privat01.gms : Test private workfile behavior


Test that the private workfiles work as expected.  To do this,
we create a normal save file, restart from that and save a private
save file.  We then try lots of different things starting from the
private save file to verify expected operation, using separate models
to isolate the tests.

We use the demo license as the local/active license file, and point
to this local/active license file as the target license as well.

Contributor: Steve

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : privat01.gms

$title Test private workfile behavior (PRIVAT01,SEQ=432)


Test that the private workfiles work as expected.  To do this,
we create a normal save file, restart from that and save a private
save file.  We then try lots of different things starting from the
private save file to verify expected operation, using separate models
to isolate the tests.

We use the demo license as the local/active license file, and point
to this local/active license file as the target license as well.

Contributor: Steve


$if not set MYPLICENSE $set MYPLICENSE "%gams.sysdir%plicense.txt"
$if not exist "%MYPLICENSE%" $abort Target license file "%MYPLICENSE%" does not exist. Specify via --MYPLICENSE=...

$call gamslib -q trnsport

$call gams trnsport s=exposed lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run trnsport model'

$onEcho > tmp1.gms
$hide     all
$expose   transport c z demand

$call gams tmp1 r=exposed s=secured plicense="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run tmp1 model'

** ------------------ TEST ALLOWED OPERATIONS-----------------------

$onEcho > t1.gms
display c, z.l, z.m, transport.iterlim, transport.objval, demand.m;
$call gams t1 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t1 test'

$call rm -f t2.gdx
$onEcho > t2.gms
$gdxOut t2.gdx
$unLoad c z demand
$call gams t2 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t2 test'
$if not exist t2.gdx   $abort 'missing t2.gdx'

$call rm -f t3.gdx
$onEcho > t3.gms
execute_unload 't3', c, z, demand;
$call gams t3 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t3 test'
$if not exist t3.gdx   $abort 'missing t3.gdx'

$call rm -f t4.gdx
$onEcho > t4.gms
scalar xx;
xx =  card(c) + z.l + demand.m('topeka') + transport.objval;
execute_unload 't4', xx;
$call gams t4 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t4 test'
$if not exist t4.gdx   $abort 'missing t4.gdx'

** ------------------ TEST BANNED OPERATIONS-----------------------

* tests that should fail
*  make new parameter/set, assign from a, i, x, supply

$onEcho > t21.gms
display a;
$call gams t21 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t21 test'
$log Test t21 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t22.gms
display i;
$call gams t22 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t22 test'
$call gams t22 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t22 test'
$log Test t22 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t23.gms
display x.l;
$call gams t23 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t23 test'
$call gams t23 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t23 test'
$log Test t23 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t24.gms
display supply.m;
$call gams t24 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t24 test'
$call gams t24 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t24 test'
$log Test t24 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t25.gms
$gdxOut tt.gdx
$unLoad a
$call gams t25 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t25 test'
$call gams t25 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t25 test'
$log Test t25 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t26.gms
$gdxOut tt.gdx
$unLoad i
$call gams t26 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t26 test'
$call gams t26 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t26 test'
$log Test t26 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t27.gms
$gdxOut tt.gdx
$unLoad x
$call gams t27 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t27 test'
$call gams t27 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t27 test'
$log Test t27 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t28.gms
$gdxOut tt.gdx
$unLoad supply
$call gams t28 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t28 test'
$call gams t28 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t28 test'
$log Test t28 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t29.gms
execute_unload 'tt', a;
$call gams t29 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t29 test'
$call gams t29 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t29 test'
$log Test t29 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t30.gms
execute_unload 'tt', i;
$call gams t30 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t30 test'
$call gams t30 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t30 test'
$log Test t30 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t31.gms
execute_unload 'tt', x;
$call gams t31 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t31 test'
$call gams t31 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t31 test'
$log Test t31 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t32.gms
execute_unload 'tt', supply;
$call gams t32 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t32 test'
$call gams t32 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t32 test'
$log Test t32 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t33.gms
scalar xx;
xx = a('seattle');
$call gams t33 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t33 test'
$call gams t33 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t33 test'
$log Test t33 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t34.gms
scalar xx;
xx = sum{i,1};
$call gams t34 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t34 test'
$call gams t34 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t34 test'
$log Test t34 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t35.gms
scalar xx;
xx = x.m('seattle','topeka');
$call gams t35 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t35 test'
$call gams t35 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t35 test'
$log Test t35 behaved as expected: don't panic

$onEcho > t36.gms
scalar xx;
xx = supply.m('seattle');
$call gams t36 r=exposed license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Cannot run t36 test'
$call gams t36 r=secured license="%MYPLICENSE%" lo=%GAMS.lo%
$if NOT errorlevel 1 $abort 'Bad outcome running t36 test'
$log Test t36 behaved as expected: don't panic