libdepend.gms : check location and version of library dependencies


Checks whether GAMS system libraries depend only on white-listed libraries
outside the GAMS system.
Checks whether GAMS system libraries depend only on white-listed versions
of GLIBC & co.

Contributor: Stefan Vigerske, April 2014

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : libdepend.gms

$title check location and version of library dependencies (LIBDEPEND,SEQ=652)

Checks whether GAMS system libraries depend only on white-listed libraries
outside the GAMS system.
Checks whether GAMS system libraries depend only on white-listed versions
of GLIBC & co.

Contributor: Stefan Vigerske, April 2014

$ifI %system.platform% == WEX $if set noComp $abort.noError 'skip Windows tester because dumpbin.exe may not be available'

$call cd . && "%gams.sysdir%GMSPython%system.dirsep%python" ./ "%gams.sysdir%." %system.buildcode% > libdepend.stdout

$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'error in libdepend test, check stderr.txt'