decis02.gms : Test of correctness for levels and marginals of LP


Test of correctness of the levels and marginals returned.
All cases are considered, e.g.
  1) =L=, =G=, =E= constraints (should we add =N=?)
  2) variables at lower and upper bound, and not at bound
  3) min or max
  4) special attention paid to the form of the obj. constraint, i.e.
     cz * z = cx + b where cz and b take different values

The unique wrinkle with this model is that it's set up to be
a trivial 2-stage model: s2 is the only 2nd-stage var,
s2con the only 2nd-stage constraint.  Any LP solver can solve the
core model given here, and we formulate the deterministic version
so that each scenario is identical and we can test results from
stochastic solvers since we know the expected result.

Contributor: Steven Dirkse, February 2006

Small Model of Type : LP

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : decis02.gms

$title Test of correctness for levels & marginals of LP (DECIS02,SEQ=374)

Test of correctness of the levels and marginals returned.
All cases are considered, e.g.
  1) =L=, =G=, =E= constraints (should we add =N=?)
  2) variables at lower and upper bound, and not at bound
  3) min or max
  4) special attention paid to the form of the obj. constraint, i.e.
     cz * z = cx + b where cz and b take different values

The unique wrinkle with this model is that it's set up to be
a trivial 2-stage model: s2 is the only 2nd-stage var,
s2con the only 2nd-stage constraint.  Any LP solver can solve the
core model given here, and we formulate the deterministic version
so that each scenario is identical and we can test results from
stochastic solvers since we know the expected result.

Contributor: Steven Dirkse, February 2006

$if not set MTYPE   $set MTYPE lp
$if not set TESTTOL $set TESTTOL 1e-6
scalar mchecks / 0 /;
$if not %QPMCHECKS% == 0 mchecks = 1;

scalar failed / 0 /;
$escape =
$echo if{%=1, display '%=1 failed', '%=2'; failed=1}; > gtest.gms
$escape %

set J / j1 * j7 /;
set GT / gt1 * gt2 /;
set LT / lt1 * lt2 /;
set EQ / eq1 * eq3 /;


    c(J) / j1   -1
           j2   1
           j3   5
           j4   -6
           j5   6
           j6   -1
           j7   1 /
    bgt(GT) /
           gt1  2
           gt2  4 /,
    blt(LT) /
           lt1  -17
           lt2  10 /,
    beq(EQ) /
           eq1  9
           eq2  0
           eq3  0  /,
    s2conRHS  / 2 /;

table Agt(GT,J)
        j1      j2
gt1     1       1
gt2     4       1 ;

table Alt(LT,J)
        j3      j4
lt1     -6      1
lt2     1       2 ;

parameter Aeq(EQ,J) /
eq2.j5  2
eq2.j7  2
eq3.j1  -1
eq3.j4  -2
eq3.j6  1
Aeq('eq1',j)$(ord(j) le 7) = 1;


* these bounds should never be active - but they help the global solvers
x.lo(J) = -2;
x.up(J) =  5;
s2.lo   = -2;
s2.up   = 5;

* these are active and tested to be so
x.lo('j5') = 1;
x.up('j6') = 3;

* intentionally mix up first-stage rows with obj and second-stage row

obj..   cz*z =E= cb + sum{J,c(J)*x(J)} + s2;
gte(GT)..  sum{J, Agt(GT,J)*x(J)} =G= bgt(GT);
lte(LT)..  sum{J, Alt(LT,J)*x(J)} =L= blt(LT);
eqe(EQ)..  sum{J, Aeq(EQ,J)*x(J)} =E= beq(EQ);
s2con..    x('j5') + s2 =G= s2conRHS;

model m / all /;

* DECIS requires setting the stage for each row/col,
* apart from the objective row/col which can be skipped
x.stage(j) = 1;
s2.stage = 2;

gte.stage(GT) = 1;
lte.stage(LT) = 1;
eqe.stage(EQ) = 1;
s2con.stage = 2;

* DECIS requires a stage file describing the stochastic parameters
* in this case, the RHS of s2con takes two identical values, each with
* probability 1/2.
file stg / MODEL.STG /;
put stg;

put "RHS s2con ", s2conRHS, " period2 0.5" /;
put "RHS s2con ", s2conRHS, " period2 0.5" /;

