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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NgamsProvides package namespace for Java interface and examples to General Algebraic Model System (GAMS)
 NapiProvides a Java programming interface to the General Algebraic Model System (GAMS)
 CAbstractRunParametersAbstract class for run parameters
 CGAMSCheckpointAn instance of GAMSCheckpoint captures the state of a GAMSJob after the GAMSJob.run() method has been carried out, and can be created via the call of GAMSWorkspace.addCheckpoint() methods
 CGAMSDatabaseDomainViolationAn instance of GAMSDatabaseDomainViolation stores a domain violation information for each symbol in a GAMSDatabase instance
 CGAMSDatabaseIteratorAn iterator of a GAMSDatabase over a collection of GAMSSymbol
 CGAMSEngineConfigurationConfiguration that allows the execution of jobs on a specific GAMS Engine instance
 CGAMSEngineJobGAMSEngineJob manages the execution of a GAMS program given by GAMS model source for GAMS Engine
 CGAMSEngineRunParametersRun parameters for GAMSEngineJob
 CGAMSEquationThis is the representation of an equation symbol in GAMS
 CGAMSEquationRecordThis is the representation of a single record of a GAMSEquation instance
 CGAMSExceptionGAMSException contains the information described the cause of exception during the execution of GAMS Java API
 CGAMSExecutionExceptionGAMSExecutionException contains the exit code unsuccessfully returned by GAMS process
 CGAMSGlobalsGAMSGlobals defines constants that are used by com.gams.api package
 CGAMSModelInstanceOptThe GAMSModelInstanceOpt can be used to customize the GAMSModelInstance.solve() routine
 CGAMSModifierInstances of this class are input to GAMSModelInstance.instantiate method
 CGAMSParameterThis is the representation of a parameter symbol in GAMS
 CGAMSParameterRecordThis is the representation of a single record of a GAMSParameter instance
 CGAMSRunParametersRun parameters for GAMSJob
 CGAMSSetThis is the representation of a set symbol in GAMS
 CGAMSSetRecordThis is the representation of a single record of a GAMSSet instance
 CGAMSSymbolThis is the representation of a symbol in GAMS
 CGAMSSymbolDomainViolationAn instance of GAMSSymbolDomainViolation stores a domain violation information for a GAMSSymbol instance
 CGAMSSymbolIteratorAn iterator of a GAMSymbol over a collection of GAMSSymbolRecord
 CGAMSSymbolRecordThis is the representation of a single record of a GAMSSymbol instance
 CGAMSVariableThis is the representation of a variable symbol in GAMS
 CGAMSVariableRecordThis is the representation of a single record of a GAMSVariable instance