ex3.gms : External Equation - Example 3


This is the third in a sequence of examples that show how to
use the external equation (=X=) facility with GAMS/CONOPT.
The third model is a copy of the Hexagon Test problems, Himmel16
or SEQ=36 in the GAMS model library. The purpose is to show how
complicated the indexing can be, both in the GAMS model and in the
Fortran or C routines.

For comments on the model itself, see Himmel16 in the model library.

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : ex3.gms

$title  External Equation - Example 3 (EX3,SEQ=566)

$offSymList offsymxref

  This is the third in a sequence of examples that show how to
  use the external equation (=X=) facility with GAMS/CONOPT.
  The third model is a copy of the Hexagon Test problems, Himmel16
  or SEQ=36 in the GAMS model library. The purpose is to show how
  complicated the indexing can be, both in the GAMS model and in the
  Fortran or C routines.

  For comments on the model itself, see Himmel16 in the model library.

    i   'indices for the 6 points'       /1*6/;

Alias (i,j);

    x(i)        'x-coordinates of the points',
    y(i)        'y-coordinates of the points',
    area(i)     "area of the i'th triangle ( 0 -> p(i) -> p(i++1) -> 0",
    totarea     'total area of the hexagon';

    areadef(i)          'area definition for triangle i',
    areadefX(i)         'area definition for triangle i',
    maxdist(i,j)        'maximal distance between i and j',
    maxdistX(i,j)       'maximal distance between i and j',
    obj                 'definition of objective';

  We will implement equation maxdist and areadef using external
  equations. Here are the original definitions:

maxdist(i,j)$(ord(i) lt ord(j)).. sqr(x(i)-x(j))+sqr(y(i)-y(j)) =l= 1;

areadef(i)..  area(i) =e= 0.5*(x(i)*y(i++1)-y(i)*x(i++1));

  First, notice that external equations must be written as equalities
  so we must add explicit slacks to the maxdist equations in our
  GAMS formulation of the external equations.

Positive variable
     sl(i,j)            'Slack in maxdist equation';

  We plan to use the following numbering scheme for the variables
  used in the external equations:

  The equations are numbered as follows:
  maxdist(i,j):  1 to 15 defined using the parameter num defined below
  areadef(i)  : 16 to 21 = ord(i) + 15 = ord(i) + card(i)*(card(i)-1)/2;

  The variables are numbered as follows:
  X(i)   :  1 to  6 = ord(i)
  Y(i)   :  7 to 12 = ord(i) + card(i)
  area(i): 13 to 18 = ord(i) + 2*card(i)
  sl(i,j): 19 to 33 = 3*card(i) + 1 to 15, again using num defined below.

parameter num(i,j) Number used for equation maxdist;
parameter iplus(i) The index for variable x(i++1);
scalar    count    Counter used to derive num / 0 /;
loop {(i,j)$(ord(i) lt ord(j)),
    count    = count + 1;
    num(i,j) = count;
iplus(i) = ord(i)+1;
iplus(i)$(ord(i) eq card(i)) = 1;
display num, iplus;

  Now follows the definition of the sparsity pattern and the indexing
  for the external equations.

  Note that ord(i) ne ord(j) in equation maxdistX,
  so there is no risk of coefficients being added together
  (as would be the case when x(i) and x(j) are the same varible)
  In other models can give rise to incorrect indices.

maxdistX(i,j)$(ord(i) lt ord(j)).. ord(i)*x(i) + ord(j)*x(j) +
               (ord(i)+card(i))*y(i) + (ord(j)+card(j))*y(j) +
                                                =X= num(i,j);

areadefX(i)..              ord(i)*x(i) + iplus(i)*x(i++1) +
       (card(i)+ord(i))*y(i) + (card(i)+iplus(i))*y(i++1) +
                               (2*card(i)+ord(i))*area(i) =X=
                             card(i)*(card(i)-1)/2+ord(i) ;