* output a MINOS option file in case we run old DECISM
file mopt / MINOS.SPC /;
put mopt;
put "begin"/;
put "rows 250"/;
put "columns 250"/;
put "elements 10000"/;
put "end"/;

set czvals 'obj multipliers' /
parameter czv(czvals) /
'cz=1'          1
'cz=0.5'        0.5
'cz=3'          3
'cz=-1'         -1
'cz=-0.5'       -0.5
'cz=-3'         -3

set cbvals 'obj constants' /
parameter cbv(cbvals) /
'cb=0'          0
'cb=2'          2
'cb=-2'         -2

    isMin   /    0 /,
    tol     /    %TESTTOL% /,
    obj_l   /    0.0 /
    obj_m   /    1.0 /
    objval  /   12.0 /;

   x_l(J)    / j1       1.0
               j2       1.0
               j3       3.0
               j4       1.0
               j5       1.0
               j6       3.0
               j7       -1.0 /
   x_m(J)    / j1       0.0
               j2       0.0
               j3       0.0
               j4       0.0
               j5       4.0
               j6       -2.0
               j7       0.0 /
   s2_l      / 1 /,
   s2_m      / 0 /,
   gte_l(GT) / gt1      2.0
               gt2      5.0 /
   gte_m(GT) / gt1      2.0
               gt2      0.0 /
   lte_l(LT) / lt1      -17.0
               lt2      5.0 /
   lte_m(LT) / lt1      -1.0
               lt2      0.0 /
   eqe_l(EQ) / eq1      9.0
               eq2      0
               eq3      0  /
   eqe_m(EQ) / eq1      -1.0
               eq2      1
               eq3      2  /;

loop {czvals$[ord(czvals) <= INF],
 cz = czv(czvals);
 loop {cbvals$[ord(cbvals) <= INF],
  cb = cbv(cbvals);
  if {(cz > 0),
    isMin = 1;
    solve m using %MTYPE% min z;
    isMin = -1;
    solve m using %MTYPE% max z;
*  abort$1 "just one solve for now";
$ batInclude gtest "( m.solvestat <> %solveStat.normalCompletion% or (m.modelstat > %modelStat.locallyOptimal% and m.modelstat <> %modelStat.feasibleSolution%))" "wrong status codes"

$ batInclude gtest "(abs(cz*z.l-cb-objval) > tol)"             "bad z.l"
$ batInclude gtest "(abs(z.m) > tol)"                          "bad z.m"

$ batInclude gtest "(abs(obj.l-cb) > tol)"                     "bad obj.l"
$ batInclude gtest "(smax(J, abs(x.l(j)-x_l(j))) > tol)"       "bad x.l"
$ batInclude gtest "(abs(s2.l-s2_l) > tol)"                    "bad s2.l"
$ batInclude gtest "(smax(GT,abs(gte.l(GT)-gte_l(GT))) > tol)" "bad gte.l"
$ batInclude gtest "(smax(LT,abs(lte.l(LT)-lte_l(LT))) > tol)" "bad lte.l"
$ batInclude gtest "(smax(EQ,abs(eqe.l(EQ)-eqe_l(EQ))) > tol)" "bad eqe.l"

  if {mchecks,
$   batInclude gtest "(abs(cz*obj.m-obj_m) > tol)"                  "bad obj.m"
* $   batInclude gtest "(smax(J, abs(cz*x.m(j)-x_m(j))) > tol)"       "bad x.m"
$   batInclude gtest "(abs(cz*s2.m-s2_m) > tol)"                    "bad s2.m"
$   batInclude gtest "(smax(GT,abs(cz*gte.m(GT)-gte_m(GT))) > tol)" "bad gte.m"
$   batInclude gtest "(smax(LT,abs(cz*lte.m(LT)-lte_m(LT))) > tol)" "bad lte.m"
$   batInclude gtest "(smax(EQ,abs(cz*eqe.m(EQ)-eqe_m(EQ))) > tol)" "bad eqe.m"

$if set doscalar
  if (failed, option %MTYPE%=convert; if {(cz > 0), solve m using %MTYPE% min z; else solve m using %MTYPE% max z;})
  abort$failed 'test failed', cz, cb;
