Table of Contents
is a program for solving mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problems that involve linear binary or integer variables and linear and nonlinear continuous variables. While the modeling and solution of MINLP optimization problems has not yet reached the stage of maturity and reliability achieved by linear, integer, or non-linear programming modeling, these problems still have rich areas of application. For example, they often arise in engineering design, management sciences, and finance. DICOPT
(DIscrete and Continuous OPTimizer) was originally developed by Jagadisan Viswanathan, Ignacio E. Grossmann, and Aldo Vecchietti at the Engineering Design Research Center (EDRC) at Carnegie Mellon University. Currently, DICOPT is maintained by GAMS. The program is based on the extensions of the outer-approximation algorithm for the equality relaxation strategy. The MINLP algorithm inside DICOPT
solves a series of NLP and MIP sub-problems. These sub-problems can be solved using any NLP (Nonlinear Programming) or MIP (Mixed-Integer Programming) solver that runs under GAMS. The performance will heavily depend on the choice of the selected subsolvers.
Although the algorithm has provisions to handle non-convexities, it does not necessarily obtain the global optimum.
system has been designed with two main goals in mind:
- to build on existing modeling concepts, introduce a minimum of extensions to the existing modeling language, and provide upward compatibility to ensure easy transition from existing modeling applications to nonlinear mixed-integer formulations
- to use existing optimizers to solve the
sub-problems. This allows one to match the best algorithms to the problem at hand and guarantees that any new development and enhancements in the NLP and MIP solvers become automatically and immediate available toDICOPT
In order to use DICOPT
you will need to have access to a licensed GAMS BASE system as well as at least one licensed MIP solver and one licensed NLP solver. For difficult models it is advisable to also have access to multiple solvers.
How to Run a Model with GAMS/DICOPT
is only able to solve MINLP and MIQCP models. If you did not specify DICOPT
as the default solver you can use the following statement in your GAMS model:
option minlp = dicopt;
This should appear before the solve statement. DICOPT automatically uses the default MIP and NLP solver to solve its sub-problems. One can override this with GAMS statements like:
option nlp = conopt; { or any other nlp solver } option mip = gurobi; { or any other mip solver }
These options can also be specified on the command line:
> gams mymodel minlp=dicopt nlp=conopt mip=gurobi
In the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) the command line option can be specified in the edit line in the right upper corner of the main window.
Possible NLP solvers include conopt
, ipopt
, knitro
, minos
, and snopt
. Possible MIP solvers include cplex
, gurobi
, and xpress
With an option file it is even possible to use alternate solvers in different cycles. Section DICOPT Options explains this is in detail.
Overview of DICOPT
DICOPT solves models of the form:
The Algorithm
The algorithm in DICOPT is based on three key ideas:
- Outer Approximation
- Equality Relaxation
- Augmented Penalty
Outer Approximation refers to the fact that the surface described by a convex function lies above the tangent hyper-plane at any interior point of the surface. (In 1-dimension, the analogous geometrical result is that the tangent to a convex function at an interior point lies below the curve). In the algorithm outer-approximations are attained by generating linearizations at each iterations and accumulating them in order to provide successively improved linear approximations of nonlinear convex functions that underestimate the objective function and overestimate the feasible region.
Equality Relaxation is based on the following result from non-linear programming. Suppose the MINLP problem is formulated in the form:
i.e. the discrete variables are binary variables and they appear linearly in the model.
Further let
In colloquial terms, under certain assumptions concerning the convexity of the nonlinear functions, an equality constraint can be relaxed
to be an inequality constraint. This property is used in the MIP master problem to accumulate linear approximations.
Augmented Penalty refers to the introduction of (non-negative) slack variables on the right hand sides of the just described inequality constraints and the modification of the objective function when assumptions concerning convexity do not hold.
The algorithm underlying DICOPT
starts by solving the NLP in which the 0-1 conditions on the binary variables are relaxed. If the solution to this problem yields an integer solution the search stops. Otherwise, it continues with an alternating sequence of nonlinear programs (NLP) called subproblems and mixed-integer linear programs (MIP) called master problems. The NLP subproblems are solved for fixed 0-1 variables that are predicted by the MIP master problem at each (major) iteration. For convex problems the master problem also provides a lower bound on the objective function. This lower bound (in the case of minimization) increases monotonically as iterations proceed due to the accumulation of linear approximations. Note that in the case of maximization this bound is an upper bound which can be used as a stopping criterion through a DICOPT option stop 1
(see section DICOPT Options). Another stopping criterion that tends to work very well for non-convex problems (and even for convex problems) is based on the heuristic: stop as soon as the NLP subproblems start worsening (i.e. the current NLP subproblem has an optimal objective function that is worse than the previous NLP subproblem). This stopping criterion relies on the use of the augmented penalty, and is used in the description of the algorithm below. This is also the default stopping criterion in the implementation of DICOPT. The algorithm can be stated briefly as follows:
- Solve the NLP relaxation of the MINLP program. If
is integer, stop(integer optimum found
). Else continue with step 2. - Find an integer point
with an MIP master problem that features an augmented penalty function to find the minimum over the convex hull determined by the half-spaces at the solution . - Fix the binary variables
and solve the resulting NLP. Let be the corresponding solution. - Find an integer solution
with a MIP master problem that corresponds to the minimization over the intersection of the convex hulls described by the half-spaces of the KKT points at and . - Repeat steps 3 and 4 until there is an increase in the value of the NLP objective function. (Repeating step 4 means augmenting the set over which the minimization is performed with additional linearizations - i.e. half-spaces - at the new KKT point).
In the MIP problems integer cuts are added to the model to exclude previously determined integer vectors
For a detailed description of the theory and references to earlier work, see [191, 109, 52] .
The algorithm has been extended to handle general integer variables and integer variables appearing nonlinearly in the model.
