No Matches

Public Member Functions

 GAMSWorkspace ()
 GAMSWorkspace (GAMSWorkspaceInfo info)
 GAMSWorkspace (String workingDirectory, String systemDirectory, GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel debugLevel)
GAMSJob addJobFromGamsLib (String modelName)
 Retrieves model from GAMS Model Library.
GAMSJob addJobFromTestLib (String modelName)
 Retrieves model from GAMS Test Library.
GAMSJob addJobFromDataLib (String modelName)
 Retrieves model from GAMS Data Utilities Library.
GAMSJob addJobFromFinLib (String modelName)
 Retrieves model from GAMS Practical Financial Optimization Library.
GAMSJob addJobFromEmpLib (String modelName)
 Retrieves model from Extended Math Programming Library.
GAMSJob addJobFromApiLib (String modelName)
 Retrieves model from GAMS API Library.
GAMSJob addJobFromNoaLib (String modelName)
 Retrieves model from GAMS Non-linear Optimization Applications Library.
GAMSJob addJobFromPsoptLib (String modelName)
 Retrieves model from Power System Optimization Modelling Library.
GAMSJob addJobFromFile (String fileName)
 Create GAMSJob from model file.
GAMSJob addJobFromFile (String fileName, String jobName)
 Create GAMSJob from model file.
GAMSJob addJobFromFile (String fileName, GAMSCheckpoint checkpoint, String jobName)
 Create GAMSJob from model file.
GAMSDatabase addDatabaseFromGDX (String gdxFileName)
 Database creation from an existing GDX file.
GAMSDatabase addDatabaseFromGDX (String gdxFileName, String databaseName)
 Database creation from an existing GDX file.
GAMSJob addJobFromString (String source)
 Create GAMSJob from string model source.
GAMSJob addJobFromString (String source, GAMSCheckpoint checkpoint)
 Create GAMSJob from string model source.
GAMSJob addJobFromString (String source, GAMSCheckpoint checkpoint, String jobName)
 Create GAMSJob from string model source.
GAMSDatabase addDatabase ()
 Create an empty GAMSDatabase.
GAMSDatabase addDatabase (String databaseName)
 Create an empty GAMSDatabase.
GAMSDatabase addDatabase (GAMSDatabase sourceDatabase)
 Create Database from existing database.
GAMSDatabase addDatabase (GAMSDatabase sourceDatabase, String databaseName)
 Create Database from existing database.
GAMSCheckpoint addCheckpoint ()
 Create a GAMSCheckpoint.
GAMSCheckpoint addCheckpoint (String checkpointName)
 Create GAMSCheckpoint.
GAMSOptions addOptions ()
 Create GAMSOptions.
GAMSOptions addOptions (GAMSOptions option)
 Create GAMSOptions from a GAMSOptions object.
GAMSOptions addOptions (String optionFile)
 Create GAMSOptions from an option file.
String workingDirectory ()
 Retrieve the working directory.
String systemDirectory ()
 Retrieve the system directory.
boolean isUsingTmpWorkingDirectory ()
 Retrieve the flag if the user's directory (that is System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")) has been used as a working directory.
GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel getDebugLevel ()
 Retrieve the debug level.
void setDebugLevel (GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel level)
 Set the debug level.
String getGAMSVersion ()
 Get GAMS Version used.
int getMajorReleaseNumber ()
 Get GAMS Major Release Number.
int getMinorReleaseNumber ()
 Get GAMS Minor Release Number.
int getGoldReleaseNumber ()
 get GAMS GOLD Release Number
void setMyEPS (double value)
 Reset the value of GAMSGlobals.SpecialValues.EPS, the value to be stored in and read from GAMSDatabase for Epsilon.

Static Public Member Functions

static String getAPIVersion ()
 get API Version
static int getAPIMajorReleaseNumber ()
 get API Major Release Number
static int getAPIMinorReleaseNumber ()
 get API Minor Release Number
static int getAPIGoldReleaseNumber ()
 get API GOLD Release Number

Protected Member Functions

void finalize () throws Throwable
 Clean up temporary files in working directory in case debug level is not set to GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel.KEEP_FILES or above.

Detailed Description

The GAMSWorkspace is the base class in the com.gams.api package. Most instances of API program under the package (such as GAMSDatabase, GAMSJob, and GAMSCheckpoint) have to be created by an "add" method provided by GAMSWorkspace.

When creating a GAMSWorkspace instance, it is possible to use a default configuration or a user-defined configuration to specify workspace attributes (system directory, working directory, and debug level) of the instance.