 The last equation is kept in GAMS format for both models:

 obj..        totarea =e= sum(i,area(i));

$                             set pre
$ifI %system.filesys%==unix  $set pre 'lib'
$                             set suf '64'

$set N     ex3
$set c_cbN %pre%%N%c_cb%suf%
$set dN    %pre%%N%d%suf%
$set f_cbN %pre%%N%f_cb%suf%

model %N%      'GAMS implementation'                         / maxdist,  obj, areadef  /;
model %c_cbN%  'External equations in C, with callbacks'     / maxdistX, obj, areadefX /;
model %dN%     'External equations in Delphi'                / maxdistX, obj, areadefX /;
model %f_cbN%  'External equations in F77, with callbacks'   / maxdistX, obj, areadefX /;

parameter report(I,*,*) 'Solution Summary';
option report:5;
scalar totdist /0/;

option limcol = 0;

 This model will not use the same iteration path as the model in the
 library solved with CONOPT because we use explicit slacks.
 To get the same initial sum of infeasibilities we must initialize
 the slack variables to make the maxdist equations feasible (if
 possible).  This is done after the x & y are initialized.

$onEchoV > runme.gms
*  initial conditions
x.fx("1") = 0;    y.fx("1") = 0;
x.l ("2") = 0.5;  y.fx("2") = 0;
x.l ("3") = 0.5;  y.l ("3") = 0.4;
x.l ("4") = 0.5;  y.l ("4") = 0.8;
x.l ("5") = 0;    y.l ("5") = 0.8;
x.l ("6") = 0;    y.l ("6") = 0.4;
sl.l(i,j)$(ord(i) lt ord(j)) =
    max(0,1 - (sqr(x.l(i)-x.l(j))+sqr(y.l(i)-y.l(j)) ));
sl.m(i,j)$(ord(i) lt ord(j)) = 0;
area.l(i) = 0;
totarea.l = 0;
areadefX.m(i) = 0;
maxdistX.m(i,j) = 0;
Solve %1 using nlp maximizing totarea;
abort$(%1.solvestat <> 1) 'problems running model %1';
execerror = 0;
report(i,'X','%1') = x.l(i);
report(i,'Y','%1') = y.l(i);
totdist = totdist + sum {I, abs(x.l(i) - report(I,'X','ex3'))};
totdist = totdist + sum {I, abs(y.l(i) - report(I,'Y','ex3'))};

$                             set ext '.dll'
$ifI %system.filesys%==unix  $set ext '.so'
$ifI %system.platform%==dex  $set ext '.dylib'
$ifI %system.platform%==dax  $set ext '.dylib'

$                             set eq
$ifI %system.filesys%==unix  $set eq "'"

$if set runall  $set runC_cb '1' set runD '1' set runF_cb '1'

$ifThen not set nocomp
$  ifI set runC_cb $call gams complink lo=%gams.lo% --lang=c         --files=ex3c_cb.c                                     --libname=%c_cbN%%ext%
$  if errorlevel 1 $abort Error compiling C Library
$  ifI set runD    $call gams complink lo=%gams.lo% --lang=Delphi    --files=ex3d.dpr
$  if errorlevel 1 $abort Error compiling Delphi Library
$  ifI set runF_cb $call gams complink lo=%gams.lo% --lang=fortran90 --files=%eq%"gehelper.f90 msg2_f.f90 ex3f_cb.f90"%eq% --libname=%f_cbN%%ext%
$  if errorlevel 1 $abort Error compiling Fortran90 Library

$                batInclude runme %N%
$if set runC_cb $batInclude runme %c_cbN%
$if set runD    $batInclude runme %dN%
$if set runF_cb $batInclude runme %f_cbN%

display report;

if ((totdist < 1.0E-5),
  display "@@@@ #Test passed.";
  abort totdist, "@@@@ #Test not passed. Inspect ex3.lst for details.";