Relaxed Model
Before solving a model with DICOPT, the user is strongly advised to experiment with the relaxed model where the integer restrictions are ignored. This is the RMINLP
model. As the DICOPT will start solving the relaxed problem and can use an existing relaxed optimal solution, it is a good idea to solve the RMINLP
always before attempting to solve the MINLP
model, i.e., the following fragment is not detrimental with respect to performance:
model m /all/; option nlp=conopt; option mip=cplex; option rminlp=conopt; option minlp=dicopt; * * solve relaxed model * solve m using rminlp minimizing z; abort$(m.modelstat > 2.5) "Relaxed model could not be solved"; * * solve minlp model * solve m using minlp minimizing z;
The second SOLVE
statement will only be executed if the first SOLVE
was successful, i.e., if the model status was one (optimal) or two (locally optimal).
In general it is not a good idea to try to solve an MINLP model if the relaxed model cannot be solved reliably. As the RMINLP model is a normal NLP model, some obvious points of attention are:
- Scaling. If a model is poorly scaled an NLP solver may not be able find the optimal or even a feasible solution. Some NLP solvers have automatic scaling algorithms, but often it is better to attack this problem on the modeling level. The GAMS scaling facility can help in this respect.
- Starting point. If a poor starting point is used, the NLP solver may not be able to find a feasible or optimal solution. A starting point can be set by setting level values, e.g.
X.L = 1;
. The GAMS default levels are zero, with is often not a good choice. - Adding bounds. Add bounds so that all functions can be properly evaluated. If you have a function
or in the model, you may want to add a boundX.LO=0.001;
. If a function like is used, you may want to introduce an auxiliary variable and equation with an appropriate boundY.LO=0.001;
In some cases the relaxed problem is the most difficult model. If more than one NLP solver is available you may want to try them in a sequence:
model m /all/; option nlp=conopt; option mip=cplex; option rminlp=conopt; option minlp=dicopt; * * solve relaxed model * solve m using rminlp minimizing z; if (m.modelstat > 2.5, option rminlp=minos; solve m using rminlp minimizing z; ); if (m.modelstat > 2.5, option rminlp=snopt; solve m using rminlp minimizing z; ); * * solve minlp model * solve m using minlp minimizing z;
In this fragment we first try to solve the relaxed model using CONOPT
. If that fails we try MINOS
, and if that solve also fails we try SNOPT
It is worthwhile to spend some time getting the relaxed model to solve reliably and speedily. In most cases, modeling improvements in the relaxed model, such as scaling, will also benefit the subsequent NLP sub-problems. In general these modeling improvements turn out to be rather solver independent: changes that improve the performance with CONOPT
will also help solving the model with MINOS
algorithm assumes that the integer sub-problems are solved to optimality. The GAMS
options for OPTCR
are therefore ignored: subproblems are solved with both tolerances set to zero. If you want to solve a MIP sub-problem with an optimality tolerance you can use the DICOPT
option file to set OPTCR
. For more information see section DICOPT Options.
For models with many discrete variables, it may be necessary to introduce an OPTCR
option in order to solve the model in acceptable time. For models with a limited number of integer variables the default to solve MIP sub-models to optimality may be acceptable.
Integer Formulations
A number of MIP formulations are not very obvious and pose a demand on the modeler's knowledge and experience. A good overview of integer programming modeling is given in [200] .
Many integer formulations use a so-called big-
Non-smooth Functions
GAMS alerts NLP modelers against the use of non-smooth functions such as min()
, max()
, smin()
, smax()
and abs()
. In order to use these functions, a non-linear program needs to be declared as a DNLP model instead of a regular NLP model:
option dnlp=conopt; model m /all/; solve m minimizing z using dnlp;
This construct will warn the user that problems may arise due to the use of non-smooth functions.
A possible solution is to use a smooth approximation. For instance, the function
MINLP models do not have such protection against non-smooth functions, but the use of such functions is just as problematic here. It is possible to use discrete variables with MINLP models in order to model if-then-else situations. For instance, in the case of the absolute value we can replace
GAMS Options
GAMS options are specified in the GAMS model source, using either the option
statement or a model suffix.
The OPTION Statement
An option statement sets a global parameter. An option statement should appear before the solve
statement, as in:
model m /all/; option iterlim=100; solve m using minlp minimizing z;
Option statements that affect the behavior of DICOPT
are listed below:
- option domlim = n;
This option sets a limit on the total accumulated number of non-linear function evaluation errors that are allowed while solving the NLP subproblems or insideDICOPT
itself. An example of a function evaluation error or domain error is taking the square root of a negative number. This situations can be prevented by adding proper bounds. The default is zero, i.e. no function evaluation errors are allowed.
In case a domain error occurs, the listing file will contain an appropriate message, including the equation that is causing the problem. For instance:**** ERRORS(S) IN EQUATION loss(cc,sw) 2 instance(s) of - UNDEFINED REAL POWER (RETURNED 0.0E+00)
If such errors appear you can increase theDOMLIM
limit, but often it is better to prevent the errors from occurring in the first place. In many cases this can be accomplished by adding appropriate bounds. Sometimes extra variables and equations need to be added to accomplish this. For instance, with an expression like , you may want to introduce a variable and an equation , so that the expression can be rewritten as . - option iterlim = n;
This option sets a limit on the total accumulated (minor) iterations performed in the MIP and NLP subproblems. - option minlp = dicopt;
This option selectsDICOPT
to solve MINLP problems. - option mip = s;
This option sets the MIP solver to be used for the MIP master problems. Note that changing from one MIP solver to another can lead to different results, and may causeDICOPT
to follow a different path. - option nlp = s;
This option sets the NLP solver to be used for the NLP sub-problems. Note that changing from one NLP solver to another can lead to different results, and may causeDICOPT
to follow a different path. - option optca = x;
This option is ignored. MIP master problems are solved to optimality unless specified differently in theDICOPT
option file. - option optcr = x;
This option is ignored. MIP master problems are solved to optimality unless specified differently in theDICOPT
option file. - option reslim = x;
This option sets a limit on the total accumulated time (in seconds) spent insideDICOPT
and the subsolvers. - option sysout = on;
This option will print extra information to the listing file.