  • The system directory is the directory where GAMS system has been installed. It provides most resources from GAMS required by an API program.
  • The working directory is the anchor directory where all file based operation inside a running GAMS model should be relative to this location (e.g. $GDXIN and $include). Though there are also options to add input search paths (e.g. IDir) and output path (e.g. PutDir) to specify other file system locations provided by GAMSOptions. It is recommended to clean up the working directory after running an example, if the output files are no longer needed.
  • The debug level is the level of debug information that can be set to various value when more or less information is needed during run time.

For a default configuration, a GAMSWorkspace instance is created by the default constructor without a parameter. In such case, the workspace attributes will be determined using the default setting.

  • The system directory will be determined automatically from the environment (first, from "PATH" environment variable on every platform. If a GAMS system directory is not found from "PATH", the system directory will be determined from the platform specific environment: from windows registry "Software\Classes\gams.location" on Windows-based platform, from "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" on Mac OS platform, or from "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" on other Unix-based platforms). If a valid GAMS system directory could not be found from both environment variables, GAMSException will be raised during run time.
  • The working directory will be determined from GAMSGlobals.workingDirectory which by default is the user working directory (the java property "java.io.tmpdir").
  • The debug level is set to GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel.OFF by default, that is no debug information available.

To create a GAMSWorkspace instance with a user-defined configuration, it is possible to specify one of workspace attributes (system directory, working directory, and debug level) by either using GAMSWorkspace(String, String, GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel) constructor or creating first a GAMSWorkspaceInfo instance that contains attribute values and then passing it as input parameter for one of the GAMSWorkspace constructors. Either way, both specified system directory and working directory will be verified whether or not they are valid directories. In case of an invalid directory, GAMSException will be raised during run time. In general, the directory is not a valid directory if it is does not exist. The directory contains either an empty string or only white spaces will be treated as non existent directory whereas the null directory will be treated with the default setting. The system directory is not a valid GAMS directory if it does not contain valid GAMS files and libraries. The valid system directory will be used and not be verified against an environment variable.

If you use multiple instances of the GAMSWorkspace in parallel, you should avoid using the same working directory. Otherwise you may end up with conflicting file names.

As most API operations, such as database operations, requires API libraries to accomplish the operations, it is important to set java property "java.library.path" to the directory containing valid Java API libraries when running a program. In case the java library path is not set or the directory does not contain a valid Java API libraries, java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError will be raised during run time. In case there is a conflict between the system directory and the java library path containing API libraries, API libraries will print a warning message, that API version found from the library path is different than GAMS version found from the system directory.

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GAMSWorkspace() [1/3]

com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.GAMSWorkspace ( )

Construct a new GAMSWorkspace instance using the default configuration. All of the workspace attributes will be determined using the default setting.

For the system directory, the system directory will be determined automatically from the environment (first, from "PATH" environment variable on every platform. If a GAMS system directory is not found from "PATH", the system directory will be determined from the platform specific environment: either from windows registry "Software\Classes\gams.location" on Windows-based platform, or from "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" on Mac OS platform, or from "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" on other Unix-based platforms). If a valid GAMS system directory could not be found from both environment variables, GAMSException will be raised during run time.

When the working directory is not specified, the default working directory with prefix "gams_" (specified by GAMSGlobals.workingDirectoryPrefix) under the temporary directory (specified by GAMSGlobals.workingDirectory) will be created and taken as the working directory of the workspace. After the working directory is successfully created, the call of method GAMSWorkspace.workingDirectory() will return the string describing the working directory and the call of the method GAMSWorkspace.isUsingTmpWorkingDirectory() will return true. Under situation where the directory could not be created, the directory specified by specified by GAMSGlobals.workingDirectory will be taken as the working directory of the workspace. Under such situation, the call of method GAMSWorkspace.workingDirectory() will return the working directory string and the call of the method GAMSWorkspace.isUsingTmpWorkingDirectory() will return false.

The debug level is, by default, GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel.KEEP_FILES_ON_ERROR. When a GAMSWorkspace instance is created, it also allows an environment variable "GAMSOOAPIDEBUG" containing a String that represents the desired DebugLevel to override the debug level of the created workspace instance.

GAMSExceptionIf the environment variable does not contain a valid GAMS system directory, or the directory specified by the java property "java.library.path" contains Java API libraries which conflict with the platform architecture the program is running on.
See also

◆ GAMSWorkspace() [2/3]

com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.GAMSWorkspace ( GAMSWorkspaceInfo  info)

Construct a new GAMSWorkspace instance from GAMSWorkspaceInfo instance. All of the workspace attributes will be determined from attributes of GAMSWorkspaceInfo.

