Save solver point in GDX file.
string | select |
| Selection of enum options.
integer | value |
| Value of enum options.
static final | EverySolvePointFile = 2 |
| A point GDX file from every solve is to be saved.
static final | EverySolvePointFileScrDir = 4 |
| A point GDX file from every solve is to be saved in the scratch directory.
static final | LastSolvePointFile = 1 |
| A point GDX file from the last solve is to be saved.
static final | LastSolvePointFileScrDir = 3 |
| A point GDX file from the last solve is to be saved in the scratch directory.
static final | NoPointFile = 0 |
| No point GDX file is to be saved.
static final | UndefinedSavePoint = 5 |
| Undefined option.
Save solver point in GDX file.
- See also
- Options