lsalib01.gms : Test extrinsic functions in lsadclib


In this test we use the extrinsic Lindo Sampling library. We check both the
basically functionality and the licensing of this library.

Contributor: L. Westermann

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : lsalib01.gms

$title Test extrinsic functions in lsadclib (LSALIB01,SEQ=609)

In this test we use the extrinsic Lindo Sampling library. We check both the
basically functionality and the licensing of this library.

Contributor: L. Westermann

$funcLibIn lsalib lsadclib

function normalSample   / lsalib.SampleLSnormal     /
         binomiSample   / lsalib.sampleLSBinomial   /
         triangSample   / lsalib.sampleLSTriangular /
         getSampleVal   / lsalib.getSampleValues    /;

scalar hNormal Handle for normal sampling
       hBinomi Handle for binomial sampling
       hTriang Handle for triangular sampling;

hNormal = normalSample(5, 2,    10);
hBinomi = binomiSample(50,0.5,  10);

$ifThen not %DEMOSIZE% == 1
hNormal = normalSample(5, 2,    11);
hTriang = triangSample(2, 5,  8,10);

set i /i01*i10/;

parameter sv(i) Sampled values;
loop(i, sv(i) = getSampleVal(hNormal) );
display 'Sample of normal distribution:', sv;

loop(i, sv(i) = getSampleVal(hBinomi) );
display 'Sample of binomial distribution:', sv;

$ifThen not %DEMOSIZE% == 1
loop(i, sv(i) = getSampleVal(hTriang) );
display 'Sample of triangular distribution:', sv;

* Now check that certain things do not work w/o a full Lindo license
$onEcho > needLicense1.gms
$funcLibIn lsalib lsadclib
function normalSample   / lsalib.SampleLSnormal     /;
scalar hNormal Handle for normal sampling;
hNormal = normalSample(5, 2,    11);

$call gams needLicense1.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ifThen %DEMOSIZE% == 1
$  if not errorLevel 1 $abort Only samples with a size up to 10 should work w/o license. Ensure you ran without a LINDO license.
$  if     errorLevel 1 $abort Samples with a size bigger than 10 should work w/ license. Ensure you ran with a LINDO license.

$onEcho > needLicense2.gms
$funcLibIn lsalib lsadclib
function triangSample   / lsalib.sampleLSTriangular /;
scalar hTriang Handle for triangular sampling;
hTriang = triangSample(2, 5,  8,10);

$call gams needLicense2.gms lo=%GAMS.lo%
$ifThen %DEMOSIZE% == 1
$  if not errorLevel 1 $abort Only normal and binomial distribution should work w/o license. Ensure you ran without a LINDO license.
$  if     errorLevel 1 $abort Triangular distribution should work w/ license. Ensure you ran with a LINDO license.