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matlab.gams.control.globals.VarType Class Reference

Variable SubType. More...

Public Attributes

string select
 Selection of enum options.
integer value
 Value of enum options.

Static Public Attributes

static final BINARY = 1
 Binary variable.
static final FREE = 5
 Free variable.
static final INTEGER = 2
 Integer Variable.
static final NEGATIVE = 4
 Negative variable.
static final POSITIVE = 3
 Positive variable.
static final SEMICONT = 8
 Semi-continuous variable.
static final SEMIINT = 9
 Semi-integer variable.
static final SOS1 = 6
 Special Ordered Set 1.
static final SOS2 = 7
 Special Ordered Set 2.
static final UNDEFINED_TYPE = 10
 Undefined option.
static final UNKNOWN = 0
 Unknown variable type.

Detailed Description

Variable SubType.

See also