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GAMS Transfer Container stores (multiple) symbols. More...

Inherits Handle.

GAMS Transfer Container stores (multiple) symbols.

A GAMS GDX file is a collection of GAMS symbols (e.g. variables or parameters), each holding multiple symbol records. In GAMS Transfer the Container is the main object that holds different symbols and allows to read and write those to GDX. See Container for more information.


c = Container();
c = Container('path/to/file.gdx');
GAMS Transfer Container stores (multiple) symbols.
Definition: Container.m:67
See also
Set, Alias, Parameter, Variable, Equation

Public Member Functions

function Container (in varargin)
 Constructs a GAMS Transfer Container.
function equals (in obj, in container)
 Checks equivalence with other container.
function read (in obj, in varargin)
 Reads symbols from GDX file.
function write (in obj, in varargin)
 Writes symbols with symbol records to GDX file.
function getSymbols (in obj, in names)
 Get symbol objects by names.
function getSets (in obj, in varargin)
 Gets all Set objects.
function getParameters (in obj, in varargin)
 Gets all Parameter objects.
function getVariables (in obj, in varargin)
 Gets all Variable objects.
function getEquations (in obj, in varargin)
 Gets all Equation objects.
function getAliases (in obj, in varargin)
 Gets all Alias objects.
function hasSymbols (in obj, in names)
 Checks if symbol exists in container (case insensitive)
function getSymbolNames (in obj, in names)
 Get symbol names by names (case insensitive)
function listSymbols (in obj, in varargin)
 Lists all symbols in container.
function listSets (in obj, in varargin)
 Lists all sets in container.
function listParameters (in obj, in varargin)
 Lists all parameters in container.
function listVariables (in obj, in varargin)
 Lists all variables in container.
function listEquations (in obj, in varargin)
 Lists all equations in container.
function listAliases (in obj, in varargin)
 Lists all aliases in container.
function describeSets (in obj, in varargin)
 Returns an overview over all sets in container.
function describeParameters (in obj, in varargin)
 Returns an overview over all parameters in container.
function describeVariables (in obj, in varargin)
 Returns an overview over all variables in container.
function describeEquations (in obj, in varargin)
 Returns an overview over all equations in container.
function describeAliases (in obj, in varargin)
 Returns an overview over all aliases in container.
function addSet (in obj, in name, in varargin)
 Adds a set to the container.
function addParameter (in obj, in name, in varargin)
 Adds a parameter to the container.
function addVariable (in obj, in name, in varargin)
 Adds a variable to the container.
function addEquation (in obj, in name, in varargin)
 Adds an equation to the container.
function addAlias (in obj, in name, in alias_with)
 Adds an alias to the container.
function addUniverseAlias (in obj, in name)
 Adds a universe alias to the container.
function renameSymbol (in obj, in oldname, in newname)
 Rename a symbol.
function removeSymbols (in obj, in names)
 Removes a symbol from container.
function reorderSymbols (in obj)
 Reestablishes a valid GDX symbol order.
function getDomainViolations (in obj, in varargin)
 Get domain violations for all symbols.
function resolveDomainViolations (in obj, in varargin)
 Extends domain sets in order to remove domain violations.
function countDuplicateRecords (in obj, in varargin)
 Counts duplicate records in symbols.
function hasDuplicateRecords (in obj, in varargin)
 Checks if duplicate records exist in symbols.
function dropDuplicateRecords (in obj, in varargin)
 Drops duplicate records in symbols.
function countDomainViolations (in obj, in varargin)
 Counts domain violations in symbols.
function hasDomainViolations (in obj, in varargin)
 Checks if duplicate records exist in symbols.
function dropDomainViolations (in obj, in varargin)
 Drops duplicate records in symbols.
function isValid (in obj, in varargin)
 Checks correctness of all symbols.
function getUELs (in obj, in varargin)
 Get UELs from all symbols.
function removeUELs (in obj, in varargin)
 Removes UELs from all symbols.
function renameUELs (in obj, in varargin)
 Renames UELs in all symbol.
function lowerUELs (in obj, in varargin)
 Converts UELs to lower case.
function upperUELs (in obj, in varargin)
 Converts UELs to upper case.

Public Attributes

Property modified
 Flag to indicate modification.

Protected Attributes

Property data
 GAMS (GDX) symbols.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Container()

function Container ( in  varargin)

Constructs a GAMS Transfer Container.

