Table of Contents
In many cases modelers wish to relax certain constraints: violation of these constraints is allowed but is associated with a well-defined penalty. The constraints that are allowed to be violated are called soft constraints and the constraints that continue to hold are called hard constraints.
In this section we present a mathematical formulation of soft constraints, give an example of how soft constraints can be modeled with GAMS EMP and introduce the EMP annotations specific to soft constraints.
Soft Constraints: Mathematical Formulation
A general formulation of a constrained minimization problem is:
Now assume that some constraints are allowed to be violated (i.e. made soft), while the remaining constraints continue to hold for all feasible solutions. The soft constraints are associated with a penalty function that is added to the objective function. Since we have a minimization problem, the effect will be a balance or compromise between competing goals: minimizing the objective and minimizing the penalty functions.
- Note
- The penalty terms for soft constraints are added to the objective function in a minimization problem and subtracted in a maximization problem.
where the penalty functions
Soft Constraints with EMP: A Simple Example
The following simple example is adapted from the JAMS solver manual:
This problem can be formulated in GAMS as follows:
Positive Variables x1, x2;
Variables obj;
Equations f0 "objective function", f1, f2, f3;
f0.. obj =e= -sqr(x1);
f1.. log(x1) =e= 1;
f2.. sqr(x2) =g= 2;
f3.. 3*x1 + x2 =l= 5;
Model m /all/;
x1.l = 1; x2.l = 1;
solve m using NLP min obj;
Note that this problem has no feasible solution. Thus we choose to relax the first two constraints by adding a penalty for their violation to the objective function. We also weight the relative importance or priority of the objective and the violations of these two constraints by introducing weights to go with these penalty functions. The resulting problem reads as follows:
Note that the first constraint is replaced by a least squares penalty of
This reformulation could of course be implemented directly in GAMS using standard GAMS syntax, but the EMP solution is easier to create and maintain, to read and understand, and to scale upwards as problem size and complexity increase. For the latter, we can simply add the following EMP annotations and updated solve statement (to specify solution as an EMP
) to the GAMS code above:
File soft / '' /;
put soft;
f1 sqr 5
f2 maxz 2
solve m using EMP min obj;
Note that the EMP annotations contain three lines: the first line, containing the EMP keyword adjustequ
, indicates that the lines that follow specify soft constraints, i.e. equations to be converted to penalty terms; the second line specifies the name of the first soft constraint f1
, the penalty function to use, and - optionally - the weight; and similarly the third line specifies the name of the second soft constraint f2
, the penalty function to use, and the weight.
The solver JAMS will use the information in the EMP annotations to automatically reformulate problem (4) as problem (6) and pass it along to an NLP subsolver. The EMP Summary produced by JAMS will contain the following line:
--- EMP Summary ... Adjusted Constraint = 2 ...
This output reflects that indeed two constraints were "adjusted", i.e. converted to penalty terms in the objective function.
EMP Syntax for Soft Constraints
The EMP framework provides the following general syntax to specify constraints that are converted to soft constraints:
AdjustEqu equ abs|sqr|maxz {weight} {equ abs|sqr|maxz {weight}}
The EMP keyword AdjustEqu
indicates that the lines that follow specify equations that are "adjusted": they are moved from constraints to penalty terms in the objective function. Equ
is the name of the equation to penalize, while the three EMP keywords that follow indicate the penalty function to use. If not specified, the weight used defaults to 1. For an example, see above or the model [SIMPENLP] in the GAMS EMP Model Library.