In case the system directory attribute is null or not specified (by default setting), the system directory will be determined automatically from the environment (first, from "PATH" environment variable on every platform. If a GAMS system directory is not found from "PATH", the system directory will be determined from the platform specific environment: either from windows registry "Software\Classes\gams.location" on Windows-based platform, or from "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" on Mac OS platform, or from "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" on other Unix-based platforms). If a valid GAMS system directory could not be found from both environment variables, GAMSException will be raised during run time.

In case the specified system directory is not null, the directory will be verified. In case the specified directory does not exist or it is not a valid GAMS directory, GAMSException will be raised during run time.

In case the specified working directory is null or not specified (by default setting), the default working directory with prefix "gams_" (specified by GAMSGlobals.workingDirectoryPrefix) under the temporary directory (specified by GAMSGlobals.workingDirectory) will be created andtaken as the working directory of the workspace. After the directory is successfully created, the call of method GAMSWorkspace.workingDirectory() will return the string describing the working directory and the call of the method GAMSWorkspace.isUsingTmpWorkingDirectory() will return true. Under situation where the directory could not be created, the directory specified by specified by GAMSGlobals.workingDirectory will be taken as the working directory of the workspace. Under such situation, the call of method GAMSWorkspace.workingDirectory() will return the working directory string and the call of the method GAMSWorkspace.isUsingTmpWorkingDirectory() will return false.

In case the specified working directory is not null, the directory will be verified. In case the specified directory does exist but not a directory, GAMSException will be raised during run time. Otherwise the directory will be created.

The debug level attribute is, by default of creating a GAMSWorkspaceInfo, GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel.KEEP_FILES_ON_ERROR. The debug level can be specified to other value by an instance of GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel. Note that When a GAMSWorkspace instance is created, it also allows an environment variable "GAMSOOAPIDEBUG" containing a String that represents the desired DebugLevel to override the debug level of the created instance.

infoa GAMSWorkspaceInfo instance containing information about the user-specified working directory, the user-specified GAMS system directory, and debug level.
GAMSExceptionIf either info instance is null, or the specified directory does not exist, or the specified system directory is not a valid GAMS directory, or the directory specified by the java property "java.library.path" contains Java API libraries which conflict with the platform architecture the program is running on.
See also

◆ GAMSWorkspace() [3/3]

com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.GAMSWorkspace ( String  workingDirectory,
String  systemDirectory,
GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel  debugLevel 

Construct a new GAMSWorkspace instance.

In case the system directory attribute is null, the system directory will be determined automatically from the environment (first, from "PATH" environment variable on every platform. If a GAMS system directory is not found from "PATH", the system directory will be determined from the platform specific environment: either from windows registry "Software\Classes\gams.location" on Windows-based platform, or from "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" on Mac OS platform, or from "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" on other Unix-based platforms). If a valid GAMS system directory could not be found from both environment variables, GAMSException will be raised during run time.

In case the specified system directory is not null, the directory will be verified. In case the specified directory does not exist or it is not a valid GAMS directory, GAMSException will be raised during run time.

In case the specified working directory is null or not specified (by default setting), the default working directory with prefix "gams_" (specified by GAMSGlobals.workingDirectoryPrefix) under the temporary directory (specified by GAMSGlobals.workingDirectory) will be created and taken as the working directory of the workspace. After the directory is successfully created, the call of method GAMSWorkspace.workingDirectory() will return the string describing the working directory and the call of the method GAMSWorkspace.isUsingTmpWorkingDirectory() will return true. Under situation where the directory could not be created, the directory specified by specified by GAMSGlobals.workingDirectory will be taken as the working directory of the workspace. Under such situation, the call of method GAMSWorkspace.workingDirectory() will return the working directory string and the call of the method GAMSWorkspace.isUsingTmpWorkingDirectory() will return false.

In case the specified working directory is not null, the directory will be verified. In case the specified directory does exist but not a directory, GAMSException will be raised during run time. Otherwise the directory will be created.

The debug level can be specified by an instance of GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel. When a GAMSWorkspace instance is created, it also allows an environment variable "GAMSOOAPIDEBUG" containing a String that represents the desired DebugLevel to override the debug level of the created instance.

workingDirectorythe user-specified working directory where all GAMS files will be stored
systemDirectorythe user-specified GAMS system directory
debugLeveldebug level
GAMSExceptionthe specified system directory does not exist, or the specified system directory is not a valid GAMS directory, or the directory specified by the java property "java.library.path" contains Java API libraries which conflict with the platform architecture the program is running on.
See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCheckpoint() [1/2]

GAMSCheckpoint com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addCheckpoint ( )

Create a GAMSCheckpoint.

