The possible return codes of the GAMS compiler and execution system (cmexRC). More...
Public Member Functions | |
String | message () |
Get the exit code message this enumerated ExitCodeMessage. | |
int | value () |
Get the int value of this enumerated ExitCodeMessage. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static ExitCodeMessage | lookup (int val) |
Lookup all GAMS exit codes. | |
Public Attributes | |
RETURN =(0, "normal return") | |
= 0, normal return | |
SOLVER_TO_BE_CALLED =(1, "solver is to be called") | |
= 1, solver is to be called. | |
COMPILATION_ERROR =(2, "there was a compilation error") | |
= 2, there was a compilation error | |
EXECUTION_ERROR =(3, "there was an execution error") | |
= 3, there was an execution error | |
SYSTEM_LIMIT_REACHED =(4, "system limits were reached") | |
= 4, system limits were reached | |
FILE_ERROR =(5, "there was a file error") | |
= 5, there was a file error | |
PARAMETER_ERROR =(6, "there was a parameter error") | |
= 6, there was a parameter error | |
LICENSING_ERROR =(7, "there was a licensing error") | |
= 7, there was a licensing error | |
GAMS_SYSTEM_ERROR =(8, "there was a GAMS system error") | |
= 8, there was a GAMS system error | |
GAMS_NOT_STARTED =(9, "GAMS cold not be started") | |
= 9, GAMS cold not be started | |
OUT_OF_MEMORY =(10, "out of memory") | |
= 10, out of memory | |
OUT_OF_DISK =(11, "out of disk") | |
= 11, out of disk | |
COULD_NOT_CREATE_SCRATCH_DIR =(109, "could not create process/scratch directory") | |
= 109, Could not create process/scratch directory | |
TOO_MANY_SCRATCH_DIRS =(110, "too many process/scratch directories ") | |
= 110, too many process/scratch directories | |
COULD_NOT_DELETEL_SCRATCH_DIR =(112, "could not delete process/scratch directory") | |
= 112, could not delete process/scratch directory | |
COULD_NOT_WRITE_GAMSNEXT_SCRIPT =(113, "could not write the \"gamsnext\" script") | |
= 113, could not write the "gamsnext" script | |
COULD_NOT_WRITE_PARAMETER_FILE =(114, "could not write the \"parameter\" file") | |
= 114, could not write the "parameter" file | |
COULD_NOT_READ_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE =(115, "could not read environment variable") | |
= 115, could not read environment variable | |
COULD_NOT_SPAWN_GAMS_CMEX =(400, "could not spawn the GAMS language compiler (gamscmex)") | |
= 400, could not spawn the GAMS language compiler (gamscmex) | |
CURRENT_DIR_NOT_FOUND =(401, "current directory (curdir) does not exist") | |
= 401, current directory (curdir) does not exist | |
CURRENT_DIR_NOT_SET =(402, "could not set current directory (curdir)") | |
= 402, could not set current directory (curdir) | |
BLANK_IN_SYSTEM_DIR =(404, "blank in system directory (UNIX only)") | |
= 404, blank in system directory (UNIX only) | |
BLANK_IN_CURRENT_DIR =(405,"blank in current directory (UNIX only)") | |
= 405, blank in current directory (UNIX only) | |
BLANK_IN_SCRATCH_EXTENSION =(406,"blank in scratch extension (scrext)") | |
= 406, blank in scratch extension (scrext) | |
UNEXPECTED_CMEXRC =(407,"unexpected cmexRC") | |
= 407, unexpected cmexRC | |
PROCESS_DIR_NOT_FOUND =(408, "could not find the process directory (procdir)") | |
= 408, could not find the process directory (procdir) | |
CMEX_LIB_NOT_FOUND =(409,"CMEX library not found (experimental)") | |
= 409, CMEX library not found (experimental) | |
CMEX_LIB_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND =(410,"entry point in CMEX library not found (experimental)") | |
= 410, entry point in CMEX library not found (experimental) | |
BLANK_IN_PROCESS_DIR =(411, "blank in process directory (UNIX only)") | |
= 411, blank in process directory (UNIX only) | |
BLANK_IN_SCRATCH_DIR =(412,"blank in scratch directory (UNIX only)") | |
= 412, blank in scratch directory (UNIX only) | |
COULD_NOT_ADD_PATH =(909, "could not add path/unknown UNIX environment/cannot set environment variable") | |
= 909, cannot add path, unknown UNIX environment, cannot set environment variable | |
INCORRECT_COMMAND_LINE_PARAMETER =(1000, "driver error: incorrect command line parameter for gams.exe") | |
= 1000, driver error: incorrect command line parameter for gams.exe | |
COULD_NOT_INSTALL_INTERRUPT_HANDLER =(2000, "internal error: could not install interrupt handler") | |
=2000, driver error: internal error: could not install interrupt handler | |
COULD_NOT_GET_CURRENT_DIR =(3000, "driver error: problems getting current directory") | |
= 3000, driver error: problems getting current directory (sometimes caused by specifying the current directory in Microsoft UNC format) | |
CMEX_NOT_FOUND =(4000, "driver error: internal error: GAMS compile and execute module not found") | |
= 4000, driver error: internal error: GAMS compile and execute module not found | |
OPTION_NOT_FOUND =(5000, "driver error: internal error: Cannot load option handling library") | |
= 5000, driver error: internal error: Cannot load option handling library | |
UNDEFINED_EXIT_CODE =(Integer.MAX_VALUE, "undefined GAMS exit code") | |
= Integer.MAX_VALUE, Undefined GAMS exit code | |
Detailed Description
The possible return codes of the GAMS compiler and execution system (cmexRC).
