No Matches
21 GAMSJob t6 = ws.AddJobFromString("bmult=" + b + "; solve transport min z use lp; ms=transport.modelstat; ss=transport.solvestat;", cp);
48 System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(bmultlist, delegate(double b) { RunScenario(ws, cp, ioMutex, b); });
GAMSVariable GetVariable(string variableIdentifier)
GAMSParameter GetParameter(string parameterIdentifier)
GAMSDatabase OutDB
void Run(GAMSOptions gamsOptions=null, GAMSCheckpoint checkpoint=null, TextWriter output=null, Boolean createOutDB=true)
double Value
new GAMSParameterRecord FindRecord(params string[] keys)
double Level
new GAMSVariableRecord FindRecord(params string[] keys)
GAMSJob AddJobFromString(string gamsSource, GAMSCheckpoint checkpoint=null, string jobName=null)
GAMSCheckpoint AddCheckpoint(string checkpointName=null)
This is the 6th model in a series of tutorial examples. Here we show: How to run multiple GAMSJobs in...
Definition: Transport6.cs:18
Definition: Transport1.cs:8