0.0012547
 x7 x5 -0.0012547
 x7 x8 -0.0019085
 x8 x7 -0.0019085
 x7 x9 -0.0047026
 x9 x7 -0.0047026
 x5 x9 -0.8356891
 x9 x5 -0.8356891
 x7 x7 -10.7157094
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" cplex_mps > cplex.mps.want
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" cplex.mps >
$call =diff -b cplex.mps.want
$if NOT errorlevel 0 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%
$if     errorlevel 1 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%

$onEcho > fixed_mps
* QCP written by GAMS Convert
* Equation counts
*     Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
*         5        4        1        0        0        0        0        0
* Variable counts
*                  x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
*     Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
*        10       10        0        0        0        0        0        0
* FX      0
* Nonzero counts
*     Total    const       NL
*        27       11       16

NAME          Convert
* original model was minimizing
 N  obj
 G  e1
 E  e2
 E  e3
 E  e4
 E  e5
    x1        e2                   1
    x2        e3                   1
    x3        e4                   1
    x4        e1                   5
    x4        e2                   2
    x4        e4                   4
    x4        e5               -5000
    x5        e1                  -1
    x5        e5          -37.293239
    x7        e1                   7
    x9        e1                  -1
    x10       obj                  1
    x10       e5                   1
    rhs       e2           85.334407
    rhs       e3            80.51249
    rhs       e4            9.300961
    rhs       e5          -40792.141
 UP bnd       x1                  92
 LO bnd       x2                  90
 UP bnd       x2                 110
 LO bnd       x3                  20
 UP bnd       x3                  25
 LO bnd       x5                  78
 UP bnd       x5                 102
 LO bnd       x6                  33
 UP bnd       x6                  45
 LO bnd       x7                  27
 UP bnd       x7                  45
 LO bnd       x8                  27
 UP bnd       x8                  45
 LO bnd       x9                  27
 UP bnd       x9                  45
 FR bnd       x10
    x5        x8          -0.0006262
    x8        x5          -0.0006262
    x6        x9          -0.0056858
    x9        x6          -0.0056858
    x7        x9           0.0022053
    x9        x7           0.0022053
    x5        x6          -0.0029955
    x6        x5          -0.0029955
    x6        x9          -0.0071317
    x9        x6          -0.0071317
    x7        x7          -0.0043626
    x5        x7          -0.0012547
    x7        x5          -0.0012547
    x7        x8          -0.0019085
    x8        x7          -0.0019085
    x7        x9          -0.0047026
    x9        x7          -0.0047026
    x5        x9          -0.8356891
    x9        x5          -0.8356891
    x7        x7         -10.7157094
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" fixed_mps > fixed.mps.want
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" fixed.mps >
$call =diff -b fixed.mps.want
$if NOT errorlevel 0 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%
$if     errorlevel 1 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%

$onEcho > gams_gms
* QCP written by GAMS Convert
* Equation counts
*     Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
*         5        4        1        0        0        0        0        0
* Variable counts
*                  x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
*     Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
*        10       10        0        0        0        0        0        0
* FX      0
* Nonzero counts
*     Total    const       NL
*        27       11       16

* Solve m using QCP minimizing x10;


Positive Variables


e1..  5 * x4 - x5 + 7 * x7 - x9 =G= 0;
e2..  -0.0056858 * x6 * x9 - 0.0006262 * x5 * x8 + 0.0022053 * x7 * x9 + x1 + 2
      * x4 =E= 85.334407;
e3..  -0.0071317 * x6 * x9 - 0.0029955 * x5 * x6 - 0.0021813 * sqr(x7) + x2
      =E= 80.51249;
e4..  -0.0047026 * x7 * x9 - 0.0012547 * x5 * x7 - 0.0019085 * x7 * x8 + x3 + 4
      * x4 =E= 9.300961;
e5..  -5.3578547 * sqr(x7) - 0.8356891 * x5 * x9 - 37.293239 * x5 - 5000 * x4
      + x10 =E= -40792.141;