Optional Arguments:

  1. source (string or Container): Path to GDX file or a Container object to be read


c = Container();
c = Container('path/to/file.gdx');
See also
Set, Alias, Parameter, Variable, Equation

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAlias()

function addAlias ( in  obj,
in  name,
in  alias_with 

Adds an alias to the container.

Required Arguments:

  1. name (string): name of alias
  2. alias_with (Set or Alias): symbol.Set to be linked to.


c = Container();
s = c.addSet('s');
a = c.addAlias('a', s);
See also
alias.Set, Alias, symbol.Set

◆ addEquation()

function addEquation ( in  obj,
in  name,
in  varargin 

Adds an equation to the container.

Required Arguments:

  1. name (string): Name of equation
  2. type (string, int or EquationType): Specifies the variable type, either as string, as integer given by any of the constants in EquationType or EquationType.

Optional Arguments:

  1. domain (cellstr or Set): List of domains given either as string or as reference to a symbol.Set object. Default is {} (for scalar).

Parameter Arguments:

  • records: Equation records. Default is [].
  • description (string): Description of symbol. Default is "".
  • domain_forwarding (logical): If true, domain entries in records will recursively be added to the domains in case they are not present in the domains already. With a logical vector domain forwarding can be enabled/disabled independently for each domain. Default: false.

Note, this method may overwrite an equation if its definition (type, domain, domain_forwarding) doesn't differ.


c = Container();
e2 = c.addEquation('e2', 'l', {'*', '*'});
e3 = c.addEquation('e3', EquationType.EQ, '*', 'description', 'equ e3');
GAMS Equation Type.
Definition: EquationType.m:47
Constant Property EQ
identifier for equality equation
Definition: EquationType.m:55
See also
symbol.Equation, Equation, EquationType

◆ addParameter()

function addParameter ( in  obj,
in  name,
in  varargin 

Adds a parameter to the container.

Required Arguments:

  1. name (string): Name of parameter

Optional Arguments:

  1. domain (cellstr or Set): List of domains given either as string or as reference to a symbol.Set object. Default is {} (for scalar).

Parameter Arguments:

  • records: Parameter records. Default is [].
  • description (string): Description of symbol. Default is "".
  • domain_forwarding (logical): If true, domain entries in records will recursively be added to the domains in case they are not present in the domains already. With a logical vector domain forwarding can be enabled/disabled independently for each domain. Default: false.

Note, this method may overwrite a parameter if its definition (domain, domain_forwarding) doesn't differ.


c = Container();
p1 = c.addParameter('p1');
p2 = c.addParameter('p2', {'*', '*'});
p3 = c.addParameter('p3', '*', 'description', 'par p3');
See also
symbol.Parameter, Parameter

◆ addSet()

function addSet ( in  obj,
in  name,
in  varargin 

Adds a set to the container.

Required Arguments:

  1. name (string): Name of set

Optional Arguments:

  1. domain (cellstr or Set): List of domains given either as string or as reference to a symbol.Set object. Default is {"*"} (for 1-dim with universe domain).

Parameter Arguments:

  • records: Set records, e.g. a list of strings. Default is [].
  • description (string): Description of symbol. Default is "".
  • is_singleton (logical): Indicates if set is a is_singleton set (true) or not (false). Default is false.
  • domain_forwarding (logical): If true, domain entries in records will recursively be added to the domains in case they are not present in the domains already. With a logical vector domain forwarding can be enabled/disabled independently for each domain. Default: false.

Note, this method may overwrite a set if its definition (is_singleton, domain, domain_forwarding) doesn't differ.


c = Container();
s1 = c.addSet('s1');
s2 = c.addSet('s2', {s1, '*', '*'});
s3 = c.addSet('s3', '*', 'records', {'e1', 'e2', 'e3'}, 'description', 'set s3');
See also
symbol.Set, Set

◆ addUniverseAlias()

function addUniverseAlias ( in  obj,
in  name 

Adds a universe alias to the container.

Required Arguments:

  1. name (string): name of alias


c = Container();
u = c.addUniverseAlias('u');
See also
alias.Universe, UniverseAlias

◆ addVariable()

function addVariable ( in  obj,
in  name,
in  varargin 

Adds a variable to the container.

Required Arguments:

  1. name (string): Name of variable

Optional Arguments:

  1. type (string, int or VariableType): Specifies the variable type, either as string, as integer given by any of the constants in VariableType or VariableType. Default is "free".
  2. domain (cellstr or Set): List of domains given either as string or as reference to a symbol.Set object. Default is {} (for scalar).

