No Matches
Package matlab.gams.control


package  engine
package  globals
package  options
package  utils


class  AbstractRunParameters
 Can be used to store parameters for running a job. More...
class  Checkpoint
 Captures the state of a Job after the Job.run method has been carried out. More...
class  Database
 Communicates data between the Matlab world and the GAMS world. More...
class  DatabaseDomainViolation
 Stores a domain violation information for each symbol in a Database instance. More...
class  Equation
 Representation of an equation symbol in GAMS. More...
class  EquationRecord
 Representation of a single record of a Equation instance. More...
class  Globals
 Constants used by the GAMS Matlab API. More...
class  Job
 Manages the execution of a GAMS program given by GAMS model source. More...
class  ModelInstance
 Modifying a model instance and solving the resulting problem in the most efficient way. More...
class  ModelInstanceOpt
 The ModelInstanceOpt can be used to customize the ModelInstance.solve routine. More...
class  Modifier
 Input to ModelInstance.instantiate. More...
class  Options
 Manages GAMS options. More...
class  Parameter
 Representation of a parameter symbol in GAMS. More...
class  ParameterRecord
 Representation of a single record of a Parameter instance. More...
class  PrintStream
 Print stream to write to stdout or file. More...
class  RunParameters
 Run parameters for Job. More...
class  Set
 Representation of a set symbol in GAMS. More...
class  SetRecord
 Representation of a single record of a Set instance. More...
class  Symbol
 Representation of a symbol in GAMS. More...
class  SymbolDomainViolation
 Domain violation information for a Symbol instance. More...
class  SymbolRecord
 Representation of a single record of a Symbol instance. More...
class  Variable
 Representation of a variable symbol in GAMS. More...
class  VariableRecord
 Representation of a single record of a Variable instance. More...
class  Workspace
 Base class in the GAMS package. More...
class  WorkspaceInfo
 Input parameter for the Workspace constructor. More...

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