* set non-default bounds
x1.lo = 0; x1.up = 92;
x2.lo = 90; x2.up = 110;
x3.lo = 20; x3.up = 25;
x5.lo = 78; x5.up = 102;
x6.lo = 33; x6.up = 45;
x7.lo = 27; x7.up = 45;
x8.lo = 27; x8.up = 45;
x9.lo = 27; x9.up = 45;

* set non-default levels
x5.l = 78.62;
x6.l = 33.44;
x7.l = 31.07;
x8.l = 44.18;
x9.l = 35.22;

Model m / all /;

m.limrow = 0;
m.limcol = 0;

Solve m using QCP minimizing x10;
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" gams_gms > gams.gms.want
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" gams.gms >
$call =diff -b gams.gms.want
$if NOT errorlevel 0 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%
$if     errorlevel 1 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%

$onEcho > lingo_lng
! QCP written by GAMS Convert
! Equation counts
!     Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
!         4        3        1        0        0        0        0        0
! Variable counts
!                  x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
!     Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
!         9        9        0        0        0        0        0        0
! FX      0
! Nonzero counts
!     Total    const       NL
!        22        9       13
! Reformulation has removed 1 variable and 1 equation

! ;


[Obj] MIN = 5.3578547 * @SQR(x7) + 0.8356891 * x5 * x9 + 37.293239 * x5 + 5000
      * x4 - 40792.141;

[e1] 5 * x4 - x5 + 7 * x7 - x9 >= 0;
[e2] -(0.0056858 * x6 * x9) - 0.0006262 * x5 * x8 + 0.0022053 * x7 * x9 + x1 +
     2 * x4 = 85.334407;
[e3] -(0.0071317 * x6 * x9) - 0.0029955 * x5 * x6 - 0.0021813 * @SQR(x7) + x2
     = 80.51249;
[e4] -(0.0047026 * x7 * x9) - 0.0012547 * x5 * x7 - 0.0019085 * x7 * x8 + x3 +
     4 * x4 = 9.300961;

@BND(0, x1, 92);
@BND(90, x2, 110);
@BND(20, x3, 25);
@BND(78, x5, 102);
@BND(33, x6, 45);
@BND(27, x7, 45);
@BND(27, x8, 45);
@BND(27, x9, 45);

x2 = 90;
x3 = 20;
x5 = 78.62;
x6 = 33.44;
x7 = 31.07;
x8 = 44.18;
x9 = 35.22;
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" lingo_lng > lingo.lng.want
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" lingo.lng >
$call =diff -b lingo.lng.want
$if NOT errorlevel 0 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%
$if     errorlevel 1 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%

$onEcho > dict_txt
QCP written by GAMS Convert

Equation counts
    Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
        5        4        1        0        0        0        0        0

Variable counts
                 x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
    Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
       10       10        0        0        0        0        0        0
FX      0

Nonzero counts
    Total    const       NL
       27       11       16

Equations 1 to 5
  e1  e1
  e2  e2
  e3  e3
  e4  e4
  e5  e5

Variables 1 to 10
  x1  g2
  x2  g3
  x3  g4
  x4  xl
  x5  x1
  x6  x2
  x7  x3
  x8  x4
  x9  x5
  x10  obj
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" dict_txt > dict.txt.want
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" dict.txt >
$call =diff -b dict.txt.want
$if NOT errorlevel 0 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%
$if     errorlevel 1 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%

$onEcho > files_txt

$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" files_txt > files.txt.want
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" files.txt >
$call =diff -b files.txt.want
$if NOT errorlevel 0 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%
$if     errorlevel 1 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%

$onEcho > jump_jl
# QCP written by GAMS Convert
# Equation counts
#     Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
#         4        3        1        0        0        0        0        0
# Variable counts
#                  x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
#     Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
#         9        9        0        0        0        0        0        0
# FX      0
# Nonzero counts
#     Total    const       NL
#        22        9       13
# Reformulation has removed 1 variable and 1 equation

using JuMP
using MathOptInterface
const MOI = MathOptInterface

model = m = Model()