In the list above (and in the following)
The Model Suffix
Some options are set by assigning a value to a model suffix, as in:
model m /all/; m.optfile=1; solve m using minlp minimizing z;
Model suffixes that affect the behavior of DICOPT
are listed below:
- m.dictfile = 1;
This option tells GAMS to write a dictionary file containing information about GAMS identifiers (equation and variables names). Such information is needed when theDICOPT
is used, otherwise the option can be ignored. - m.iterlim = n;
Sets the total accumulated (minor) iteration limit. This option overrides the global iteration limit set by an option statement, e.g.,will causemodel m /all/; m.iterlim = 100; option iterlim = 1000; solve m using minlp minimizing z;
to use an iteration limit of 100. - m.optfile = 1;
This option instructsDICOPT
to read an option filedicopt.opt
. This file should be located in the current directory (or the project directory when using the GAMS IDE). The contents of the option file will be echoed to the listing file and to the screen (the log file):If the option file does not exist, the algorithm will proceed using its default settings. An appropriate message will be displayed in the listing file and in the log file:--- DICOPT: Reading option file D:\MODELS\SUPPORT\DICOPT.OPT > maxcycles 10 --- DICOPT: Starting major iteration 1
--- DICOPT: Reading option file D:\MODELS\SUPPORT\DICOPT.OPT --- DICOPT: File does not exist, using defaults... --- DICOPT: Starting major iteration 1
- m.optfile = n;
If then the option file that is read is calleddicopt.op
(for ) ordicopt.o
(for ). E.g.m.optfile=2;
will causeDICOPT
to readdicop.op2
. - m.prioropt = 1;
This option turns on the use of priorities on the discrete variables. Priorities influence the branching order chosen by the MIP solver during solution of the MIP master problems. The use of priorities can greatly impact MIP solver performance. The priorities themselves have to be specified using the.prior
variables suffix, e.g.x.prior(i,j) = ord(i);
. Contrary to intuition, variables with a lower value for their priority are branched on before variables with a higher priority, i.e., the most important variables should get lower priority values. - m.reslim = x;
Sets the total accumulated time limit. This option overrides the global time limit set by an option statement.
DICOPT Options
This sections describes the options that can be specified in the DICOPT
option file. This file is usually called dicopt.opt
. The optfile
model suffix must be set to tell DICOPT
to read this file:
model m /all/; m.optfile=1; solve m using minlp minimizing z;
The option file is searched for in the current directory, or in the project directory when the IDE is used.
The option file is a standard text file, with a single option on each line. All options are case-insensitive. A line is a comment line if it starts with an asterisk, *
in column one. A valid option file can look like:
* stop only on infeasible MIP or hitting a limit stop 0 * use minos to solve first NLP sub problem * and conopt for all subsequent ones nlpsolver minos conopt
A convenient way to write the option file from within a GAMS model is to use the following construct:
$onecho > dicopt.opt stop 0 nlpsolver minos conopt $offecho
This will make the model self-contained. Notice, however, that this overwrites an existing file dicopt.opt
Available DICOPT
options are listed below:
Algorithmic options
Option | Description | Default |
continue | How to proceed in case of NLP errors | 2 |
convex | If enabled, the defaults for a number of other options are set to values appropriate to convex MINLPs | 0 |
dumpsubprob | Whether to dump MIP and NLP subproblems into GAMS files | 0 |
infbnd | Bound to use for unbounded integer variables in integer cuts | 10000 |
infeasder | Use derivatives of infeasible nonlinear subproblems | 0 |
maxcycles | Maximum number of cycles | 20 |
relaxed | How to start DICOPT | 1 |
solvelink | Solvelink for NLP and MIP subsolver | 5 |
stop | Stopping criterion | 2 |
usexinit | Use the user initial point as starting point for all NLP solves | 0 |
weight | Penalty parameter, set above 1e20 to disable penalty relaxation | 1000 |
Option | Description | Default |
epsmip | Tolerance on test on monotonic improvement of MIP master problem | 1.0e-6 |
epsx | Tolerance for integer values when loading relaxed solution | 1.0e-3 |
MIP masterproblem options
Option | Description | Default |
mipiterlim | List of iteration limits | |
mipoptfile | List of option files for MIP solver | |
mipreslim | List of resource limits | |
mipsolver | List of MIP solvers | |
optca | List of OPTCA values | |
optcr | List of OPTCR values |
NLP subproblem options
Option | Description | Default |
domlim | List of allowed number of domain errors | |
nlpiterlim | List of iteration limits | |
nlpoptfile | List of option files for NLP solver | |
nlpreslim | List of resource limits | |
nlpsolver | List of NLP solvers | |
nlptracefile | Base name of trace files | nlptrace |
nlptracelevel | Trace level | 0 |
Feasibility Pump
Option | Description | Default |
feaspump | Whether to run the Feasibility Pump | 0 |
fp_acttol | Tolerance on when to consider an equation as active | 1E-6 |
fp_cutoffdecr | Additional relative decrement of cutoff value for the original objective function | 0.1 |
fp_dumpsubprob | Whether to dump subproblems (NLPs and MIPs) into GAMS files | 0 |
fp_integercuts | Whether to add integer cuts after an NLP subproblem has been solved to optimality | 1 |
fp_iterlimit | Major Iteration limit | 20 |
fp_mipgap | Optimality tolerance (relative gap) to use for solving MIP projection problem | 0.01 |
fp_projcuts | Whether to add cut derived from projection of MIP solution onto NLP feasible set | 1 |
fp_projzerotol | Tolerance on when to consider optimal value of projection problem as zero, which may trigger the solution of a Sub-NLP | 1E-4 |
fp_sollimit | Stop when a number of (improving) solutions has been bound | maxint |
fp_stalllimit | Stop when no improving solution has been bound for a number of FP iterations, -1 to disable | 5 |
fp_subsolverlog | Whether to show the log of subsolvers | 0 |
fp_timelimit | Time limit | maxdouble |
fp_transfercuts | Whether to transfer cuts from the Feasibility Pump MIP to the DICOPT MIP (all except from the round in which the FP MIP became infeasible) | 1 |