- See also
- GAMSExecutionException
Member Function Documentation
◆ lookup()
static |
Lookup all GAMS exit codes.
- Parameters
val an int value to lookup
- Returns
- the enumerated ExitCodeMessage that has the specified value, or UNDEFINED_CODE if the specified value is not found.
◆ message()
String com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.message | ( | ) |
Get the exit code message this enumerated ExitCodeMessage.
- Returns
- the exit code message
◆ value()
int com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.value | ( | ) |
Get the int value of this enumerated ExitCodeMessage.
- Returns
- the exit code value
Member Data Documentation
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.BLANK_IN_CURRENT_DIR =(405,"blank in current directory (UNIX only)") |
= 405, blank in current directory (UNIX only)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.BLANK_IN_PROCESS_DIR =(411, "blank in process directory (UNIX only)") |
= 411, blank in process directory (UNIX only)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.BLANK_IN_SCRATCH_DIR =(412,"blank in scratch directory (UNIX only)") |
= 412, blank in scratch directory (UNIX only)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.BLANK_IN_SCRATCH_EXTENSION =(406,"blank in scratch extension (scrext)") |
= 406, blank in scratch extension (scrext)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.BLANK_IN_SYSTEM_DIR =(404, "blank in system directory (UNIX only)") |
= 404, blank in system directory (UNIX only)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.CMEX_LIB_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND =(410,"entry point in CMEX library not found (experimental)") |
= 410, entry point in CMEX library not found (experimental)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.CMEX_LIB_NOT_FOUND =(409,"CMEX library not found (experimental)") |
= 409, CMEX library not found (experimental)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.CMEX_NOT_FOUND =(4000, "driver error: internal error: GAMS compile and execute module not found") |
= 4000, driver error: internal error: GAMS compile and execute module not found
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COMPILATION_ERROR =(2, "there was a compilation error") |
= 2, there was a compilation error
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_ADD_PATH =(909, "could not add path/unknown UNIX environment/cannot set environment variable") |
= 909, cannot add path, unknown UNIX environment, cannot set environment variable
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_CREATE_SCRATCH_DIR =(109, "could not create process/scratch directory") |
= 109, Could not create process/scratch directory
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_DELETEL_SCRATCH_DIR =(112, "could not delete process/scratch directory") |
= 112, could not delete process/scratch directory
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_GET_CURRENT_DIR =(3000, "driver error: problems getting current directory") |
= 3000, driver error: problems getting current directory (sometimes caused by specifying the current directory in Microsoft UNC format)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_INSTALL_INTERRUPT_HANDLER =(2000, "internal error: could not install interrupt handler") |
=2000, driver error: internal error: could not install interrupt handler
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_READ_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE =(115, "could not read environment variable") |
= 115, could not read environment variable
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_SPAWN_GAMS_CMEX =(400, "could not spawn the GAMS language compiler (gamscmex)") |
= 400, could not spawn the GAMS language compiler (gamscmex)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_WRITE_GAMSNEXT_SCRIPT =(113, "could not write the \"gamsnext\" script") |
= 113, could not write the "gamsnext" script
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.COULD_NOT_WRITE_PARAMETER_FILE =(114, "could not write the \"parameter\" file") |
= 114, could not write the "parameter" file
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.CURRENT_DIR_NOT_FOUND =(401, "current directory (curdir) does not exist") |
= 401, current directory (curdir) does not exist
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.CURRENT_DIR_NOT_SET =(402, "could not set current directory (curdir)") |
= 402, could not set current directory (curdir)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.EXECUTION_ERROR =(3, "there was an execution error") |
= 3, there was an execution error
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.FILE_ERROR =(5, "there was a file error") |
= 5, there was a file error
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.GAMS_NOT_STARTED =(9, "GAMS cold not be started") |
= 9, GAMS cold not be started
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.GAMS_SYSTEM_ERROR =(8, "there was a GAMS system error") |
= 8, there was a GAMS system error
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.INCORRECT_COMMAND_LINE_PARAMETER =(1000, "driver error: incorrect command line parameter for gams.exe") |
= 1000, driver error: incorrect command line parameter for gams.exe
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.LICENSING_ERROR =(7, "there was a licensing error") |
= 7, there was a licensing error
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.OPTION_NOT_FOUND =(5000, "driver error: internal error: Cannot load option handling library") |
= 5000, driver error: internal error: Cannot load option handling library
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.OUT_OF_DISK =(11, "out of disk") |
= 11, out of disk
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.OUT_OF_MEMORY =(10, "out of memory") |
= 10, out of memory
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.PARAMETER_ERROR =(6, "there was a parameter error") |
= 6, there was a parameter error
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.PROCESS_DIR_NOT_FOUND =(408, "could not find the process directory (procdir)") |
= 408, could not find the process directory (procdir)
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.RETURN =(0, "normal return") |
= 0, normal return
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.SOLVER_TO_BE_CALLED =(1, "solver is to be called") |
= 1, solver is to be called.
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.SYSTEM_LIMIT_REACHED =(4, "system limits were reached") |
= 4, system limits were reached
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.TOO_MANY_SCRATCH_DIRS =(110, "too many process/scratch directories ") |
= 110, too many process/scratch directories
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.UNDEFINED_EXIT_CODE =(Integer.MAX_VALUE, "undefined GAMS exit code") |
= Integer.MAX_VALUE, Undefined GAMS exit code
com.gams.api.GAMSGlobals.ExitCodeMessage.UNEXPECTED_CMEXRC =(407,"unexpected cmexRC") |
= 407, unexpected cmexRC