No Matches
Getting Started

Table of Contents


GAMS comes with a ready-to-use GAMS Transfer Matlab (for Matlab 2018a or newer). Simply add the GAMS Matlab API to the Matlab path:


For other software products, e.g. Octave, you must compile the MEX source code first. Simply run:



As an introductory example, we consider creating a GDX file in Matlab with content equal to the solution data of model trnsport.

Create with GAMS:

gamslib trnsport
gams trnsport GDX=trnsport.gdx

Create with Matlab:

import gams.transfer.*
% create an empty container
m = Container();
% add sets
i = Set(m, 'i', 'records', {'seattle', 'san-diego'}, 'description', 'canning plants');
j = Set(m, 'j', 'records', {'new-york', 'chicago', 'topeka'}, 'description', 'markets');
% add parameters
a = Parameter(m, 'a', i, 'description', 'capacity of plant i in cases');
b = Parameter(m, 'b', j, 'description', 'demand at market j in cases');
d = Parameter(m, 'd', {i,j}, 'description', 'distance in thousands of miles');
f = Parameter(m, 'f', 'description', 'freight in dollars per case per thousand miles');
c = Parameter(m, 'c', {i,j}, 'description', 'transport cost in thousands of dollars per case');
% set parameter records
a.setRecords([350, 600]);
b.setRecords([325, 300, 275]);
d.setRecords([2.5, 1.7, 1.8; 2.5, 1.8, 1.4]);
c.setRecords([0.225, 0.153, 0.162; 0.225, 0.162, 0.126]);
% add variables
x = Variable(m, 'x', 'positive', {i,j}, 'description', 'shipment quantities in cases');
z = Variable(m, 'z', 'description', 'total transportation costs in thousands of dollars');
% set variable records
% Note: Argument order is: level, marginal, lower, upper, scale.
x.setRecords([50, 300, 0; 275, 0, 275], [0, 0, 0.036; 0, 0.009, 0]);
% (optional) transform records into different format
% add equations
cost = Equation(m, 'cost', 'e', 'description', 'define objective function');
supply = Equation(m, 'supply', 'l', i, 'description', 'observe supply limit at plant i');
demand = Equation(m, 'demand', 'g', j, 'description', 'satisfy demand at market j');
% set equation records
cost.setRecords(0, 1, 0, 0);
supply.setRecords(struct('level', [350, 550], 'marginal', [SpecialValues.EPS, 0], 'upper', [350, 600]));
demand.setRecords([325, 300, 275], [0.225, 0.153, 0.126], [325, 300, 275]);
% write data to a GDX file
function Variable(in container, in varargin)
GAMS Variable Creator.
function Equation(in container, in varargin)
GAMS Equation Creator.
function Parameter(in container, in varargin)
GAMS Parameter Creator.

The example illustrates the general GAMS Transfer workflow: A Container can be filled with different symbols, here are shown Set, Parameter, Variable and Equation (not shown: Alias) and is later written to a GDX file.

Instead of starting with an empty container in

% create an empty container
m = Container();

one could initialize it by reading from a GDX file:

% create a container based on GDX
m = Container('path/to/file.gdx');

Each symbol in the container has multiple symbol records – the actual data – that can be provided at symbol creation (see for example set i), but adding or modifying data thereafter is possible, too.

A symbol, e.g. the variable x (also accessible through m.data.x), stores its symbol records in x.records, but provides further meta data:

>> x
x =
Variable with properties:
type: 'positive'
default_values: [1×1 struct]
indexed: 0
container: [1×1 gams.transfer.Container]
name: 'x'
description: 'shipment quantities in cases'
dimension: 2
size: [2 3]
domain: {[1×1 gams.transfer.symbol.Set] [1×1 gams.transfer.symbol.Set]}
domain_labels: {'i' 'j'}
domain_names: {'i' 'j'}
domain_type: 'regular'
domain_forwarding: [0 0]
records: [6×4 table]
format: 'table'
modified: 1
>> x.records
ans =
6×4 table
i j level marginal
_________ ________ _____ ________
seattle new-york 50 0
seattle chicago 300 0
seattle topeka 0 0.036
san-diego new-york 275 0
san-diego chicago 0 0.009
san-diego topeka 275 0

Besides name and description each symbol has modifyable meta data dimension, size and domain to define the symbol domain and shape as well as the possible dependency on other sets. Note that size is of particular importance when using matrix like record formats to store symbol records (compare property format).

The example further shows that in table like matrix like record formats the first dimension columns are the record's domain information with column names domain_labels. Added record value columns follow (level and marginal). Missing value columns, here lower, upper and scale are considered to hold default values specified by default_values – in this example 0, Inf and 1, respectively.