emplp11.gms : Simple test on one =n= equation using EMP


This model tests lp11 from the Test Library with solver EMP. In the first test
EMP generates a standard scalar model which is solved by the default lp solver.
For the second test EMP rewrites the model as MCP and solves it with the default
MCP solver.

Contributor: Jan-H. Jagla, March 2007

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : emplp11.gms

$title 'Simple test on one =n= equation using EMP' (EMPLP11,SEQ=383)


This model tests lp11 from the Test Library with solver EMP. In the first test
EMP generates a standard scalar model which is solved by the default lp solver.
For the second test EMP rewrites the model as MCP and solves it with the default
MCP solver.

Contributor: Jan-H. Jagla, March 2007


$set modelname lp11

*use default EMP to solve lp11
$log !!!!!!! try modeltype EMP !!!!!!!
$call gams %modelname% lo=%gams.lo% --MTYPE=emp --SKIPUNBND=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort Default EMP failed on %modelname%

*use EMP with NLP2MCP reformulation to solve lp11
$echo ModelType MCP           > empinfo.txt
$echo EmpInfoFile empinfo.txt > jams.opt

$log !!!!!!! try modeltype EMP with optfile=1 !!!!!!!
$call gams %modelname% lo=%gams.lo% optfile=1 --solvedasmcp=1 --MTYPE=emp --SKIPUNBND=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort EMP with MCP reformulation failed on %modelname%