fnspowx.gms : Test correctness of signpower intrinsic


Test the signed power function on a selected set of inputs.
The actual implementation of the signpower function
sits on top of the x**c function, so we just need to get the signs
right - the rest of the tests are done for vcpower.

Contributor: Steve Dirkse

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : fnspowx.gms   includes :   fnset_xy.inc [htmlfntest_xy.inc [html]

$title 'Test correctness of signpower intrinsic' (FNSPOWX,SEQ=530)


Test the signed power function on a selected set of inputs.
The actual implementation of the signpower function
sits on top of the x**c function, so we just need to get the signs
right - the rest of the tests are done for vcpower.

Contributor: Steve Dirkse

$include fnset_xy.inc

reps = 2e-13;
relToInput = 0;
set T / t1 * t11, t20*t25, t30*t35 /;
set TA(T) / t1*t11 /;
set TB(T) / t20*t25 /;
set TC(T) / t30*t35 /;

  rcOK       0
  rcFUNC     1
  rcGRAD     2
  rcHESS     3
  rcSYSTEM   4

  ecOK       0
  ecDOMAIN   1
  ecSIGLOSS  4

table data(T,V)
        x       y       f_              fx_     fxx_    rc_     ec_
t1      0       0       1
t2      0       0.5                    1e10   -1e299     2       2
t3      0       1                        1               3       2
t4      0       1.5                            1e299     3       2
t5      0       2                                 2
t6      0       2.5
t7      0      -0.5                                      1       1
t8      0      -1                                        1       1
t9      0      -1.5                                      1       1
t10     0      -2                                        1       1
t11     0      -2.5                                      1       1

t20     0.5     0
t21     0.5     0.5
t22     0.5     1
t23     0.5     1.5
t24     0.5     2
t25     0.5     2.5

t30    -0.5     0
t31    -0.5     0.5
t32    -0.5     1
t33    -0.5     1.5
t34    -0.5     2
t35    -0.5     2.5

data(TB(T), 'f_'  ) = vcpower.value(   data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
data(TB(T), 'fx_' ) = vcpower.grad(1:  data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
data(TB(T), 'fxx_') = vcpower.hess(1:1:data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));

data(TC(T), 'f_'  ) = -vcpower.value(   -data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
data(TC(T), 'fx_' ) =  vcpower.grad(1:  -data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
data(TC(T), 'fxx_') = -vcpower.hess(1:1:-data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));

loop {T,
  data(T,  'f')  = signpower.value(   data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
  data(T, 'fx')  = signpower.grad(1:  data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
  data(T, 'fy')  = signpower.grad(2:  data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
  data(T,'fxx')  = signpower.hess(1:1:data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
  data(T,'fxy')  = signpower.hess(1:2:data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
  data(T,'fyx')  = signpower.hess(2:1:data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
  data(T,'fyy')  = signpower.hess(2:2:data(T,'x'),data(T,'y'));
  data(T, 'rc')  = mathlastrc;
  data(T, 'ec')  = mathlastec;

abort$(execerror lt 10)
 'Should get execution errors getting func/grad/hess of signpower(x,y)';
execerror = 0;

$include fntest_xy.inc