empdisj1.gms : Test EMP Disjunction - Minimize the makespan


This model is a variant of
Raman & Grossmann, Computers and Chemical Engineering 18, 7, p.563-578, 1994.

Contributor: Jan-H. Jagla and Alex Meeraus, January 2009

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : empdisj1.gms

$title Test EMP Disjunction - Minimize the makespan (EMPDISJ1,SEQ=429)

This model is a variant of
Raman & Grossmann, Computers and Chemical Engineering 18, 7, p.563-578, 1994.

Contributor: Jan-H. Jagla and Alex Meeraus, January 2009

sets j jobs
     s stages
     lt(j,j) upper triangle

alias (j,jj),(s,ss);

parameters w(j,jj) maximum pairwise waiting time
           pt(j)   total processing time;

variables t       completion time
          x(j)    job starting time

positive variable x; binary variable y;

equations comp(j)   job completion time
          seq(j,jj) job sequencing j beore jj ;

comp(j).. t =g= x(j) + pt(j);

seq(j,jj)$(not sameas(j,jj))..  x(j) + w(j,jj) =l= x(jj);

model m / all /;

* data for example 1 - 3 jobs and 3 stages

sets j jobs / A, B, C /, s stages / 1*3 /
table p(j,s) processing time
    1   2   3
 A  5       3
 B      3   2
 C  2   4

scalar optval / 11 /;

* complete data preparation
parameter c(j,s)  stage completion time;

lt(j,jj) = ord(j) < ord(jj);
c(j,s)   = sum(ss$(ord(ss)<=ord(s)), p(j,ss));
w(j,jj)  = smax(s, c(j,s) - c(jj,s-1));
pt(j)    = sum(s, p(j,s));

file emp / "%emp.info%" /; put emp '* problem %gams.i%';
   put / 'disjunction *' seq(j,jj) 'else' seq(jj,j));

option limcol=0,limrow=0,optcr=0;

solve m using EMP minimizing t;
abort$(abs(m.objval-optval) > 1e-6) 'we did not get the correct solution';

*Same test again but using keyword disjunction only once
put emp '* problem %gams.i%' / 'disjunction ';
   put / ' *' seq(j,jj) 'else' seq(jj,j));

option limcol=0,limrow=0,optcr=0;

solve m using EMP minimizing t;
abort$(abs(m.objval-optval) > 1e-6) 'we did not get the correct solution';