Parameter Arguments:

  • records: Set records, e.g. a list of strings. Default is [].
  • description (string): Description of symbol. Default is "".
  • domain_forwarding (logical): If true, domain entries in records will recursively be added to the domains in case they are not present in the domains already. With a logical vector domain forwarding can be enabled/disabled independently for each domain. Default: false.

Note, this method may overwrite a variable if its definition (type, domain, domain_forwarding) doesn't differ.


c = Container();
v1 = c.addVariable('v1');
v2 = c.addVariable('v2', 'binary', {'*', '*'});
v3 = c.addVariable('v3', VariableType.BINARY, '*', 'description', 'var v3');
GAMS Variable Type.
Definition: VariableType.m:47
Constant Property BINARY
identifier for binary variable
Definition: VariableType.m:55
See also
symbol.Variable, Variable, VariableType

◆ countDomainViolations()

function countDomainViolations ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Counts domain violations in symbols.

Domain violations occur when a symbol uses other Sets as domain(s) – and is thus of domain type regular, see Symbol Domain – and uses a domain entry in its records that is not present in the corresponding referenced domain set. Such a domain violation will lead to a GDX error when writing the data!

Only relevant for symbols with table-like record formats.

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be considered. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.

◆ countDuplicateRecords()

function countDuplicateRecords ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Counts duplicate records in symbols.

In table-like record formats it may happen that duplicates occur. Duplicates are values that refer to the same domain entry.

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be considered. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.

◆ describeAliases()

function describeAliases ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Returns an overview over all aliases in container.

See Symbol Overview for more information.

Optional Arguments:

  1. symbols (cellstr): List of symbols to include. Default: listAliases().

The overview is in form of a table listing for each symbol its main characteristics and some statistics.

◆ describeEquations()

function describeEquations ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Returns an overview over all equations in container.

See Symbol Overview for more information.

Optional Arguments:

  1. symbols (cellstr): List of symbols to include. Default: listEquations().

The overview is in form of a table listing for each symbol its main characteristics and some statistics.

◆ describeParameters()

function describeParameters ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Returns an overview over all parameters in container.

See Symbol Overview for more information.

Optional Arguments:

  1. symbols (cellstr): List of symbols to include. Default: listParameters().

The overview is in form of a table listing for each symbol its main characteristics and some statistics.

◆ describeSets()

function describeSets ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Returns an overview over all sets in container.

See Symbol Overview for more information.

This method includes set aliases.

Optional Arguments:

  1. symbols (cellstr): List of symbols to include. Default: listSets().

The overview is in form of a table listing for each symbol its main characteristics and some statistics.

◆ describeVariables()

function describeVariables ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Returns an overview over all variables in container.

See Symbol Overview for more information.

Optional Arguments:

  1. symbols (cellstr): List of symbols to include. Default: listVariables().

The overview is in form of a table listing for each symbol its main characteristics and some statistics.

◆ dropDomainViolations()

function dropDomainViolations ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Drops duplicate records in symbols.

Domain violations occur when a symbol uses other Sets as domain(s) – and is thus of domain type regular, see Symbol Domain – and uses a domain entry in its records that is not present in the corresponding referenced domain set. Such a domain violation will lead to a GDX error when writing the data!

Only relevant for symbols with table-like record formats.

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be considered. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.

◆ dropDuplicateRecords()

function dropDuplicateRecords ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Drops duplicate records in symbols.

In table-like record formats it may happen that duplicates occur. Duplicates are values that refer to the same domain entry.

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be considered. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.
  • keep (string): Specify which record to keep in case of duplicates. Possible values: 'first' or 'last'. Default: 'first'.

◆ equals()

function equals ( in  obj,
in  container 

Checks equivalence with other container.

Required Arguments:

  1. container (any): Other Container

◆ getAliases()

function getAliases ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Gets all Alias objects.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
See also
Container.listAliases, Container.getSymbols

◆ getDomainViolations()

function getDomainViolations ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Get domain violations for all symbols.

Domain violations occur when a symbol uses other Sets as domain(s) – and is thus of domain type regular, see Symbol Domain – and uses a domain entry in its records that is not present in the corresponding referenced domain set. Such a domain violation will lead to a GDX error when writing the data!

See Domain Violations for more information.

  • dom_violations = getDomainViolations returns a list of domain violations.

