ifstat4.gms : Tests $if gamslevel and related items


Tests different ways to detect or compute the GAMS Revision number,
aka the version number.

  Rich Roberts from SRS

Small Model of Type : LP

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : ifstat4.gms

$title 'Tests $if gamslevel and related items' (IFSTAT4,SEQ=239)

Tests different ways to detect or compute the GAMS Revision number,
aka the version number.

* Rich Roberts from SRS
  rev          / 'GAMS Rev 1 ' * 'GAMS Rev 1000 '/,
  current(rev) /'%system.version%'/;
RichRev = SUM(current(rev), ord(rev) );
display RichRev;

* Alex Meeraus
scalar AlexRev, i;
* compute based on digits of %system.verID%
for(i=8 to 10,
   AlexRev = AlexRev*10 + (ord('%system.verID%',i)-ord('0',1))
display AlexRev;

* Michael Bussieck
Parameter MichaelRev, gversion(*,*) /
MichaelRev = gversion('Gams','Rev');
display MichaelRev;

* new stuff
$if not errorfree $abort
$version 145
$if not errorfree $terminate

scalar gamsrev1; gamsrev1 = gamsversion; display gamsrev1;
scalar gamsrev2; gamsrev2 = %system.gamsversion%; display gamsrev2;
$if NOT gamsversion %system.gamsversion% $abort gamsversion not greater or equal to system.gamsversion

abort$(GamsRev1<>RichRev)   'GamsRev1<>RichRev';
abort$(GamsRev1<>AlexRev)   'GamsRev1<>AlexRev';
abort$(GamsRev1<>Gamsrev2)  'GamsRev1<>GamsRev2';