Detailed Options Description
continue (integer): How to proceed in case of NLP errors ↵
This option can be used to let DICOPT continue in cases of NLP solver failure. The preferred approach is to fix the model so that NLP subproblems solve without problems. In some cases, however, (partial) failures of an NLP solver in solving the NLP subproblems can be ignored, as DICOPT may recover later on. Adding the option
continue 0
during model debugging enables DICOPT to function in a more specific way.Default:
value meaning 0
Stop on solver failure
Stop on solver failure. DICOPT will terminate when an NLP subproblem can not be solved to optimality. Some NLP solvers terminate with a status other than optimal if not all of the termination criteria are met. For instance, the change in the objective function is negligible (indicating convergence) but the reduced gradients are not within the required tolerance. Such a solution may or may not be close to the (local) optimum. Usingcontinue 0
will prevent DICOPT from accepting such a solution.1
Accept non-optimal feasible solutions
NLP subproblem failures resulting in a non-optimal but feasible solutions are accepted. Sometimes an NLP solver cannot make further progress towards meeting all optimality conditions, although the current solution is feasible. Such a solution can be accepted by this option.2
Ignore infeasible solutions
NLP subproblem failures resulting in a non-optimal but feasible solution are accepted (as in optioncontinue 1
). NLP subproblem failures resulting in an infeasible solution are ignored. The corresponding configuration of discrete variables is forbidden to be used again. An integer cut to accomplish this is added to subsequent MIP master problems. Note that the relaxed NLP solution should be feasible. This setting is the default.
convex (boolean): If enabled, the defaults for a number of other options are set to values appropriate to convex MINLPs ↵
If this option is enable, the default option values will be changed such that DICOPT will stop on crossover (stop set to 1), linearizations from infeasible NLP subproblems will be added to the MIP master problem (infeasder set to 1), penalty relaxation is no longer applied to linearizations (weight set to maxdouble), and the feasibility pump is run if there are no semicontinuous or semiinteger variables and no special ordered sets (feaspump set to 1).
domlim (string): List of allowed number of domain errors ↵
. Sets a limit of the number of function and derivative evaluation errors for a particular cycle. A number of means that the global GAMS option domlim
is used. The last numbersets a domain error limit for all cycles . Example:
domlim 0 100 0
The NLP solver in the second cycle is allowed to make up to 100 evaluation errors, while all other cycles must be solved without evaluation errors.The default is to use the global GAMS
dumpsubprob (boolean): Whether to dump MIP and NLP subproblems into GAMS files ↵
For subproblems of the feasibility pump, use option fp_dumpsubprob.
epsmip (real): Tolerance on test on monotonic improvement of MIP master problem ↵
This option can be used to relax the test on MIP objective functions. The objective function values of the MIP master problems should form a monotonic worsening curve. This is not the case if the MIP master problems are not solved to optimality. If the options
are set to a nonzero value, this test is bypassed. If the test fails,DICOPT
will fail with a message:
The MIP solution became better after adding integer cuts. Something is wrong. Please check if your model is properly scaled. Also check your big M formulations – the value of M should be relatively small. This error can also occur if you used a MIP solver option file with a nonzero OPTCR or OPTCA setting. In that case you may want to increase the EPSMIP setting using a DICOPT option file.
The value of
is compared against
. In case the test fails but you wantDICOPT
to continue anyway, you may want to increase the value ofepsmip
. The current values used in the test (previous and current MIP objective,epsmip
) are printed along with the above message to provide information about how much you should increaseepsmip
to pass the test. Normally, you should not have to change this value.Default:
epsx (real): Tolerance for integer values when loading relaxed solution ↵
This tolerance is used to distinguish integer variables that are set to an integer value by the user, or integer variables that are fractional. See the option relaxed.
feaspump (integer): Whether to run the Feasibility Pump ↵
value meaning 0
Do not run the Feasibility Pump 1
Run the Feasibility Pump if there are no semicontinuous or semiinteger variables and no special ordered sets 2
Always run the Feasibility Pump
fp_acttol (real): Tolerance on when to consider an equation as active ↵
fp_cutoffdecr (real): Additional relative decrement of cutoff value for the original objective function ↵
fp_dumpsubprob (boolean): Whether to dump subproblems (NLPs and MIPs) into GAMS files ↵
fp_integercuts (integer): Whether to add integer cuts after an NLP subproblem has been solved to optimality ↵
value meaning 0
Do not use integer cuts 1
Use integer cuts only for mixed-binary problems 2
Always use integer cuts
fp_iterlimit (integer): Major Iteration limit ↵
fp_mipgap (real): Optimality tolerance (relative gap) to use for solving MIP projection problem ↵
fp_projcuts (boolean): Whether to add cut derived from projection of MIP solution onto NLP feasible set ↵
fp_projzerotol (real): Tolerance on when to consider optimal value of projection problem as zero, which may trigger the solution of a Sub-NLP ↵
fp_sollimit (integer): Stop when a number of (improving) solutions has been bound ↵
fp_stalllimit (integer): Stop when no improving solution has been bound for a number of FP iterations, -1 to disable ↵
Range: {
, ..., ∞}Default:
fp_subsolverlog (boolean): Whether to show the log of subsolvers ↵
fp_timelimit (real): Time limit ↵
fp_transfercuts (boolean): Whether to transfer cuts from the Feasibility Pump MIP to the DICOPT MIP (all except from the round in which the FP MIP became infeasible) ↵
infbnd (real): Bound to use for unbounded integer variables in integer cuts ↵
Value to use for missing bounds on discrete variables when constructing integer cuts.