@variable(m, 0 <= x1 <= 92, start=0)
@variable(m, 90 <= x2 <= 110, start=90)
@variable(m, 20 <= x3 <= 25, start=20)
@variable(m, 0 <= x4, start=0)
@variable(m, 78 <= x5 <= 102, start=78.62)
@variable(m, 33 <= x6 <= 45, start=33.44)
@variable(m, 27 <= x7 <= 45, start=31.07)
@variable(m, 27 <= x8 <= 45, start=44.18)
@variable(m, 27 <= x9 <= 45, start=35.22)

@objective(m, Min, 5.3578547 * x7^2 + 0.8356891 * x5 * x9 + 37.293239 * x5 +
    5000 * x4 - 40792.141)

@constraint(m, e1, 5 * x4 - x5 + 7 * x7 - x9 >= 0)
@constraint(m, e2, -0.0056858 * x6 * x9 - 0.0006262 * x5 * x8 + 0.0022053 * x7
    * x9 + x1 + 2 * x4 == 85.334407)
@constraint(m, e3, -0.0071317 * x6 * x9 - 0.0029955 * x5 * x6 - 0.0021813 * x7^
    2 + x2 == 80.51249)
@constraint(m, e4, -0.0047026 * x7 * x9 - 0.0012547 * x5 * x7 - 0.0019085 * x7
    * x8 + x3 + 4 * x4 == 9.300961)
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" jump_jl > jump.jl.want
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" jump.jl >
$call =diff -b jump.jl.want
$if NOT errorlevel 0 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%
$if     errorlevel 1 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%

$onEcho > pyomo_py
# QCP written by GAMS Convert
# Equation counts
#     Total        E        G        L        N        X        C        B
#         4        3        1        0        0        0        0        0
# Variable counts
#                  x        b        i      s1s      s2s       sc       si
#     Total     cont   binary  integer     sos1     sos2    scont     sint
#         9        9        0        0        0        0        0        0
# FX      0
# Nonzero counts
#     Total    const       NL
#        22        9       13
# Reformulation has removed 1 variable and 1 equation

from pyomo.environ import *

model = m = ConcreteModel()

m.x1 = Var(within=Reals, bounds=(0,92), initialize=0)
m.x2 = Var(within=Reals, bounds=(90,110), initialize=90)
m.x3 = Var(within=Reals, bounds=(20,25), initialize=20)
m.x4 = Var(within=Reals, bounds=(0,None), initialize=0)
m.x5 = Var(within=Reals, bounds=(78,102), initialize=78.62)
m.x6 = Var(within=Reals, bounds=(33,45), initialize=33.44)
m.x7 = Var(within=Reals, bounds=(27,45), initialize=31.07)
m.x8 = Var(within=Reals, bounds=(27,45), initialize=44.18)
m.x9 = Var(within=Reals, bounds=(27,45), initialize=35.22)

m.obj = Objective(sense=minimize, expr= 5.3578547 * m.x7**2 + 0.8356891 * m.x5
    * m.x9 + 37.293239 * m.x5 + 5000 * m.x4 - 40792.141)

m.e1 = Constraint(expr= 5 * m.x4 - m.x5 + 7 * m.x7 - m.x9 >= 0)
m.e2 = Constraint(expr= -0.0056858 * m.x6 * m.x9 - 0.0006262 * m.x5 * m.x8 +
    0.0022053 * m.x7 * m.x9 + m.x1 + 2 * m.x4 == 85.334407)
m.e3 = Constraint(expr= -0.0071317 * m.x6 * m.x9 - 0.0029955 * m.x5 * m.x6 -
    0.0021813 * m.x7**2 + m.x2 == 80.51249)
m.e4 = Constraint(expr= -0.0047026 * m.x7 * m.x9 - 0.0012547 * m.x5 * m.x7 -
    0.0019085 * m.x7 * m.x8 + m.x3 + 4 * m.x4 == 9.300961)
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" pyomo_py >
$call grep -v "QCP written by GAMS" >
$call =diff -b
$if NOT errorlevel 0 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%
$if     errorlevel 1 $error errorlevel not 0 but is %system.errorlevel%