▼Ncom | |
▼Ngams | Provides package namespace for Java interface and examples to General Algebraic Model System (GAMS) |
▼Napi | Provides a Java programming interface to the General Algebraic Model System (GAMS) |
►CAbstractRunParameters | Abstract class for run parameters |
CnewBuilder | Abstract builder of AbstractRunParameters |
CGAMSCheckpoint | An instance of GAMSCheckpoint captures the state of a GAMSJob after the GAMSJob.run() method has been carried out, and can be created via the call of GAMSWorkspace.addCheckpoint() methods |
CGAMSDatabase | |
CGAMSDatabaseDomainViolation | An instance of GAMSDatabaseDomainViolation stores a domain violation information for each symbol in a GAMSDatabase instance |
CGAMSDatabaseIterator | An iterator of a GAMSDatabase over a collection of GAMSSymbol |
CGAMSEngineConfiguration | Configuration that allows the execution of jobs on a specific GAMS Engine instance |
►CGAMSEngineJob | GAMSEngineJob manages the execution of a GAMS program given by GAMS model source for GAMS Engine |
CnewBuilder | A builder of GAMSEngineJob |
►CGAMSEngineRunParameters | Run parameters for GAMSEngineJob |
CnewBuilder | A builder of GAMSEngineRunParameters |
CGAMSEquation | This is the representation of an equation symbol in GAMS |
CGAMSEquationRecord | This is the representation of a single record of a GAMSEquation instance |
CGAMSException | GAMSException contains the information described the cause of exception during the execution of GAMS Java API |
CGAMSExecutionException | GAMSExecutionException contains the exit code unsuccessfully returned by GAMS process |
►CGAMSGlobals | GAMSGlobals defines constants that are used by com.gams.api package |
CArchType | GAMS enumerated type of architecture |
CAttributeValue | Atttribute Values as enumerated integer |
CDataType | GAMS Data Types |
CDebugLevel | Define GAMS Debug Level of different values and string representations |
CEquType | Equation SubType |
CExitCodeMessage | The possible return codes of the GAMS compiler and execution system (cmexRC) |
CModelStat | Model Solution Status |
COSType | GAMS enumerated type of operating system |
CSetType | Set SubType |
CSolveStat | Solver termination condition |
CSpecialValues | Special GAMS Values used by GAMS Java API |
CSpecialValues_int | Special GAMS Value as enumerated integer |
CUpdateAction | What field to update |
CVarType | Variable SubType |
CGAMSJob | |
►CGAMSModelInstance | |
CSymbolUpdateType | GAMS Symbol update type |
CGAMSModelInstanceOpt | The GAMSModelInstanceOpt can be used to customize the GAMSModelInstance .solve() routine |
CGAMSModifier | Instances of this class are input to GAMSModelInstance.instantiate method |
►CGAMSOptions | |
CEAction | GAMS processing request |
CEAppendExpand | Expand file append option |
CEAppendOut | Output file append option |
CEAsyncSolLst | Print solution listing when asynchronous solve (Grid or Threads) is used |
CECaptureModelInstance | Switch to capture all model instances within a run |
CECase | Output case option for LST file |
CECharSet | Character set flag |
CECheckErrorLevel | Check errorLevel automatically after executing external program |
CEDFormat | Date format |
CEDigit | Switch default for "$on/offDigit" |
CEDumpOpt | Writes preprocessed input to the file input.dmp |
CEDumpParms | GAMS parameter logging |
CEECImplicitLoad | Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not |
CEEmpty | Switch default for "$on/offEmpty" |
CEErrMsg | Placing of compilation error messages |
CEExecMode | Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed |
CEFDOpt | Options for finite differences |
CEFileCase | Casing of file names and paths (put, gdx, ref, $include, etc.) |
CEFiltered | Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX |
CEForceWork | Force GAMS to process a save file created with a newer GAMS version or with execution errors |
CEFreeEmbeddedPython | Free external resources at the end of each embedded Python code blocks |
CEgdxCompress | Compression of generated GDX file |
CEgdxConvert | Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility) |
CEgdxUels | Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full |
CEHoldFixed | Treat fixed variables as constants |
CEHoldFixedAsync | Allow HoldFixed for models solved asynchronously as well |
CEImplicitAssign | Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign" |
CEInteractiveSolver | Allow solver to interact via command line input |
CEIntVarUp | Set mode for default upper bounds on integer variables |
CEKeep | Controls keeping or deletion of process directory and scratch files |
CEListing | Switch default for "$on/offListing" |
CELogLine | Amount of line tracing to the log file |
CELstTitleLeftAligned | Write title of LST file all left aligned |
CEMIIMode | Model Instance Mode |
CENoNewVarEqu | Triggers a compilation error when new equations or variable symbols are introduced |
CEOn115 | Generate errors for unknown unique element in an equation |
CEPageContr | Output file page control option |
CEPrefixLoadPath | Prepend GAMS system directory to library load path |
CEPreviousWork | Indicator for writing workfile with previous workfile version |
CEProcTreeMemMonitor | Monitor the memory used by the GAMS process tree |
CEPutNR | Numeric round format for put files |
CEReferenceLineNo | Controls the line numbers written to a reference file |
CEReplace | Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol |
CESavePoint | Save solver point in GDX file |
CEShowOSMemory | Show the memory usage reported by the Operating System instead of the internal counting |
CESolPrint | Solution report print option |
CESolveLink | Solver link option |
CESolveOpt | Multiple solve management |
CEStepSum | Summary of computing resources used by job steps |
CEstrictSingleton | Error if assignment to singleton set has multiple elements |
CEStringChk | String substitution options |
CESuffixAlgebraVars | Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars" |
CESuffixDLVars | Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars" |
CESuppress | Compiler listing option |
CESys10 | Changes rpower to ipower when the exponent is constant and within 1e-12 of an integer |
CESys11 | Dynamic resorting if indices in assignment/data statements are not in natural order |
CESysOut | Solver Status file reporting option |
CETFormat | Time format |
CETraceOpt | Trace file format option |
CEZeroResRep | Report underflow as a warning when abs(results) LE ZeroRes and result set to zero |
CGAMSParameter | This is the representation of a parameter symbol in GAMS |
CGAMSParameterRecord | This is the representation of a single record of a GAMSParameter instance |
►CGAMSRunParameters | Run parameters for GAMSJob |
CnewBuilder | A builder of GAMSRunParameters |
CGAMSSet | This is the representation of a set symbol in GAMS |
CGAMSSetRecord | This is the representation of a single record of a GAMSSet instance |
CGAMSSymbol | This is the representation of a symbol in GAMS |
CGAMSSymbolDomainViolation | An instance of GAMSSymbolDomainViolation stores a domain violation information for a GAMSSymbol instance |
CGAMSSymbolIterator | An iterator of a GAMSymbol over a collection of GAMSSymbolRecord |
CGAMSSymbolRecord | This is the representation of a single record of a GAMSSymbol instance |
CGAMSVariable | This is the representation of a variable symbol in GAMS |
CGAMSVariableRecord | This is the representation of a single record of a GAMSVariable instance |
CGAMSWorkspace | |
CGAMSWorkspaceInfo | |