sl4cns07.gms : Test globally unique CNS model, with solvelink=4


Run cns07 with solvelink=%solveLink.callScript%,%solveLink.callModule%,%solveLink.asyncSimulate%,%solveLink.loadLibrary%,%solveLink.threadsSimulate%

Small Model of Type : CNS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : sl4cns07.gms

$title 'Test globally unique CNS model, with solvelink=4' (SL4CNS07,SEQ=306)

Run cns07 with solvelink=%solveLink.callScript%,%solveLink.callModule%,%solveLink.asyncSimulate%,%solveLink.loadLibrary%,%solveLink.threadsSimulate%

$set XX NT
$if %system.filesys% == UNIX $set XX un
$set q '"'
$if %system.filesys% == UNIX $set q "'"

$call grep -iv scrdir "%gams.scrdir%gmsprm%XX%.%gams.scrext%" | grep -iv scriptnext | grep -iv sysdir | grep -iv JobTrace > "%gams.scrdir%mypf.%gams.scrext%"

$call gams cns07.gms pf="%gams.scrdir%mypf.%gams.scrext%" i=cns07.gms solvelink=%solveLink.callScript% reslim=10 --SLOWOK=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort problems with sl=%solveLink.callScript%

$call gams cns07.gms pf="%gams.scrdir%mypf.%gams.scrext%" i=cns07.gms solvelink=%solveLink.callModule% reslim=10 --SLOWOK=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort problems with sl=%solveLink.callModule%

$call cat "%GAMS.sysdir%gmscmp%XX%.txt" | grep -v "^\*" | awk %q%NF>4 {if ($7>1) print $0 }%q% | grep -vi guss | cut -d" " -f1 | grep -iwq %system.LP%
$if errorlevel 1 $goTo skipsl5

$call gams cns07.gms pf="%gams.scrdir%mypf.%gams.scrext%" i=cns07.gms solvelink=%solveLink.loadLibrary% reslim=10 --SLOWOK=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort problems with sl=%solveLink.loadLibrary%

$call gams cns07.gms pf="%gams.scrdir%mypf.%gams.scrext%" i=cns07.gms solvelink=%solveLink.threadsSimulate% reslim=10 --SLOWOK=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort problems with sl=%solveLink.threadsSimulate%

$label skipsl5
$call gams cns07.gms pf="%gams.scrdir%mypf.%gams.scrext%" i=cns07.gms solvelink=%solveLink.asyncSimulate% reslim=10 --SLOWOK=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort problems with sl=%solveLink.asyncSimulate%