No Matches

A symbol is either a GAMS Set, Alias, Parameter, Variable or Equation.

Symbol Domain

Before we can dive into the symbol details, it is important to learn about some GDX basics. In GDX, symbols are defined over a domain. The domain specifies the dimension and size of a symbol, e.g., whether it's a scalar, a vector or a matrix. There are three different domain types, none, regular and relaxed. For GAMS Transfer Matlab users it is important to especially know the difference between the latter two.

  • None: Symbol is Either a Scalar or Defined Over the Universe Set.
    For example:
    Parameter(c, 'p_scalar');
    Parameter(c, 'p_vector', {'*'});
    Parameter(c, 'p_matrix', {'*', '*'});
    Here, * represents the universe set. Any domain entries are allowed. The size of the symbol is defined by the number of UELs.
  • Regular: Symbol is Defined Over Another Set.
    For example:
    i = Set(c, 'i');
    j = Set(c, 'j');
    Parameter(c, 'p_vector', {i});
    Parameter(c, 'p_matrix', {i, j});
    Parameter(c, 'p_matrix2', {*, j});
    function Parameter(in container, in varargin)
    GAMS Parameter Creator.
    Only domain entries that are in the Sets i, i x j or * x j, respectively, are allowed. Incorrect domain entries will lead to domain violations, see Domain Violations. The size of a symbol is given by the number of records in i and j (undefined for the p_matrix3).
  • Relaxed: Symbol is Defined Over a (Set) Name.
    For example:
    Parameter(c, 'p_vector', {'i'});
    Parameter(c, 'p_matrix', {'i', 'j'});
    Parameter(c, 'p_matrix2', {i, 'j'});
    Parameter(c, 'p_matrix3', {'i', *});
    Any domain entries are allowed (independently of possible previously defined Sets i and j). Domain violation checking is disabled! The size of the symbol is defined by the number of UELs.

Creating a Symbol

To create a symbol, two equivalent ways exist:

Both options allow overwriting a symbol with same name if the main symbol definition (e.g. type, domain) doesn't differ.

The following table lists the required and possible arguments creating a the symbol. Here, the argument can be either of type required, optional (argument is positional but not required) or parameter (argument name and value have to be passed as pair, argument is not required). A # indicates the position if the argument is positional. The value in brackets is the default value if the argument is not required.

Argument Type Description Set Alias Parameter Variable Equation
name string Name of symbol required #1 required #1 required #1 required #1 required #1
alias_with Set Set an alias is linked to - required #2 - - -
type string, int Variable or Equation type, see VariableType and EquationType - - - optional #2 ('free') required #2
domain cell, Set, string List of domains given either as string ('*' for universe set) or as reference to a Set object optional #2 ('*') - optional #2 ({}) optional #3 ({}) optional #3 ({})
description string Description of symbol parameter ('') - parameter ('') parameter ('') parameter ('')
records any Symbol records, see also Assigning Symbol Records parameter ([]) - parameter ([]) parameter ([]) parameter ([])
is_singleton logical Indicates if set is a singleton set (true) or not (false) parameter (false) - - - -

The other symbol properties are implied by those listed above. For example, dimension is the number of elements in domain.

All the above symbol properties can be modified at any time after the addition to the container. Furthermore, changing the property dimension has the following effect: Decreasing the dimension will remove domain elements at the back, while increasing the dimension will append appropriately many universe set domains *.

If any domain element is passed as string except for * (universe set), the domain is handled relaxed instead of regular as indicated by the property domain_type, see also Symbol Domain. This means that domain checking does not apply, see also Domain Violations.

Assigning Symbol Records

Symbol records are stored in the property <symbol>.records. It is most efficient to modify the data inplace. Note that the records have to satisfy the chosen records format. Otherwise, the symbol will be marked as invalid. Records are checked whenever a valid symbol is required. See Validate Symbol Records for more information.

For more convenience (but with performance costs!), the method <symbol>.setRecords accepts a wide range of formats that will be transformed internally to one of the records format. Note that <symbol>.setRecords is also called by the symbol constructor if the argument records is provided.

The following transformations are supported (sample code uses symbols of Example):

  • string:
    Interpreted as domain entry for first dimension.
    >> a.setRecords('seattle');
    >> a.transformRecords('table'); % format was struct
    >> a.records
    ans =
  • cellstr:
    First dimension of cellstr must be equal to symbol dimension and second will be the number of records. Row i is interpreted to hold the domain entries for dimension i.
    >> a.setRecords({'seattle', 'san-diego'});
    >> a.transformRecords('table'); % format was struct
    >> a.records
    ans =
    2×1 table
  • numeric vector/matrix:
    Interpreted to hold the level values (or value for Parameter). Must satisfy the shape given by symbol size since this can only be a matrix format (e.g. dense_matrix or sparse_matrix), because domain entries are not given.
    >> a.setRecords([300 400]);
    >> a.transformRecords('table'); % format was dense_matrix
    >> a.records
    ans =
    2×2 table
    i value
    _________ _____
    seattle 300
    san-diego 400
  • cell:

    If element is the i-th cellstr, then this is considered to be the domain entries for the i-th domain. If element is the j-th numeric vector/matrix, it is interpreted as the j-th element of the following: (1) level or value, (2) marginal, (3) lower, (4) upper, (5) scale. If symbol is a Set, the (dim+1)-th cellstr is considered to be the set element_text.

    Instead of a cell, it is possible to provide the elements as separate arguments to the method <symbol>.setRecords.
    >> v.setRecords([1 2], [11 22], [111 222], [1111 2222]);
    >> v.transformRecords('table'); % format was dense_matrix
    >> v.records
    ans =
    2×5 table
    i level marginal lower upper
    _________ _____ ________ _____ _____
    seattle 1 11 111 1111
    san-diego 2 22 222 2222
    >> x.setRecords({'seattle', 'seattle'}, {'new-york', 'chicago'}, [1 2], [11 22], [111 222], [1111 2222]);
    >> x.transformRecords('table'); % format was struct
    >> x.records
    ans =
    2×6 table
    i j_2 level marginal lower upper
    _______ ________ _____ ________ _____ _____
    seattle new-york 1 11 111 1111
    seattle chicago 2 22 222 2222
  • struct:
    Fields which names match domain labels, are interpreted as domain entries of the corresponding domain. Other supported fields are level, value, marginal, lower, upper, scale, element_text. Unsopprted fields are ignored.
  • table:
    Used as is, but checked for correctness.