20 // create GAMSWorkspace "ws" with user-specified system directory and the default working directory
61 BufferedWriter optFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(ws.workingDirectory() + GAMSGlobals.FILE_SEPARATOR + "xpress.opt"));
78 PrintStream output = new PrintStream(new File(ws.workingDirectory() + GAMSGlobals.FILE_SEPARATOR +"transport1_xpress.log"));
void dispose()
GAMSVariable getVariable(String identifier)
static final String FILE_SEPARATOR
GAMSDatabase OutDB()
void run()
void setOptFile(int x)
void setAllModelTypes(String value)
void dispose()
void setSystemDirectory(String directory)
String workingDirectory()
GAMSOptions addOptions()
GAMSJob addJobFromGamsLib(String modelName)
This example shows how to create and run a GAMSJob from the simple GAMS [trnsport] model from the GAM...
Provides package namespace for Java interface and examples to General Algebraic Model System (GAMS).