The name of a GAMSCheckpoint object is generated automatically.

Reference to GAMSCheckpoint object
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSCheckpoint could not be successfully created

◆ addCheckpoint() [2/2]

GAMSCheckpoint com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addCheckpoint ( String  checkpointName)

Create GAMSCheckpoint.

checkpointNameIdentifier of GAMSCheckpoint or filename for existing checkpoint
Reference to GAMSCheckpoint object
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSCheckpoint could not be successfully created

◆ addDatabase() [1/4]

GAMSDatabase com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addDatabase ( )

Create an empty GAMSDatabase.

The name of a GAMSDatabase object is generated automatically.

Reference to GAMSDatabase object
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkErrorIf java property "java.library.path" is not set or the directory specified by the property does not contain valid Java API libraries.
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSDatabase could not be successfully created

◆ addDatabase() [2/4]

GAMSDatabase com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addDatabase ( GAMSDatabase  sourceDatabase)

Create Database from existing database.

sourceDatabaseSource GAMSDatabase to initialize Database from
Reference to GAMSDatabase object
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkErrorIf java property "java.library.path" is not set or the directory specified by the property does not contain valid Java API libraries.
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSDatabase could not be successfully created

◆ addDatabase() [3/4]

GAMSDatabase com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addDatabase ( GAMSDatabase  sourceDatabase,
String  databaseName 

Create Database from existing database.

sourceDatabaseSource GAMSDatabase to initialize Database from
databaseNameIdentifier of GAMSDatabase
Reference to GAMSDatabase object
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkErrorIf java property "java.library.path" is not set or the directory specified by the property does not contain valid Java API libraries.
GAMSExceptionIf databaseName already exists in the workspace or GAMSDatabase could not be successfully created

◆ addDatabase() [4/4]

GAMSDatabase com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addDatabase ( String  databaseName)

Create an empty GAMSDatabase.

databaseNameIdentifier of GAMSDatabase
Reference to GAMSDatabase object
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkErrorIf java property "java.library.path" is not set or the directory specified by the property does not contain valid Java API libraries.
GAMSExceptionIf databaseName already exists in the workspace or GAMSDatabase could not be successfully created

◆ addDatabaseFromGDX() [1/2]

GAMSDatabase com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addDatabaseFromGDX ( String  gdxFileName)

Database creation from an existing GDX file.

gdxFileNameFile to initialize Database from
Reference of GAMSDatabase instance
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSDatabase could not be successfully created

◆ addDatabaseFromGDX() [2/2]

GAMSDatabase com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addDatabaseFromGDX ( String  gdxFileName,
String  databaseName 

Database creation from an existing GDX file.

gdxFileNameFile to initialize Database from
databaseNameIdentifier of GAMSDatabase (determined automatically if null)
Reference of GAMSDatabase instance
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSDatabase could not be successfully created

◆ addJobFromApiLib()

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromApiLib ( String  modelName)

Retrieves model from GAMS API Library.

modelNameinput model name (without path)
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf the model name could not be found in API Library

◆ addJobFromDataLib()

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromDataLib ( String  modelName)

Retrieves model from GAMS Data Utilities Library.

modelNameinput model name (without path)
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf the model name could not be found in GAMS Data Utilities Library

◆ addJobFromEmpLib()

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromEmpLib ( String  modelName)

Retrieves model from Extended Math Programming Library.

modelNameinput model name (without path)
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf the model name could not be found in GAMS Extended Math Programming Library

◆ addJobFromFile() [1/3]

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromFile ( String  fileName)

Create GAMSJob from model file.

fileNameSource file name
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSJob could not be successfully created from the source file name

◆ addJobFromFile() [2/3]

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromFile ( String  fileName,
GAMSCheckpoint  checkpoint,
String  jobName 

Create GAMSJob from model file.

fileNameSource file name
checkpointGAMSCheckpoint to initialize GAMSJob from
jobNameJob name (determined automatically if null)
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSJob could not be successfully created

◆ addJobFromFile() [3/3]

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromFile ( String  fileName,
String  jobName 

Create GAMSJob from model file.

fileNameSource file name
jobNameJob name (determined automatically if null)
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSJob could not be successfully created

◆ addJobFromFinLib()

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromFinLib ( String  modelName)

Retrieves model from GAMS Practical Financial Optimization Library.

modelNameinput model name (without path)
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf the model name could not be found in GAMS Financial Optimization Library

◆ addJobFromGamsLib()

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromGamsLib ( String  modelName)