infeasder (integer): Use derivatives of infeasible nonlinear subproblems ↵
This option is to determine whether linearizations of infeasible NLP subproblems are added or not added to the MIP master problem.
value meaning 0
No linearizations of infeasible NLP subproblems
This is the default option in which no linearizations are added in the infeasible NLP subproblems. In this case a simple integer cut is added to remove from consideration the 0-1 vector that gave rise to the infeasible NLP. Since this may slow the convergence, it is recommended to reformulate the MINLP with "elastic" constraints (i.e., adding slacks to infeasible constraints and adding a penalty for them in the objective) to ensure that the NLP subproblems are mathematically feasible.1
Add linearization for infeasible NLP subproblems
This will add linearizations derived from the infeasible NLP subproblem to the master problem. This option is recommended to speed up convergence when the MINLP is known to be convex (i.e. its continuous relaxation is convex). The possibility of cutting-off the global optimum is increased if it is used for a nonconvex MINLP.
maxcycles (integer): Maximum number of cycles ↵
The maximum number of cycles or major iterations performed by DICOPT.
mipiterlim (string): List of iteration limits ↵
sets an iteration limit on individual MIP master problems. The last number is valid for all subsequent cycles . A number of indicates that there is no (individual) limit on the corresponding MIP master problem. A global iteration limit is maintained through the GAMS option iterlim. Example:
mipiterlim 10000 -1
The first MIP master problem cannot use more than 10000 iterations, while subsequent MIP master problems are not individually restricted.Example:
mipiterlim 10000
Sets an iteration limit of 10000 on all MIP master problems.When this option is used it is advised to have the option
set to its default of 2. The default for this option is not to restrict iteration counts on individual solves of MIP master problems. The default for this option is not to restrict iteration counts on individual solves of MIP master problems.
mipoptfile (string): List of option files for MIP solver ↵
specifies the option file to be used for the MIP master problems. Several option files can be specified, separated by a blank. If a digit 1
is entered the default option file for the MIP solver in question is being used. The digit0
indicates that no option file is to be used. The last option file is also used for subsequent MIP master problems.Example:
mipoptfile mip.opt mip2.opt 0
This option will cause the first MIP master problem solver to read the option filemip.opt
and the second one to read the option filemip2.opt
; subsequent MIP master problem solvers will not use any option file.Example:
mipoptfile 1
This will cause the MIP solver for all MIP subproblems to read a default option file (e.g.cplex.opt
etc.).Option files are located in the current directory (or the project directory when using the IDE). The default is not to use an option file.
mipreslim (string): List of resource limits ↵
sets a resource (time) limit on individual MIP master problems. The last number is valid for all subsequent cycles . A number means that the corresponding MIP master problem is not individually time restricted. A global time limit is maintained through the GAMS option reslim. Example:
mipreslim -1 10000 -1
The MIP master problem in cycle 2 cannot use more than 100 seconds, while subsequent MIP master problems are not individually restricted.Example:
mipreslim 1000
Sets a time limit on all MIP master problems of 1000 seconds.When this option is used it is advised to have the option
set to its default of 2. The default for this option is not to restrict individually the time a solver can spent on the MIP master problem.
mipsolver (string): List of MIP solvers ↵
This option specifies with MIP solver to use for the MIP master problems.
mipsolver cplex xpress
This instructsDICOPT
to use Cplex for the first MIP and XPRESS for the second and subsequent MIP problems. The last entry may be used for more than one problem.The names to be used for the solvers are the same as one uses in the GAMS statement
. The default is to use the default MIP solver.
Note that changing from one MIP solver to another can lead to different results, and may causeDICOPT
to follow a different path.
nlpiterlim (string): List of iteration limits ↵
sets an iteration limit on individual NLP subproblems. The last number is valid for all subsequent cycles . A number of indicates that there is no (individual) limit on the corresponding NLP subproblem. A global iteration limit is maintained through the GAMS option reslim. Example:
nlpiterlim 1000 -1
The first (relaxed) NLP subproblem cannot use more than 1000 iterations, while subsequent NLP subproblems are not individually restricted.Example:
nlpiterlim 1000
Sets an iteration limit of 1000 on all NLP subproblems.When this option is used it is advised to have the option continue set to its default of 2. This default does not restrict the amount of iterations an NLP solver can spend on an NLP subproblem, other than the global iteration limit.
nlpoptfile (string): List of option files for NLP solver ↵
specifies the option file to be used for the NLP subproblems. Several option files can be specified, separated by a blank. If a digit 1
is entered, the default option file for the NLP solver in question is being used. The digit0
indicates that no option file is to be used. The last option file is also used for subsequent NLP subproblems.Example:
nlpoptfile nlp.opt nlp2.opt 0
This option will cause the first NLP subproblem solver to read the option filenlp.opt
and the second one to read the option filenlp2.opt
; subsequent NLP subproblem solvers will not use any option file.Example:
nlpoptfile 1
This will cause the NLP solver for all NLP subproblems to read a default option file (e.g.conopt.opt
etc.).Option files are located in the current directory (or the project directory when using the IDE). The default is not to use an option file.
