No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CAbstractRunParametersCan be used to store parameters for running a job
 CCheckpointCaptures the state of a Job after the Job.run method has been carried out
 CDatabaseCommunicates data between the Matlab world and the GAMS world
 CDatabaseDomainViolationStores a domain violation information for each symbol in a Database instance
 CEquationRepresentation of an equation symbol in GAMS
 CEquationRecordRepresentation of a single record of a Equation instance
 CGlobalsConstants used by the GAMS Matlab API
 CJobManages the execution of a GAMS program given by GAMS model source
 CModelInstanceModifying a model instance and solving the resulting problem in the most efficient way
 CModelInstanceOptThe ModelInstanceOpt can be used to customize the ModelInstance.solve routine
 CModifierInput to ModelInstance.instantiate
 COptionsManages GAMS options
 CParameterRepresentation of a parameter symbol in GAMS
 CParameterRecordRepresentation of a single record of a Parameter instance
 CPrintStreamPrint stream to write to stdout or file
 CRunParametersRun parameters for Job
 CSetRepresentation of a set symbol in GAMS
 CSetRecordRepresentation of a single record of a Set instance
 CSymbolRepresentation of a symbol in GAMS
 CSymbolDomainViolationDomain violation information for a Symbol instance
 CSymbolRecordRepresentation of a single record of a Symbol instance
 CVariableRepresentation of a variable symbol in GAMS
 CVariableRecordRepresentation of a single record of a Variable instance
 CWorkspaceBase class in the GAMS package
 CWorkspaceInfoInput parameter for the Workspace constructor