Retrieves model from GAMS Model Library.

modelNameinput model name (without path)
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf the model name could not be found in GAMS Model Library

◆ addJobFromNoaLib()

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromNoaLib ( String  modelName)

Retrieves model from GAMS Non-linear Optimization Applications Library.

modelNameinput model name (without path)
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf the model name could not be found in Non-linear Optimization Applications Library

◆ addJobFromPsoptLib()

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromPsoptLib ( String  modelName)

Retrieves model from Power System Optimization Modelling Library.

modelNameinput model name (without path)
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf the model name could not be found in Power System Optimization Modelling Library

◆ addJobFromString() [1/3]

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromString ( String  source)

Create GAMSJob from string model source.

sourceGAMS model as string
Reference to GAMSJob object
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSJob could not be successfully created

◆ addJobFromString() [2/3]

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromString ( String  source,
GAMSCheckpoint  checkpoint 

Create GAMSJob from string model source.

The job name is generated automatically.

sourceGAMS model as string
checkpointGAMSCheckpoint to initialize GAMSJob from
Reference to GAMSJob object
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSJob could not be successfully created

◆ addJobFromString() [3/3]

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromString ( String  source,
GAMSCheckpoint  checkpoint,
String  jobName 

Create GAMSJob from string model source.

sourceGAMS model as string
checkpointGAMSCheckpoint to initialize GAMSJob from
jobNameJob name
Reference to GAMSJob object
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSJob could not be successfully created

◆ addJobFromTestLib()

GAMSJob com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addJobFromTestLib ( String  modelName)

Retrieves model from GAMS Test Library.

modelNameinput model name (without path)
Reference to GAMSJob instance
GAMSExceptionIf the model name could not be found in GAMS Test Library

◆ addOptions() [1/3]

GAMSOptions com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addOptions ( )

Create GAMSOptions.

Reference to GAMSOptions object
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSOptions could not be successfully created

◆ addOptions() [2/3]

GAMSOptions com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addOptions ( GAMSOptions  option)

Create GAMSOptions from a GAMSOptions object.

optionReference to GAMSObject object
Reference to GAMSOptions object
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSOptions could not be successfully created

◆ addOptions() [3/3]

GAMSOptions com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.addOptions ( String  optionFile)

Create GAMSOptions from an option file.

optionFileOption file name
Reference to GAMSOptions object
GAMSExceptionIf GAMSOptions could not be successfully created

◆ finalize()

void com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.finalize ( ) throws Throwable

Clean up temporary files in working directory in case debug level is not set to GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel.KEEP_FILES or above.

The accessibility has been set back from pubilc to protected since 25.1.

exceptionor error raised by calling finalize().

◆ getAPIGoldReleaseNumber()

static int com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.getAPIGoldReleaseNumber ( )

get API GOLD Release Number


◆ getAPIMajorReleaseNumber()

static int com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.getAPIMajorReleaseNumber ( )

get API Major Release Number


◆ getAPIMinorReleaseNumber()

static int com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.getAPIMinorReleaseNumber ( )

get API Minor Release Number


◆ getAPIVersion()

static String com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.getAPIVersion ( )

get API Version


◆ getDebugLevel()

GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.getDebugLevel ( )

Retrieve the debug level.

debug level
See also

◆ getGAMSVersion()

String com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.getGAMSVersion ( )

Get GAMS Version used.


◆ getGoldReleaseNumber()

int com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.getGoldReleaseNumber ( )

get GAMS GOLD Release Number


◆ getMajorReleaseNumber()

int com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.getMajorReleaseNumber ( )

Get GAMS Major Release Number.


◆ getMinorReleaseNumber()

int com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.getMinorReleaseNumber ( )

Get GAMS Minor Release Number.


◆ isUsingTmpWorkingDirectory()

boolean com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.isUsingTmpWorkingDirectory ( )

Retrieve the flag if the user's directory (that is System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")) has been used as a working directory.

true if the user's directory has been used as a working directory, false otherwise.

◆ setDebugLevel()

void com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.setDebugLevel ( GAMSGlobals.DebugLevel  level)

Set the debug level.

leveldebug level
See also

◆ setMyEPS()

void com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.setMyEPS ( double  value)

Reset the value of GAMSGlobals.SpecialValues.EPS, the value to be stored in and read from GAMSDatabase for Epsilon.

See also

◆ systemDirectory()

String com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.systemDirectory ( )

Retrieve the system directory.

String described the system directory

◆ workingDirectory()

String com.gams.api.GAMSWorkspace.workingDirectory ( )

Retrieve the working directory.

String described the working directory