scen01.gms : Compile time test for the scenario facility


The early implementation of GUSS had subtle side effects. Therefore,
the GAMS compiler enforces strict rules for the use of GUSS. This test
collects a number of these tests.

Contributor: Michael Bussieck

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : scen01.gms

$title Compile time test for Gather-Update-Solve-Scatter (GUSS) (SCEN01, SEQ=516)


The early implementation of GUSS had subtle side effects. Therefore,
the GAMS compiler enforces strict rules for the use of GUSS. This test
collects a number of these tests.

Contributor: Michael Bussieck


$call gamslib -q trnsport
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'could not retrieve trnsport.gms'

$onEchoV >> trnsport.gms
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict;
$if errorfree $abort 'unknown should trigger a compilation error'

set dict1;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict1;
$if errorfree $abort 'dict no data should trigger a compilation error'

set dict2 /x/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict2;
$if errorfree $abort 'dict different dim should trigger a compilation error'

set dict3 /x.x.x/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict3;
$if errorfree $abort 'dict unknown keyword should trigger a compilation error'

set dict4 /xxx.scenario.x/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict4;
$if errorfree $abort 'unknown symbol in pos 1 should trigger a compilation error'

set dict5 /x.scenario.x/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict5;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 1 not a set should trigger a compilation error'

set dict6 /i.scenario.x/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict6;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 3 not blank should trigger a compilation error'

set dict7 /i.scenario.'', j.scenario.''/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict7;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 3 not blank should trigger a compilation error'

set dict8 /i.scenario.''/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict8;
$if errorfree $abort 'no updaters should trigger a compilation error'

set s;
set dict9 /s.scenario.''/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict9;
$if errorfree $abort 'empty scenario set should trigger a compilation error'

set dict9 /x.x.x/;
$if errorfree $abort 'compile time writing to protected dict should trigger a compilation error'

dict9('x','x','x') = yes;
$if errorfree $abort 'execution time writing to protected dict should trigger a compilation error'

set s /s1/;
parameter as(s,i) /s1.#i 1/, bs(s,j);
set dict10 /s.scenario.'',;
dict10('b','param','bs') = yes;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict10;
$if errorfree $abort 'execution time writing to dict should trigger a compilation error'

set dict11 /s.scenario.'',,;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict11;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 3 has no data should trigger a compilation error'

$kill a
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict11;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 1 has no data should trigger a compilation error'
a(i) = 1;

set dict12 /s.scenario.'',;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict12;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 1 not a parameter should trigger a compilation error'

set bs_set(s,j) / s1.#j /;
set dict13 /s.scenario.'', b.param.bs_set/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict13;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 3 not a parameter should trigger a compilation error'

parameter bsX(s,i,j) / s1.#i.#j 1 /;
set dict14 /s.scenario.'', b.param.bsX/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict14;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol dimension mismatch should trigger a compilation error'

Parameter xfix(s,i,j);
set dict15 /s.scenario.'', x.fixed.xfix/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict15;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 3 has no data should trigger a compilation error'

xfix(s,i,j) = 1;
set dict16 /s.scenario.'', c.fixed.xfix/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict16;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 1 not a varibale should trigger a compilation error'

Set xfix_set(s,i,j) /s1.#i.#j/;
set dict17 /s.scenario.'', x.fixed.xfix_set/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict17;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 3 not of type parameter should trigger a compilation error'

parameter xfixX(s,i) / s1.#i 1 /;
set dict18 /s.scenario.'', x.fixed.xfixX/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict18;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol dimension mismatch should trigger a compilation error'

variable y(i,j);
set dict19 /s.scenario.'', y.fixed.xfix/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict19;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 1 not used in model should trigger a compilation error'

parameter ds(s,i,j) / s1.#i.#j 1 /;
set dict20 /s.scenario.'', d.param.ds/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict20;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 1 not used in model should trigger a compilation error'

parameter xfixp(i,s,j) / #i.s1.#j 1 /;
set dict21 /s.scenario.'', x.fixed.xfixp/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict21;
$if errorfree $abort 'symbol in pos 3 has inconsistent domain should trigger a compilation error'

equation e1; e1.. sum((i,j)$c(i,j), x(i,j)) =e= 1;
model t1 / transport, e1 /;
set dict22 /s.scenario.'', c.param.ds/;
Solve t1 using lp minimizing z scenario dict22;
$if errorfree $abort 'varparms used in $ conditions should trigger a compilation error'

equation e2; e2.. sum((i,j), power(x(i,j),c(i,j))) =e= 1;
model t2 / transport, e2 /;
set dict23 /s.scenario.'', c.param.ds/;
Solve t2 using lp minimizing z scenario dict23;
$if errorfree $abort 'varparms used in exogenuous function arguments should trigger a compilation error'

equation e3; e3$(sum((i,j),c(i,j))>5).. z =e= 4;
model t3 / transport, e3 /;
set dict24 /s.scenario.'', c.param.ds/;
Solve t3 using lp minimizing z scenario dict24;
$if errorfree $abort 'varparms used in $ conditions should trigger a compilation error'

set dict25 /s.scenario.'', c.param.ds, c.param.xfix/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict25;
$if errorfree $abort 'param symbol in pos 1 more than once controlled should trigger a compilation error'

set dict26 /s.scenario.'', x.upper.ds, x.upper.xfix/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict26;
$if errorfree $abort 'variable symbol in pos 1 more than once controlled should trigger a compilation error'

set dict27 /s.scenario.'', x.upper.ds, x.fixed.xfix/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict27;
$if errorfree $abort 'variable symbol in pos 1 more than once controlled should trigger a compilation error'

set dict28 /s.scenario.'', x.fixed.xfix, x.lower.ds/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict28;
$if errorfree $abort 'variable symbol in pos 1 more than once controlled should trigger a compilation error'

set dict29 /s.scenario.'', x.level.ds, x.marginal.ds/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict29;
$if errorfree $abort 'variable symbol in pos 4 more than once in write section should trigger a compilation error'

set sattrib30 / XXX /; parameter srep30(s,sattrib30);
set dict30 /s.scenario.'', x.level.ds, ''.opt.srep30/;
Solve transport using lp minimizing z scenario dict30;
$if errorfree $abort 'unknown label XXX in GUSS model attribute set should trigger a compilation error'


$call "gams trnsport a=c lo=%gams.lo%"
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'Test failed. Please inspect trnsport.lst for details'