empecs01.gms : Test for EMP-Embedded Complementarity System


Embedded Complementarity System

The problem to solve is:
  min_x  f(x,y)  st  g(x,y) \leq 0
plus the constraint that
  H(x,y,\lambda) = 0
where \lambda is the multiplier on the g(x,y) \leq 0 constraint.

EMP enables to write this problem simply by specifying the nlp
and the side constraint H. Using the mappings

dualequ H y
dualvar lambda g

EMP considers the side constraint H defining the dual of y and
the side variable lambda defining the dual of g.

Ferris et al, An extended mathematical programming framework,
Computers and Chemical Engineering 33, p.1973-1982, 2009

Contributor: Jan-H. Jagla, January 2009

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : empecs01.gms

$title Test for EMP-Embedded Complementarity System (EMPECS01,SEQ=427)


  Embedded Complementarity System

  The problem to solve is:
    min_x  f(x,y)  st  g(x,y) \leq 0
  plus the constraint that
    H(x,y,\lambda) = 0
  where \lambda is the multiplier on the g(x,y) \leq 0 constraint.

  EMP enables to write this problem simply by specifying the nlp
  and the side constraint H. Using the mappings

  dualequ H y
  dualvar lambda g

  EMP considers the side constraint H defining the dual of y and
  the side variable lambda defining the dual of g.

Ferris et al, An extended mathematical programming framework,
Computers and Chemical Engineering 33, p.1973-1982, 2009

Contributor: Jan-H. Jagla, January 2009


Variables obj, x, y;
Positive variable lambda;
Equations defobj, g, H;

defobj.. obj =e= sqr(x-y);
g.. y =g= x + 1;

H.. y + lambda =e= 2;

* pure NLP2MCP without regard to side constraint and variable
Positive Variables  u2;
Equations  dLdx,dLdy;

dLdx.. ( - 2*(x - y))/(-1) + u2 =N= 0;
dLdy.. (2*(x - y))/(-1) - u2 =N= 0;

Model mcp / g.u2,dLdx.x,dLdy.y /;
Solve mcp using MCP;

* now consider side constraint H defining the dual of y
* and the side variable lambda defining the dual of g
Equations  dLdx_mod;

*dldx needs to use lambda instead of u2
dLdx_mod.. ( - 2*(x - y))/(-1) + lambda =N= 0;

Model mcpd / defobj.obj,g.lambda,dLdx_mod.x,H.y /;
Solve mcpd using MCP;

Scalar modelstat,solvestat;
*modelstat = mcpd.modelstat;
solvestat = mcpd.solvestat;
execute_unload 'manual' x,y,obj,lambda,defobj,g,H,modelstat,solvestat;

* now we let EMP do the reformulation
$onEcho > "%emp.info%"
dualequ H y
dualvar lambda g

model nlpd /defobj, g, H/;

solve nlpd using emp minimizing obj;

*modelstat = nlpd.modelstat;
solvestat = nlpd.solvestat;
execute_unload 'emp' x,y,obj,lambda,defobj,g,H,modelstat,solvestat;

*compare solutions
execute 'gdxdiff manual.gdx emp.gdx RelEps=1e-6 Eps=1e-9 > diff.log';
abort$errorlevel 'Solutions differ see diffile.gdx';