nlpreslim (string): List of resource limits ↵
sets a resource (time) limit on individual NLP subproblems. The last number is valid for all subsequent cycles . A number means that the corresponding NLP subproblem is not individually time restricted. A global time limit is maintained through the GAMS option reslim. Example:
nlpreslim 100 -1
The first (relaxed) NLP subproblem can not use more than 100 seconds, while subsequent NLP subproblems are not individually restricted.Example:
nlpreslim 1000
Sets a time limit of 1000 seconds on all NLP subproblems.When this option is used it is advised to have the option
set to its default of 2. This default does not restrict the time an NLP solver can spend on an NLP subproblem (other than the global resource limit).
nlpsolver (string): List of NLP solvers ↵
. This option specifies which NLP solver to use for the NLP subproblems. Example:
nlpsolver conopt minos snopt
to useCONOPT
for the relaxed NLP, MINOS for the second NLP subproblem, andSNOPT
for the third and subsequent ones. The last entry is used for more than one subproblem: for all subsequent onesDICOPT
will use the last specified solver.The names to be used for the solvers are the same as those used in the GAMS statement
. The default is to use the default NLP solver. Note that changing from one NLP solver to another can lead to different results, and may causeDICOPT
to follow a different path.
nlptracefile (string): Base name of trace files ↵
Name of the files written if the option
is set. Only the stem is needed: if the name is specified asnlptracefile nlptrace
, then files of the formnlptrace.001
, etc. are written. These files contain the settings of the integer variables so that NLP subproblems can be investigated independently ofDICOPT
nlptracelevel (integer): Trace level ↵
This sets the level for NLP tracing, which writes a file for each NLP sub-problem, so that NLP sub-problems can be investigated outside the
environment. See also the option DICOPTnlptracefile "nlptracefile".
By including a trace file in your original problem and changing it into an MINLP problem, the subproblem will be solved directly by an NLP solver. This option only works if the names in the model (names of variables and equations) are exported by GAMS. This can be accomplished by using them
model suffix, as inm.dictfile=1;
. In general it is more convenient to use theCONVERT
solver to generate isolated NLP models (see section Model Debugging).Default:
value meaning 0
No trace info is written
No trace files are written. This is the default.1
GAMS file with fixed integer variables
A GAMS file for each NLP subproblem is written which fixes the discrete variables.2
Include levels of continuous variables
Asnlptracelevel 1
, but in addition level values of the continuous variables are written.3
Include all levels and marginals
Asnlptracelevel 2
, but in addition marginal values for the equations and variables are written.
optca (string): List of OPTCA values ↵
. The absolute optimality criterion for the MIP master problems. The GAMS option optca is ignored, as, by default, DICOPT
wants to solve MIP master problems to optimality. It is possible to stop the MIP solver earlier to allow it to solve a large problem, by specifying a value foroptca
option file. With setting a value foroptca
, the MIP solver is instructed to stop as soon as the gap between the best possible integer solution and the best found integer solution is less than, i.e. stop as soon as
It is possible to specify a differentoptca
value for each cycle. The last numberis valid for all subsequent cycles . Example:
optca 10
Stop the search in all MIP problems as soon as the absolute gap is less than 10.Example:
optca 0 10 0
Sets a nonzerooptca
value of 10 for cycle 2, while all other MIP master problems are solved to optimality.The default is zero.
optcr (string): List of OPTCR values ↵
. The relative optimality criterion for the MIP master problems. The GAMS option optcr is ignored, as by default DICOPT
wants to solve MIP master problems to optimality. To allow it to solve a large problem it is possible to stop the MIP solver earlier by specifying a value foroptca
option file. With setting a value foroptcr
, the MIP solver is instructed to stop as soon as the relative gap between the best possible integer solution and the best found integer solution is less than, i.e., stop as soon as
Note that the relative gap cannot be evaluated if the best possible integer solution is zero. In these cases the absolute optimality criterionoptca
can be used. It is possible to specify a differentoptcr
value for each cycle. The last numberis valid for all subsequent cycles . Example:
optcr 0.1
Stop the search in all the MIP problems as soon as the relative gap is smaller than 10%.Example:
optcr 0 0.01 0
Sets a nonzerooptcr
value of 1% for cycle 2, while all other MIP master problems are solved to optimality.The default is zero.
relaxed (integer): How to start DICOPT ↵
In some cases it may be possible to use a known configuration of the discrete variables. Some users have very difficult problems, where the relaxed problem cannot be solved but where NLP sub-problems with the integer variables fixed are much easier. If a reasonable integer configuration is known in advance in theses cases we can bypass the relaxed NLP and tell
to directly start with this integer configuration. The integer variables need to be specified by the user before the solve statement by assigning values to the levels, as inY.L(I) = INITVAL(I);
value meaning 0
Start with all integers fixed to the starting value
The first NLP sub-problem will be executed with all integer variables fixed to the values specified by the user. If you don't assign a value to an integer variable,it will retain it's current value, which is zero by default1
Start with relaxed NLP
The first NLP problem is the relaxed NLP problem: all integer variables are relaxed between their bounds. This is the default.2
Start with mixture of fixed and relaxed integers
The first NLP subproblem will be executed with some variables fixed and some relaxed. The program distinguishes the fixed from the relaxed variables by comparing the initial values against the bounds and the tolerance allowedEPSX
has a default value of 1.e-3. This can be changed through the option file.
solvelink (integer): Solvelink for NLP and MIP subsolver ↵
This option defines the solvelink used for the NLP and MIP subsolver.
value meaning 1
Call NLP and MIP solver via script 2
Call NLP and MIP solver via module 5
Call NLP and MIP solver in memory
stop (integer): Stopping criterion ↵
This option defines the stopping criterion to be used. The search is always stopped when the (minor) iteration limit (the
option), the resource limit (thereslim
option), or the major iteration limit (see maxcycles) is hit or when the MIP master problem becomes infeasible.
