etsuf01.gms : Test Execution Time Suffixes


This test ensures the correct behavior of querying system attributes,
command line parameters and environment variables at execution time
in a put context using some random examples.

Contributor: Lutz Westermann, June 2021

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : etsuf01.gms

$title Test Execution Time Suffixes (ETSUF01,SEQ=872)

This test ensures the correct behavior of querying system attributes,
command line parameters and environment variables at execution time
in a put context using some random examples.

Contributor: Lutz Westermann, June 2021

$setEnv bbb ccc
file fx /have.txt/;
file fy /want.txt/;

putClose fx system.BuildCode /
            system.GamsVersion:0:0 /
            gams.action /
            gams.reslim /
            sysEnv.bbb /;
putClose fy '%system.BuildCode%' /
            '%system.GamsVersion%' /
            '%gams.action%' /
            '%gams.reslim%' /
            '' /
            '%sysEnv.bbb%' /;
execute.checkErrorLevel 'diff -bw have.txt want.txt';