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be considered. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.
See also
Container.resolveDomainViolations, symbol.Abstract.getDomainViolations, symbol.domain.Violation

◆ getEquations()

function getEquations ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Gets all Equation objects.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
  • types (any): Enable filter for equation type, e.g. type = {"g", "l"}. Default: not applied.
See also
Container.listEquations, Container.getSymbols

◆ getParameters()

function getParameters ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Gets all Parameter objects.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
See also
Container.listParameters, Container.getSymbols

◆ getSets()

function getSets ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Gets all Set objects.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
See also
Container.listSets, Container.getSymbols

◆ getSymbolNames()

function getSymbolNames ( in  obj,
in  names 

Get symbol names by names (case insensitive)

  • s = c.getSymbolNames(a) returns GAMS symbol names named a where a may have different casing.
  • s = c.getSymbolNames(b) returns a list GAMS symbol names where names equal b case insensitively.


v1 = c.getSymbolNames('v1'); % equals c.getSymbolNames('V1');
function equals(in obj, in container)
Checks equivalence with other container.

◆ getSymbols()

function getSymbols ( in  obj,
in  names 

Get symbol objects by names.

Note: The letter case of the name does not matter.

  • s = c.getSymbols() returns the handles to all GAMS symbols.
  • s = c.getSymbols(a) returns the handle to GAMS symbol named a.
  • s = c.getSymbols(b) returns a list of handles to the GAMS symbols with names equal to any element in cell b.


v1 = c.getSymbols('v1');
vars = c.getSymbols(c.listVariables());

◆ getUELs()

function getUELs ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Get UELs from all symbols.

  • u = getUELs() returns the UELs across all symbols.
  • ‘u = getUELs(_, 'symbols’, s)returns the UELs across symbolss. -u = getUELs(_, "ignore_unused", true)` returns only those UELs that are actually used in the records.

See Unique Elements (UELs) for more information.

◆ getVariables()

function getVariables ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Gets all Variable objects.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
  • types (any): Enable filter for variable type, e.g. type = {"binary", "integer"}. Default: not applied.
See also
Container.listVariables, Container.getSymbols

◆ hasDomainViolations()

function hasDomainViolations ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Checks if duplicate records exist in symbols.

Domain violations occur when a symbol uses other Sets as domain(s) – and is thus of domain type regular, see Symbol Domain – and uses a domain entry in its records that is not present in the corresponding referenced domain set. Such a domain violation will lead to a GDX error when writing the data!

Only relevant for symbols with table-like record formats.

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be considered. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.

◆ hasDuplicateRecords()

function hasDuplicateRecords ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Checks if duplicate records exist in symbols.

In table-like record formats it may happen that duplicates occur. Duplicates are values that refer to the same domain entry.

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be considered. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.

◆ hasSymbols()

function hasSymbols ( in  obj,
in  names 

Checks if symbol exists in container (case insensitive)

  • s = c.hasSymbols(a) returns true if GAMS symbol named a (case does not matter) exists. false otherwise.
  • s = c.hasSymbols(b) returns a list of bools where an entry s{i} is true if GAMS symbol named b{i} (case does not matter) exists. false otherwise.

◆ isValid()

function isValid ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Checks correctness of all symbols.

See Validate Symbol Records for more information.

Optional Arguments:

  1. verbose (logical): If true, the reason for an invalid symbol is printed
  2. force (logical): If true, forces reevaluation of validity (resets cache)

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be considered. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.
See also

◆ listAliases()

function listAliases ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Lists all aliases in container.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
See also
Container.listSymbols, Container.listSets, Container.listParameters, Container.listVariables, Container.listEquations

◆ listEquations()

function listEquations ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Lists all equations in container.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
  • types (any): Enable filter for equation type, e.g. type = {"g", "l"}. Default: not applied.
See also
Container.listSymbols, Container.listSets, Container.listParameters, Container.listVariables, Container.listAliases

◆ listParameters()

function listParameters ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Lists all parameters in container.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
See also
Container.listSymbols, Container.listSets, Container.listVariables, Container.listEquations, Container.listAliases

◆ listSets()

function listSets ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Lists all sets in container.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
See also
Container.listSymbols, Container.listParameters, Container.listVariables, Container.listEquations, Container.listAliases

◆ listSymbols()

function listSymbols ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Lists all symbols in container.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
See also
Container.listSets, Container.listParameters, Container.listVariables, Container.listEquations, Container.listAliases

◆ listVariables()

function listVariables ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Lists all variables in container.

Parameter Arguments:

  • is_valid (logical or any): Enable valid filter if argument is of type logical. If true, only include symbols that are valid and, if false, only invalid symbols. Default: not logical.
  • types (any): Enable filter for variable type, e.g. type = {"binary", "integer"}. Default: not applied.
See also
Container.listSymbols, Container.listSets, Container.listParameters, Container.listEquations, Container.listAliases

◆ lowerUELs()

function lowerUELs ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Converts UELs to lower case.