Note: In general a higher number stops earlier, although in some cases stopping rule 2 may terminate the search earlier than rule 1. Section Modeling shows some experiments with these stopping criteria.Default:
value meaning 0
Stop on maxcycles
Do not stop unless an iteration limit, resource limit, or major iteration limit is hit or an infeasible MIP master problem becomes infeasible. This option can be used to verify thatDICOPT
does not stop too early when using one of the other stopping rules. In general it should not be used on production runs, as in generalDICOPT
will often find the optimal solution using one of the more optimistic stopping rules. Do not stop unless an iteration limit, resource limit, or major iteration limit is hit or an infeasible MIP master problem becomes infeasible. This option can be used to verify that DICOPT does not stop too early when using one of the other stopping rules. In general it should not be used on production runs, as in general DICOPT will find often the optimal solution using one of the more optimistic stopping rules.1
Stop on crossover
Stop as soon as the bound defined by the objective of the last MIP master problem is worse or close (w.r.t. GAMS option optcr) to the best NLP solution found (acrossover
occurred). For convex problems this gives a global solution, provided the weights are large enough and optcr is set to 0. This stopping criterion should only be used if it is known or it is very likely that the nonlinear functions are convex. In the case of non-convex problems the bounds of the MIP master problem are not rigorous. Therefore, the global optimum can be cut off with the settingstop 1
Stop on worsening
Stop as soon as the NLP subproblems stop improving. Thisworsening
criterion is a heuristic. For non-convex problems in which valid bounds can not be obtained the heuristic often works very well. Even on convex problems, in many cases it terminates the search very early while providing an optimal or a very good integer solution. The criterion is not checked before major iteration three.3
Stop on crossover or worsening
Stop as soon as a crossover occurs or when the NLP subproblems start to worsen. (This is a combination of 1 and 2).
usexinit (boolean): Use the user initial point as starting point for all NLP solves ↵
weight (real): Penalty parameter, set above 1e20 to disable penalty relaxation ↵
The value of the penalty coefficients.
generates lots of output on the screen. DICOPT
itself and also the NLP and MIP solvers that handle the sub-problems write messages to the screen. The most important part is the last part of the screen output.
In this section we will discuss the output DICOPT
writes to the screen and the listing file using the model procsel.gms
(this model is part of the GAMS model library). A DICOPT
log is written and the reason why DICOPT
terminated is explanied.
--- DICOPT: Checking convergence --- DICOPT: Search stopped on worsening of NLP subproblems --- DICOPT: Log File: Major Major Objective CPU time Itera- Evaluation Solver Step Iter Function (Sec) tions Errors NLP 1 5.35021 0.05 8 0 conopt MIP 1 2.48869 0.28 7 0 cplex NLP 2 1.72097< 0.00 3 0 conopt MIP 2 2.17864 0.22 10 0 cplex NLP 3 1.92310< 0.00 3 0 conopt MIP 3 1.42129 0.22 12 0 cplex NLP 4 1.41100 0.00 8 0 conopt --- DICOPT: Terminating... --- DICOPT: Stopped on NLP worsening The search was stopped because the objective function of the NLP subproblems started to deteriorate. --- DICOPT: Best integer solution found: 1.923099 --- Reading solution for model process *** Status: Normal completion
Notice that the integer solutions are provided by the NLP's except for major iteration one (the first NLP is the relaxed NLP). For all NLP's except the relaxed one the binary variables are fixed, according to a pattern determined by the previous MIP which operates on a linearized model. The integer solutions marked with a ' DICOPT
stops based on its default stopping rule.
Note that if the criterion stop 1
had been used the search would have been terminated at iteration 3. The reason is that the upper bound to the profit predicted by the MIP (1.42129) exceeds the best current NLP solution (1.9231). Since it can be shown that the MINLP involves convex nonlinear functions, 1.9231 is the global optimum and the criterion stop 1
is rigorous.
In case the DICOPT run was not successful, or if one of the subproblems could not be solved, the listing file will contain all the status information provided by the solvers of the subproblems. For each iteration the configuration of the binary variables will also be printed. This extra information can also be requested via the GAMS option:
option sysout = on ;
Special Notes
This section covers some special topics of interest to users of DICOPT
Stopping Rule
Although the default stopping rule behaves quite well in practice there some cases where it terminates too early. In this section we discuss the use of the stopping criteria.
When we run the example procsel.gms
with stopping criterion 0, we see the following DICOPT
--- DICOPT: Starting major iteration 10 --- DICOPT: Search terminated: infeasible MIP master problem --- DICOPT: Log File: Major Major Objective CPU time Itera- Evaluation Solver Step Iter Function (Sec) tions Errors NLP 1 5.35021 0.06 8 0 conopt MIP 1 2.48869 0.16 7 0 cplex NLP 2 1.72097< 0.00 3 0 conopt MIP 2 2.17864 0.10 10 0 cplex NLP 3 1.92310< 0.00 3 0 conopt MIP 3 1.42129 0.11 12 0 cplex NLP 4 1.41100 0.00 8 0 conopt MIP 4 0.00000 0.22 23 0 cplex NLP 5 0.00000 0.00 3 0 conopt MIP 5 -0.27778 0.16 22 0 cplex NLP 6 -0.27778 0.00 3 0 conopt MIP 6 -1.00000 0.16 21 0 cplex NLP 7 -1.00000 0.00 3 0 conopt MIP 7 -1.50000 0.22 16 0 cplex NLP 8 -1.50000 0.00 3 0 conopt MIP 8 -2.50000 0.11 16 0 cplex NLP 9 -2.50000 0.00 3 0 conopt MIP 9 *Infeas* 0.11 0 0 cplex --- DICOPT: Terminating... --- DICOPT: Stopped on infeasible MIP The search was stopped because the last MIP problem was infeasible. DICOPT will not be able to find a better integer solution. --- DICOPT: Best integer solution found: 1.923099 --- Restarting execution --- PROCSEL.GMS(98) 0 Mb --- Reading solution for model process *** Status: Normal completion
This example shows some behavioral features that are not uncommon for other MINLP models. First, DICOPT
often finds the best integer solution in the first few major iterations. Second, in many cases as soon as the NLP's start to give worse integer solution no better integer solution will be found. This observation is the motivation to make stopping option 2, where DICOPT
stops as soon as the NLP's start to deteriorate, the default stopping rule. In this example DICOPT
would have stopped in major iteration 4 (you can verify this in the previous section). In many cases this will give the best integer solution. For this problem, DICOPT
has indeed found the global optimum.
