Contributor: Michael Bussieck, January 2023
Small Model of Type : GAMS
Category : GAMS Test library
Main file : embgms06.gms
$title 'Test domain check/filtered when loading data from embedded code' (EMBGMS06,SEQ=930)
Contributor: Michael Bussieck, January 2023
Set universe / i1 /
$if not errorFree $abort 'No error expected'
$ifE card(s)<>0 $abort 'Expected empty s'
$if not errorFree $abort 'No error expected'
$ifE card(s)<>0 $abort 'Expected empty s'
$if errorFree $abort 'Error expected'
* At execution time we always read filtered
option clear=s;
if (execError, abort 'No error expected');
abort$card(s) 's should be empty',s;
* This should be just empty but not cause a problem
Display s;