  • lowerUELs() converts all UELs to lower case.
  • ‘lowerUELs('symbols’, s)converts all UELs to lower case for symbolss`.

See Unique Elements (UELs) for more information.

◆ read()

function read ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Reads symbols from GDX file.

See Reading From GDX for more information.

Required Arguments:

  1. source (string or Container): Path to GDX file or a Container object to be read

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be read. All if empty. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.
  • format (string): Records format symbols should be stored in. Default is table.
  • records (logical): Enables reading of records. Default is true.
  • values (cell): Subset of {"level", "marginal", "lower", "upper", "scale"} that defines what value fields should be read. Default is all.
  • indexed (logical): Specifies if indexed GDX should be read. Default is false.


c = Container();
c.read('path/to/file.gdx', 'format', 'dense_matrix');
c.read('path/to/file.gdx', 'symbols', {'x', 'z'}, 'format', 'struct', 'values', {'level'});

◆ removeSymbols()

function removeSymbols ( in  obj,
in  names 

Removes a symbol from container.

Note: The letter case of the name does not matter.

  • c.removeSymbols() removes all symbols.
  • c.removeSymbols(a) removes GAMS symbol named a.
  • c.removeSymbols(b) removes a list of GAMS symbols with names equal elements in cell b.



◆ removeUELs()

function removeUELs ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Removes UELs from all symbols.

  • removeUELs() removes all unused UELs for all symbols.
  • removeUELs(u) removes the UELs u for all symbols.
  • ‘removeUELs(_, 'symbols’, s)removes UELs for symbolss`.

See Unique Elements (UELs) for more information.

◆ renameSymbol()

function renameSymbol ( in  obj,
in  oldname,
in  newname 

Rename a symbol.

  • renameSymbol(oldname, newname) renames the symbol with name oldname to newname. The symbol order in data will not change.


c.renameSymbol('x', 'xx');

◆ renameUELs()

function renameUELs ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Renames UELs in all symbol.

  • renameUELs(u) renames the UELs u for all symbols. u can be a struct (field names = old UELs, field values = new UELs), containers.Map (keys = old UELs, values = new UELs) or cellstr (full list of UELs, must have as many entries as current UELs). The codes for renamed UELs do not change.
  • ‘renameUELs(_, 'symbols’, s)renames UELs for symbolss. -renameUELs(_, 'allow_merge', true)` enables support of merging one UEL into another one (renaming a UEL to an already existing one).

See Unique Elements (UELs) for more information.

◆ resolveDomainViolations()

function resolveDomainViolations ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Extends domain sets in order to remove domain violations.

Domain violations occur when a symbol uses other Sets as domain(s) – and is thus of domain type regular, see Symbol Domain – and uses a domain entry in its records that is not present in the corresponding referenced domain set. Such a domain violation will lead to a GDX error when writing the data!

See Domain Violations for more information.

  • resolveDomainViolations() extends the domain sets with the violated domain entries. Hence, the domain violations disappear.

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be considered. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.
See also
Container.getDomainViolations, symbol.Abstract.resolveDomainViolations, symbol.domain.Violation

◆ upperUELs()

function upperUELs ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Converts UELs to upper case.

  • upperUELs() converts all UELs to upper case.
  • ‘upperUELs('symbols’, s)converts all UELs to upper case for symbolss`.

See Unique Elements (UELs) for more information.

◆ write()

function write ( in  obj,
in  varargin 

Writes symbols with symbol records to GDX file.

See Writing To GDX for more information.

Required Arguments:

  1. filename (string): Path to GDX file to write to.

Parameter Arguments:

  • symbols (cell): List of symbols to be written. List of symbols to be considered. Case doesn't matter. Default is all.
  • compress (logical): Flag to compress GDX file (true) or not (false). Default is false.
  • sorted (logical): Flag to define records as sorted (true) or not (false). Default is false.
  • uel_priority (cellstr): UELs to be registered first before any symbol UELs. Default: {}.
  • indexed (logical): Specifies if indexed GDX should be written. Default is false.
  • eps_to_zero (logical): Specifies if EPS values should be written as zero. Default is true.


c.write('path/to/file.gdx', 'compress', true, 'sorted', true);
See also

Member Data Documentation

◆ modified

Property modified

Flag to indicate modification.

If the container or any symbol within has been modified since last reset of flag (false), this flag will be true. Resetting will also reset symbol flag.