Based on experience with other models, we find that the default stopping rule (stop when the NLP becomes worse) performs well in practice. In many cases it finds the global optimum solution for both convex and non-convex problems. In some cases, however, it may provide a sub-optimal solution. In those cases where you want more reassurance that no good integer solutions are missed you can use one of the other stopping rules.
Changing the MIP or NLP solver can change the path that DICOPT
follows, since the sub-problems may have non-unique solutions. The optimum stopping rule for a particular problem depends on the MIP and NLP solvers used.
The bounds of the MIP master problem are not rigorous in the case of non-convex problems. Therefore, the global optimum can be cut-off with stop 1
. However, this option is the best stopping criterion for convex problems.
Solving the NLP Problems
Using a combination of NLP solvers has been found effective in cases where the relaxed NLP and/or the other NLP sub-problems are very difficult. For example, MINOS
has many more difficulties to establish if a model is infeasible, so one would like to use CONOPT
for NLP subproblems that are either infeasible or barely feasible. The nlpsolver
option can be used to specify the NLP solver to be used for each iteration.
Infeasible NLP sub-problems can be problematic for DICOPT
Those subproblems cannot be used to form a new linearization. Effectively only the current integer configuration is excluded from further consideration by adding appropriate integer cuts, but otherwise an infeasible NLP sub-problem provides no useful information to be used by the DICOPT
algorithm. If your model shows many infeasible NLP sub-problems you can try to use the infeasder
option. Otherwise a strategy that can help is to introduce explicit slack variables and add them with a penalty to the objective function.
Assume your model is of the form:
where elastic
I.e., the variables
Solving the MIP Master Problems
MIP master problems may become expensive to solve when there are many discrete variables. One of the first things to try is to see if a different MIP solver can solve your particular problems more efficiently.
Different formulations can have dramatic impact on the performance of MIP solvers. Therefore it is advised to try out several alternative formulations. The use of priorities can have a big impact on some models. It is possible to specify a nonzero value for OPTCA
in order to prevent the MIP solver from spending an unacceptable long time proving optimality of MIP master problems.
If the MIP master problem is infeasible the DICOPT
solver will terminate. In this case you may want to try the same reformulation discussed in the previous paragraph.
Feasibility Pump
The feasibility pump is similar to the Outer-approximation, but its objective is to completely focus on finding good feasible solutions rather than optimal ones. The main idea of this algorithm is to decompose the original mathematical programming problem in two parts: integer feasibility and constraint feasibility. By solving an MIP subproblem its solution is an integer feasible solution, which may violate the constraints; and by solving a continuous relaxation of the original MINLP (NLP subproblem) the solution is constraint feasible but might not be integral. By minimizing in successive iterations the distance between these two types of solutions it is expected to achieve a solution that is both constraint and integral feasible.
The feasibility pump can be used as a standalone solver for convex MINLP problems. This is achieved by iteratively applying the method, while including a bound to the objective function. This bound is obtained by the best known solution and an epsilon improvement. This will result in the global optimum of a convex MINLP [27]. The drawback of this algorithm is that it may require many iterations, since each time the objective function is restricted to improve only by epsilon.
In DICOPT, the feasibility pump can be applied before the Outer-approximation method by setting option feaspump. In the feasibility pump, large improvements in the objective function are enforced at each iteration (option fp_cutoffdecr). After the method finishes, all the cuts and the best known solution are passed to the Outer-approximation method to prove optimality. More details on the implementation of the feasibility pump in DICOPT can be found in [18].
Model Debugging
In this paragraph we discuss a few techniques that can be helpful in debugging your MINLP model.
- Start with solving the model as an
model. Make sure this model solves reliably before solving it as a properMINLP
model. If you have access to different NLP solvers, make sure theRMINLP
model solves smoothly with all NLP solvers.CONOPT
, especially, can generate useful diagnostics such as Jacobian elements (i.e. matrix elements) that become too large. - Try different NLP and MIP solvers on the subproblems. Example: use the GAMS statement
to solve all NLP subproblem using the solverKNITRO
. - The GAMS option statement
can generate extra solver information that can be helpful for diagnosing problems. - If many of the NLP subproblems are infeasible, add slacks as described in section Solving the NLP Problems.
- Run
in pedantic mode by using theDICOPT
option:CONTINUE 0.
Make sure all NLP subproblems solve to optimality. - Don't allow any nonlinear function evaluation errors, i.e. keep the
limit at zero. See the discussion onDOMLIM
in section The OPTION Statement. - If you have access to another MINLP solver such as AlphaECP, SHOT, or SBB or even global solvers like Antigone or BARON, try to use a different solver on your model. To select another solver (here SBB) use the following GAMS option statement:
- Individual NLP or MIP subproblems can be extracted from the MINLP by using the
solver, which will write a model in scalarGAMS
notation that can then be solved using any GAMS NLP or MIP solver. E.g., to generate the second NLP subproblem, you can use the followingDICOPT
. The model will be written to the fileGAMS.GMS
. A disadvantage of this technique is that some precision is lost due to the fact that files are being written in plain ASCII. The advantage is that you can visually inspect these files and look for possible problems such as poor scaling.